path: root/crafted-pkt/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-07-06crafted-pkt/ test Follow TCP Stream edge casesPeter Wu1-0/+110
For testing various issues such as Code coverage checked with Clang 6.0.0 by building packet-tcp.c with options from # is the command to link with the two profiling options eval $(jq -r '.[] | select(.file | contains("packet-tcp.c")) | .command' compile_commands.json | sed 's/^[^ ]\+/clang -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping/') && time bash llvm-profdata merge -sparse tcp.profraw -o tcp.profdata && llvm-cov show epan/dissectors/CMakeFiles/dissectors.dir/packet-tcp.c.o -instr-profile=tcp.profdata /tmp/wireshark/epan/dissectors/packet-tcp.c -name-regex='check_follow_fragments|follow_tcp_tap_listener' Tested against with log: 1c6dc6d31f (master) Some fixes. 777dac163a Follow Stream: ensure linear performance with many packets b853858e84 tcp: remove repetitive "follow_record->is_server" 98c33f532e tcp: fix Follow TCP Stream with missing (but ACKed) segments 8f4abb0346 tcp: fix Follow TCP Stream for overlapping data 9219c4b1b6 tcp: ignore zero-length payloads for Follow TCP Stream 9499a15a4a Qt: fix wrong Follow Stream text position after changing mode All cases are covered, except for one: 1122| 1| data_offset = follow_info->seq[is_server] - sequence; 1123| 1| if (data_length <= data_offset) { 1124| 0| data_length = 0; 1125| 1| } else { To reach that situation, the IP header probably needs to be modified, or the pcap snaplen/caplen fields. Too much work for now and a visual inspection shows that the case does not hurt, so just go for it.