-- $Id$ -- 3GPP TS 29.002 V11.5.0 (2012-12) -- 17.6.5 Short message service operations MAP-ShortMessageServiceOperations { itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-ShortMessageServiceOperations (9) version13 (13)} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS sendRoutingInfoForSM, mo-ForwardSM, mt-ForwardSM, reportSM-DeliveryStatus, alertServiceCentre, informServiceCentre, readyForSM, mt-ForwardSM-VGCS ; IMPORTS OPERATION FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects { joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)} systemFailure, dataMissing, unexpectedDataValue, facilityNotSupported, unknownSubscriber, unidentifiedSubscriber, illegalSubscriber, illegalEquipment, teleserviceNotProvisioned, callBarred, subscriberBusyForMT-SMS, sm-DeliveryFailure, messageWaitingListFull, absentSubscriberSM FROM MAP-Errors { itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-Errors (10) version13 (13)} RoutingInfoForSM-Arg, RoutingInfoForSM-Res, MO-ForwardSM-Arg, MO-ForwardSM-Res, MT-ForwardSM-Arg, MT-ForwardSM-Res, ReportSM-DeliveryStatusArg, ReportSM-DeliveryStatusRes, AlertServiceCentreArg, InformServiceCentreArg, ReadyForSM-Arg, ReadyForSM-Res, MT-ForwardSM-VGCS-Arg, MT-ForwardSM-VGCS-Res FROM MAP-SM-DataTypes { itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-SM-DataTypes (16) version13 (13)} ; sendRoutingInfoForSM OPERATION ::= { --Timer m ARGUMENT RoutingInfoForSM-Arg RESULT RoutingInfoForSM-Res ERRORS { systemFailure | dataMissing | unexpectedDataValue | facilityNotSupported | unknownSubscriber | teleserviceNotProvisioned | callBarred | absentSubscriberSM} CODE local:45 } mo-ForwardSM OPERATION ::= { --Timer ml ARGUMENT MO-ForwardSM-Arg RESULT MO-ForwardSM-Res -- optional ERRORS { systemFailure | unexpectedDataValue | facilityNotSupported | sm-DeliveryFailure} CODE local:46 } mt-ForwardSM OPERATION ::= { --Timer ml -- the timer value may be subject to negotiation between GMSC and IP-SM-GW ARGUMENT MT-ForwardSM-Arg RESULT MT-ForwardSM-Res -- optional ERRORS { systemFailure | dataMissing | unexpectedDataValue | facilityNotSupported | unidentifiedSubscriber | illegalSubscriber | illegalEquipment | subscriberBusyForMT-SMS | sm-DeliveryFailure | absentSubscriberSM} CODE local:44 } reportSM-DeliveryStatus OPERATION ::= { --Timer s ARGUMENT ReportSM-DeliveryStatusArg RESULT ReportSM-DeliveryStatusRes -- optional ERRORS { dataMissing | unexpectedDataValue | unknownSubscriber | messageWaitingListFull} CODE local:47 } alertServiceCentre OPERATION ::= { --Timer s ARGUMENT AlertServiceCentreArg RETURN RESULT TRUE ERRORS { systemFailure | dataMissing | unexpectedDataValue} CODE local:64 } informServiceCentre OPERATION ::= { --Timer s ARGUMENT InformServiceCentreArg CODE local:63 } readyForSM OPERATION ::= { --Timer m ARGUMENT ReadyForSM-Arg RESULT ReadyForSM-Res -- optional ERRORS { dataMissing | unexpectedDataValue | facilityNotSupported | unknownSubscriber} CODE local:66 } mt-ForwardSM-VGCS OPERATION ::= { --Timer ml ARGUMENT MT-ForwardSM-VGCS-Arg RESULT MT-ForwardSM-VGCS-Res -- optional ERRORS { systemFailure | unexpectedDataValue } CODE local:21 } END