IN-CS-1-Operations-appendix { ccitt recommendation q 1218 modules(0) cs-1-operations-app(4) version1(0) } -- This module contains additional type definitions for IN CS-1 operations. DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- IMPORTED ROS stuff for Wireshark use -- ROS def's -- Module Remote-Operations-Apdus (H.450.1:02/1998) --Remote-Operations-Apdus {itu-t recommendation h 450 1 version1(0) -- remote-operations-apdus(11)} DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= --BEGIN Component ::= CHOICE { invoke [1] IMPLICIT Invoke, returnResultLast [2] IMPLICIT ReturnResult, returnError [3] IMPLICIT ReturnError, reject [4] IMPLICIT Reject, -- TCAP adds returnResultNotLast to allow for the segmentation of a result. returnResultNotLast [7] IMPLICIT ReturnResult } Invoke ::= SEQUENCE { invokeID InvokeIdType, linkedID [0] IMPLICIT InvokeIdType OPTIONAL, opCode OPERATION, invokeparameter InvokeParameter OPTIONAL } InvokeParameter ::= ANY -- ANY is filled by the single ASN.1 data type following the keyword PARAMETER or the keyword ARGUMENT -- in the type definition of a particular operation. ReturnResult ::= SEQUENCE { invokeID InvokeIdType, resultretres SEQUENCE { opCode OPERATION, returnparameter ReturnResultParameter OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } ReturnResultParameter ::= ANY -- ANY is filled by the single ASN.1 data type following the keyword RESULT in the type definition -- of a particular operation. ReturnError ::= SEQUENCE { invokeID InvokeIdType, errorCode ERROR, parameter ReturnErrorParameter OPTIONAL } ReturnErrorParameter ::= ANY -- ANY is filled by the single ASN.1 data type following the keyword PARAMETER in the type definition -- of a particular error. Reject ::= SEQUENCE { invokeIDRej CHOICE { derivable InvokeIdType, not-derivable NULL }, problem CHOICE { generalProblem [0] IMPLICIT GeneralProblem, invokeProblem [1] IMPLICIT InvokeProblem, returnResultProblem [2] IMPLICIT ReturnResultProblem, returnErrorProblem [3] IMPLICIT ReturnErrorProblem } } InvokeIdType ::= INTEGER (-128..127) OPERATION ::= CHOICE { localValue OperationLocalvalue, globalValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER } LocalErrorcode ::= INAPLocalErrorcode OperationLocalvalue ::= INAPOperationLocalvalue INAPLocalErrorcode ::= INTEGER INAPOperationLocalvalue ::= INTEGER ERROR ::= CHOICE { localValue LocalErrorcode, globalValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER } -- PROBLEMS GeneralProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedComponent (0), mistypedComponent (1), badlyStructuredComponent (2) } InvokeProblem ::= INTEGER { duplicateInvokeID (0), unrecognizedOperation (1), mistypedParameter (2), resourceLimitation (3), initiatingRelease (4), unrecognizedLinkedID (5), linkedResponseUnexpected (6), unexpectedLinkedOperation (7) } ReturnResultProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedInvokeID (0), returnResultUnexpected (1), mistypedParameter (2) } ReturnErrorProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedInvokeID (0), returnErrorUnexpected (1), unrecognizedError (2), unexpectedError (3), mistypedParameter (4) } -- TYPE DEFINITION FOR ADDITIONAL IN CS-1 OPERATIONS -- SCF-SSF operations -- SCF ? SSF -- This operation is used to release a call party connection during a call between two or more parties. --LegIDAlreadyAssigned ::= ERROR -- Indicates that a legID has already been assigned with the requested value. --TooLate ::= ERROR -- Indicates that the operation could not be performed in a timely manner. --UnknownLegID ::= ERROR -- Indicates that the legID does not exist. -- TYPE DEFINITION FOR ADDITIONAL IN CS-1 DATA TYPES -- Argument Data Types AddPartyArg ::= SEQUENCE { originalCallID [0] CallID OPTIONAL, destinationCallID [1] CallID OPTIONAL } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator specific use. AttachArg ::= SEQUENCE { newLegID [0] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, correlationidentifier [1] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator specific use. CallPartyHandlingResultsArg ::= SEQUENCE OF LegInformation ChangePartiesArg ::= SEQUENCE { callID [0] CallID OPTIONAL, targetCallID [1] CallID, legToBeConnectedID [2] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator specific use. DetachArg ::= SEQUENCE { legToBeDetached [0] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, correlationidentifier [1] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator specific use. HoldCallPartyConnectionArg ::= SEQUENCE { callID [0] CallID OPTIONAL, legID [1] LegID } ReconnectArg ::= SEQUENCE { callID [0] CallID OPTIONAL, heldLegID [1] LegID } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator specific use. ReleaseCallPartyConnectionArg ::= SEQUENCE { legToBeReleased [0] LegID, callID [1] CallID OPTIONAL, releaseCause [2] Cause OPTIONAL } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator specific use. Common Data Types CallID ::= INTEGER -- Indicates an identifier to reference an instance of a Call accessible to the SCF. Refer to -- for a description of Call Segment. LegInformation ::= SEQUENCE { legID [0] LegID, legStatus [1] LegStatus } -- Indicates call party information, as defined by a Leg object. This includes a LegID to reference -- each call party, and a LegStatus to indicate whether the call party is connected or not. LegStatus ::= ENUMERATED { connected(0), unconnected(1), pending(2), interacting(3) -- user connected to a resource } -- Indicates the state of the call party. -- OPERATION AND ERROR CODE DEFINITION -- Code point values are for further study. The operations are grouped by the identified ASEs. -- Call party handling ASE addParty AddParty ::= ffs changeParties ChangeParties ::= ffs holdCallPartyConnection HoldCallPartyConnection ::= ffs reconnect Reconnect ::= ffs releaseCallPartyConnection