#!/bin/bash # Detect a local change, sync to build machine and retrieve result when done. A # notification is also send when the build is complete. # # Author: Peter Wu # # Recommendations: # - ssh-agent (add keys before with ssh-add) # - 2 GiB remote storage (builddir is 900 MiB, git tree is 486 MiB) # - Gigabit link between working machine and build machine # - Matching local + remote OS environments to avoid library mismatches. # In my case I run schroot to enter a chroot with matching libs (see # $remotecmd below). # - libnotify for notifications when ready. # # Usage: # $0 [buildhost] [cmake options --] [ninja options] # - buildhost defaults to wireshark-builder (you can use user@host) # - Optional env vars: # * CC, CXX, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS - C/C++ compiler binary/flags # * CXXFLAGS - C++ compiler flags (defaults to CFLAGS) # * EXTRA_CFLAGS - Appended to CFLAGS # * NOCOPY=1 - do not sync the generated binaries back # * B32=1 - build 32-bit (using /usr/lib32) # * force_cmake - Set to non-empty to run cmake before make. # * NOTRIGGER=1 - Do not immediately start building on execution # * BUILDDIR - absolute path on remote and local side for built objects. # LOCAL source dir (on non-volatile storage for reliability) localsrcdir=$HOME/projects/wireshark/ # REMOTE # REMOTE host, is a ssh alias that can be defined in ~/.ssh/config, e.g.: # Host wireshark-builder # User foo # Hostname # use 'localhost' for local builds without using rsync/ssh remotehost=${1:-wireshark-builder} # Remote source dir, it can be volatile (tmpfs) since it is just a copy. On the # local side, it is recommended to create a symlink to the localsrcdir for # debugging purposes remotesrcdir=/tmp/wireshark/ # Remote directory to generate objects, it must also be accessible locally for # easier debugging (can move it as needed). builddir=${BUILDDIR:-/tmp/wsbuild/} CC=${CC:-cc} CXX=${CXX:-c++} # For clang, `-O1` (or `-g`?) seems necessary to get something other than # "". # -O1 -g -gdwarf-4 -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer _default_flags=-fdiagnostics-color if $CC --version | grep -qE 'clang version ([89]|[1-9][0-9])'; then # Require Clang and at least LLD 8.0 to avoid broken binaries and crashes. # https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37303 _default_flags+=\ -fuse-ld=lld else _default_flags+=\ -fuse-ld=gold fi # -fdebug-prefix-map is supported in GCC since 2007 (?), but only in Clang 3.8 # In GDB, use "dir /tmp/wireshark" to add the source directory anyway. # -fmacro-prefix-map and -ffile-prefix-map were added in GCC 8. Hopefully it # becomes available in Clang 8, see https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38135 _default_flags+=" -fdebug-prefix-map=$builddir=" _default_flags+=" -fdebug-prefix-map=$remotesrcdir=" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS-$_default_flags -fno-common}${EXTRA_CFLAGS:+ $EXTRA_CFLAGS}" # Default to use the same CXXFLAGS as CFLAGS (common case) CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS-$CFLAGS}" LIBDIR=/usr/lib # Run with `B32=1 ./sync-build.sh` to build for multilib if [[ ${B32:-} ]]; then LIBDIR=/usr/lib32 CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -m32" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -m32" fi # Override RPATH to allow for relocatable executables. # As extcap/androiddump is located in a subdir, add a special case for that. # This is NOT suitable (safe) for release! If you ever move the "run" directory, # be sure not to have an untrusted "extcap" directory next to it. # This should no longer be necessary once CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN is set. # See https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=15163#c4 RPATH='$ORIGIN:$ORIGIN/../extcap/..' # Set envvar