path: root/tls
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-03-24Add http-chunked-ssl.pcapngPeter Wu1-0/+0
Master keys are available in the capture file comments. This contains a HTTP request and a HTML response without Content-Length over SSL. It is also attached to
2015-03-24Add http-chunked-ssl.pcapngPeter Wu1-0/+0
Master keys are available in the capture file comments. This contains a HTTP request and chunked response over SSL. It is also attached to
2015-03-03Add amqps.pcapng (AMQP over SSL)Peter Wu1-0/+0
Master keys are available in the capture file comments. Installed rabbitmq-server on Ubuntu 14.04 (upgraded halfway to 14.10) and wrote /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config with appriopriate certs: [ {rabbit, [ {ssl_listeners, [5671]}, {ssl_options, [{cacertfile, "/etc/rabbitmq/cert.pem"}, {certfile, "/etc/rabbitmq/cert.pem"}, {keyfile, "/etc/rabbitmq/key.pem"}, {verify, verify_peer}, {fail_if_no_peer_cert, false}]} ]} ]. amqp-tools (amqp-publish, etc.) did not work, so a quick Celery script was used (install python-celery): from celery import Celery app = Celery('tasks', broker='amqp://guest@localhost:5671/') app.conf.update(BROKER_USE_SSL=True) @app.task def add(x, y): return x + y print(add.delay(3, 4))
2015-02-07Add http2-16-ssl.pcapngPeter Wu1-0/+0
Software versions, pre-master keys are available in the capture file comments. For convenience, the versions are: nghttp2/v0.7.3-74-g795a22a spdylay/v1.3.1-16-gf4bcaee openssl/1.0.2 Commands: openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -nodes -keyout server.pem -new \ -out server.pem -subj /CN=localhost socat TCP-LISTEN:4433,reuseaddr,fork TCP-CONNECT: ./nghttpd 4433 server.pem server.pem ./nghttp https://localhost/
2015-01-31Add mysql-ssl-larger.pcapngPeter Wu1-0/+0
Pre-master keys are available in the capture file comments. This selects something from a table and queries 'SHOW VARIABLES' over ethernet (mtu 1500). It demonstrates a TLS record spanning multiple TCP segments.
2015-01-31Add ldap-ssl.pcapngPeter Wu1-0/+0
Pre-master keys are available in the capture file comments. Install slapd 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8 ldap-utils 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8 cd /etc/ldap/ssl openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -x509 -nodes -out slapd.pem -keyout \ slapd.pem -days 3650 -subj /CN='LDAP SSL test/' chown openldap: slapd.pem && chmod 600 slapd.pem cat <<EOF | ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// dn: cn=config add: olcTLSCertificateFile olcTLSCertificateFile: /etc/ldap/ssl/slapd.pem - add: olcTLSCertificateKeyFile olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: /etc/ldap/ssl/slapd.pem EOF /etc/init.d/slapd restart Client: gdb -q -ex break\ gnutls_handshake -ex r --args \ ldapsearch -ZZ ldap:// p session p/x ((gnutls_session_t)$1)->security_parameters->client_random p/x ((gnutls_session_t)$1)->security_parameters->master_secret c
2015-01-31Add pgsql-ssl.pcapngPeter Wu1-0/+0
Pre-master keys are available in the capture file comments. Ubuntu 14.04 server with postgresql-9.3 (assume snakeoil certificates, change listen_addresses='' and restart). Then create user and db: createuser -P test createdb -O test testdb Client: psql postgresql://test:pass@ Capture file contains queries (create table, insert, select).
2015-01-30Add smtp2525-ssl.pcapng (SMTP over port 2525)Peter Wu1-0/+0
premaster secrets is available in capture file comments. Similar to smtp-ssl.pcapng, but running over non-standard port 2525 to exercise "Decode As" functionality.
2015-01-30Add imap-ssl.pcapngPeter Wu1-0/+0
Pre-master keys are available in the capture file comments. Server is Ubuntu 14.04 with dovecot-imapd and port 143 enabled in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-master.conf. Client: openssl s_client -starttls imap -connect localhost:143 Contains "a001 CAPABILITY" followed by renegotiation, "a002 CAPABILITY" and "QUIT".
2015-01-30Add pop-ssl.pcapng (POP3)Peter Wu1-0/+0
Pre-master keys are available in the capture file comments. Server is Ubuntu 14.04 with dovecot-pop3d and port 110 enabled in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-master.conf. Client: openssl s_client -starttls pop3 -connect localhost:110 Contains "POPA" followed by renegotiation, "POPA" and "QUIT".
2015-01-30Add xmpp-ssl.pcapngPeter Wu1-0/+0
Premaster secret is available in capture file comments. Capture file generated with an invalid authentication attempt using TLSv1.2: git clone cd SleekXMPP PYTHONPATH=. \ python examples/ -d -j -p none
2015-01-30Add smtp-ssl.pcapngPeter Wu1-0/+0
premaster secrets is available in capture file comments. Server is Ubuntu 14.04 running Exim 4.82-3ubuntu2 (using GnuTLS) and configured with: /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/examples/exim-gencert echo MAIN_TLS_ENABLE=1 >/etc/exim4/exim4.conf.localmacros Client: sudo socat TCP-LISTEN:25 TCP-CONNECT:... # (port forward) openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect localhost:25 After handshake, I typed "EHLO lekensteyn" and triggered a renegiotation with "R" (which somehow resulted in an error).
2015-01-30Add mysql-ssl.pcapng over TLSv1Peter Wu1-0/+0
pre-master secrets is in capture file comments, certificate is snakeoil. Server is Ubuntu 14.04 VM with MariaDB 5.5.40-0ubuntu0.14.04.1, snakeoil certificate and these my.cnf configs: bind-address= ssl-ca=/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem ssl-cert=/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem ssl-key=/etc/mysql/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key Pre-processing: CREATE USER testuser@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass'; CREATE DATABASE testdb; GRANT ALL ON testdb.* TO test@'%'; Client started with: mysql -utest -ppass -h127.0.0.1 --ssl-ca=ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem The capture contains queries (INSERT, SELECT, deliberate disallowed `USE mysql` and more).
2013-09-14Initial commit of notes, dumps and scriptsPeter Wu14-0/+40203