force_cmake=1 to call cmake before every build if [ -n "${force_cmake:-}" ]; then force_cmake=true else force_cmake=false fi # Drop $remotehost shift cmake_options=() ninja_options=() while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if [[ $1 == -- ]]; then cmake_options=("${ninja_options[@]}") shift ninja_options=("$@") break fi ninja_options+=("$1") shift done # PATH is needed for /usr/bin/core_perl/pod2man (PCAP) # ENABLE_QT5=1: install qt5-tools qt5-multimedia on Arch Linux # BUILD_sshdump=1: install libssh on Arch Linux # 32-bit libs on Arch: lib32-libcap lib32-gnutls lib32-krb5 lib32-libnl remotecmd="mysh() { if [ -e /etc/arch-release ]; then # In Arch root, so do a build sh \"\$@\" else # Not in Arch root, so enter chroot to ensure matching libs schroot -c chroot:arch -- sh \"\$@\"; fi }; mysh -c ' PATH=\$PATH:/usr/bin/core_perl; if $force_cmake || [ ! -e $builddir/CMakeCache.txt ]; then mkdir -p $builddir && cd $builddir && set -x && time \ CC=$CC CXX=$CXX \ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=$LIBDIR/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig \ cmake \ -GNinja \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/wsroot \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH=1 \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=$(printf %q "$RPATH") \ -DENABLE_SMI=0 \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DDISABLE_WERROR=1 \ -DENABLE_ASAN=1 \ -DENABLE_UBSAN=1 \ $remotesrcdir \ -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBDIR \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=$(printf %q "$CFLAGS") \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=$(printf %q "$CXXFLAGS") \ -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1 \ $(printf ' %q' "${cmake_options[@]}") fi && time \ ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 \ ninja -C $builddir $(printf ' %q' "${ninja_options[@]}") '" # Touch this file to trigger a build. sync=$(mktemp --tmpdir 'sync-build-XXXXXXXX') monpid= cleanup() { rm -f "$sync" [ -z "$monpid" ] || kill $monpid } trap cleanup EXIT round=0 monitor_changes() { # Wait for changes, but ignore .git/, vim swap files, tests, the # pytest_cache and Python 3 cache directory. # NOTE: you cannot add multiple --exclude options, they must be combined inotifywait -r -m -e close_write \ --exclude='/(\.[^/]+)?\.swp?.$|~$|\/(\.git|test|\.pytest_cache|__pycache__)/' \ "$localsrcdir/" | while read x; do printf '\e[36m%s\e[m\n' "Trigger $((++round)): $x" >&2 touch "$sync" done } ### MAIN ### # For gdb if [ ! -e "${remotesrcdir%%/}" ]; then ln -sv "$localsrcdir" "${remotesrcdir%%/}" fi # In case /tmp/wireshark/ exists but is different. localsrcdir=$remotesrcdir monitor_changes & monpid=$! if [ -z "${NOTRIGGER:-}" ]; then sleep .5 && touch "$sync" & fi echo Waiting... while inotifywait -qq -e close_write "$sync"; do echo Woke up... # Wait for a second in case I save something and want to do a ninja edit. sleep 1 if [[ $remotehost == localhost ]]; then # Do not bother copying files for local builds sh -c "$remotecmd" else # IMPORTANT: do not sync top-level config.h or it will break OOT builds rsync -avi --delete --exclude='.*.sw?' \ -z \ --exclude=/config.h \ --exclude=/compile_commands.json \ --exclude=\*.tar\* \ "$localsrcdir/" "$remotehost:$remotesrcdir/" && ssh -t "$remotehost" "$remotecmd" fi retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then notify-send -- "$(tty) - $(date -R)" "Build broke with $retval" sleep 2 else mkdir -p "$builddir" [[ $remotehost == localhost ]] || [ -n "${NOCOPY:-}" ] || rsync -avi --delete \ -z \ --exclude='.*.sw?' \ --exclude='*.a' \ "$remotehost:$builddir/"{compile_commands.json,config.h} \ "$remotehost:$builddir/run" \ "$builddir/" notify-send -- "$(tty) - $(date -R)" "READY" fi echo Another satisfied customer. NEXT done