ReleaseCallPartyConnection ::= ffs -- Attach ASE attach Attach ::= ffs detach Detach ::= ffs Extensions ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..10) OF SEQUENCE { type INTEGER, criticality ENUMERATED { ignore (0), abort (1)} DEFAULT ignore , value [1] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING } -- IN-CS-1-Datatypes {itu-t recommendation q 1218 modules(0) cs-1-datatypes(2) version1(0)} ActivateServiceFilteringArg ::= SEQUENCE { filteredCallTreatment [0] FilteredCallTreatment, filteringCharacteristics [1] FilteringCharacteristics, filteringTimeOut [2] FilteringTimeOut, filteringCriteria [3] FilteringCriteria, startTime [4] DateAndTime OPTIONAL, extensions [5] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } AnalysedInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, dialledDigits [1] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartyBusinessGroupID [2] CallingPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, callingPartySubaddress [3] CallingPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroup [4] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroupMember [5] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [6] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, prefix [7] Digits OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [8] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [9] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, routeList [10] RouteList OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [11] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [12] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, featureCode [13] FeatureCode OPTIONAL, accessCode [14] AccessCode OPTIONAL, carrier [15] Carrier OPTIONAL, ... } AnalyseInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE { destinationRoutingAddress [0] DestinationRoutingAddress, alertingPattern [1] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, iSDNAccessRelatedInformation [2] ISDNAccessRelatedInformation OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [3] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, extensions [4] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [5] CallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [6] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, calledPartyNumber [7] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, chargeNumber [8] ChargeNumber OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [9] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, carrier [10] Carrier OPTIONAL, ... } ApplyChargingArg ::= SEQUENCE { aChBillingChargingCharacteristics [0] AChBillingChargingCharacteristics, partyToCharge [2] LegID OPTIONAL, extensions [3] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ApplyChargingReportArg ::= CallResult AssistRequestInstructionsArg ::= SEQUENCE { correlationID [0] CorrelationID, iPAvailable [1] IPAvailable OPTIONAL, iPSSPCapabilities [2] IPSSPCapabilities OPTIONAL, extensions [3] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } CallGapArg ::= SEQUENCE { gapCriteria [0] GapCriteria, gapIndicators [1] GapIndicators, controlType [2] ControlType OPTIONAL, gapTreatment [3] GapTreatment OPTIONAL, extensions [4] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } CallInformationReportArg ::= SEQUENCE { requestedInformationTypeList [0] RequestedInformationTypeList, correlationID [1] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, extensions [2] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } CallInformationRequestArg ::= SEQUENCE { requestedInformationTypeList [0] RequestedInformationTypeList, correlationID [1] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, extensions [2] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, legID [3] LegID OPTIONAL } CancelArg ::= CHOICE {invokeID [0] InvokeID, allRequests [1] NULL } CancelStatusReportRequestArg ::= SEQUENCE { resourceID [0] ResourceID OPTIONAL, extensions [1] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } CollectedInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, dialledDigits [1] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartyBusinessGroupID [2] CallingPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, callingPartySubaddress [3] CallingPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroup [4] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroupMember [5] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [6] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, prefix [7] Digits OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [8] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [9] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [10] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [11] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, featureCode [12] FeatureCode OPTIONAL, accessCode [13] AccessCode OPTIONAL, carrier [14] Carrier OPTIONAL, ... } CollectInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE { alertingPattern [0] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, numberingPlan [1] NumberingPlan OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [2] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [3] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [4] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [5] CallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, dialledDigits [6] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, ... } ConnectArg ::= SEQUENCE { destinationRoutingAddress [0] DestinationRoutingAddress, alertingPattern [1] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, correlationID [2] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, cutAndPaste [3] CutAndPaste OPTIONAL, forwardingCondition [4] ForwardingCondition OPTIONAL, iSDNAccessRelatedInformation [5] ISDNAccessRelatedInformation OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [6] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, routeList [7] RouteList OPTIONAL, scfID [8] ScfID OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [9] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [10] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, carrier [11] Carrier OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicators [26] ServiceInteractionIndicators OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [27] CallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [28] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [29] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [30] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, ... } ConnectToResourceArg ::= SEQUENCE { resourceAddress CHOICE {ipRoutingAddress [0] IPRoutingAddress, legID [1] LegID, both2 [2] SEQUENCE { ipRoutingAddress [0] IPRoutingAddress, legID [1] LegID}, none [3] NULL}, extensions [4] Extensions OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicators [30] ServiceInteractionIndicators OPTIONAL, ... } DpSpecificCommonParameters ::= SEQUENCE { serviceAddressInformation [0] ServiceAddressInformation, bearerCapability [1] BearerCapability OPTIONAL, calledPartyNumber [2] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [3] CallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [4] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, iPSSPCapabilities [5] IPSSPCapabilities OPTIONAL, iPAvailable [6] IPAvailable OPTIONAL, iSDNAccessRelatedInformation [7] ISDNAccessRelatedInformation OPTIONAL, cGEncountered [8] CGEncountered OPTIONAL, locationNumber [9] LocationNumber OPTIONAL, serviceProfileIdentifier [10] ServiceProfileIdentifier OPTIONAL, terminalType [11] TerminalType OPTIONAL, extensions [12] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, chargeNumber [13] ChargeNumber OPTIONAL, servingAreaID [14] ServingAreaID OPTIONAL, ... } EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg ::= SEQUENCE { assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress [0] AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress, correlationID [1] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, legID [2] LegID OPTIONAL, scfID [3] ScfID OPTIONAL, extensions [4] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, carrier [5] Carrier OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicators [30] ServiceInteractionIndicators OPTIONAL, ... } EventNotificationChargingArg ::= SEQUENCE { eventTypeCharging [0] EventTypeCharging, eventSpecificInformationCharging [1] EventSpecificInformationCharging OPTIONAL, legID [2] LegID OPTIONAL, extensions [3] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, monitorMode [30] MonitorMode DEFAULT notifyAndContinue, ... } EventReportBCSMArg ::= SEQUENCE { eventTypeBCSM [0] EventTypeBCSM, bcsmEventCorrelationID [1] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, eventSpecificInformationBCSM [2] EventSpecificInformationBCSM OPTIONAL, legID [3] LegID OPTIONAL, miscCallInfo [4] MiscCallInfo DEFAULT {messageType request}, extensions [5] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } FurnishChargingInformationArg ::= FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics HoldCallInNetworkArg ::= CHOICE { holdcause [0] HoldCause, empty [1] NULL } InitialDP ::= SEQUENCE { serviceKey [0] ServiceKey OPTIONAL, dialledDigits [1] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, calledPartyNumber [2] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [3] CallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartyBusinessGroupID [4] CallingPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [5] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, callingPartySubaddress [6] CallingPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, cGEncountered [7] CGEncountered OPTIONAL, iPSSPCapabilities [8] IPSSPCapabilities OPTIONAL, iPAvailable [9] IPAvailable OPTIONAL, locationNumber [10] LocationNumber OPTIONAL, miscCallInfo [11] MiscCallInfo OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [12] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, serviceProfileIdentifier [13] ServiceProfileIdentifier OPTIONAL, terminalType [14] TerminalType OPTIONAL, extensions [15] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, triggerType [16] TriggerType OPTIONAL, highLayerCompatibility [23] HighLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicators [24] ServiceInteractionIndicators OPTIONAL, additionalCallingPartyNumber [25] AdditionalCallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, forwardCallIndicators [26] ForwardCallIndicators OPTIONAL, bearerCapability [27] BearerCapability OPTIONAL, eventTypeBCSM [28] EventTypeBCSM OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [29] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [30] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, ... } InitiateCallAttemptArg ::= SEQUENCE { destinationRoutingAddress [0] DestinationRoutingAddress, alertingPattern [1] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, iSDNAccessRelatedInformation [2] ISDNAccessRelatedInformation OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [3] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [4] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicators [29] ServiceInteractionIndicators OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [30] CallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, ... } MidCallArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, calledPartyBusinessGroupID [1] CalledPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, calledPartySubaddress [2] CalledPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, callingPartyBusinessGroupID [3] CallingPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, callingPartySubaddress [4] CallingPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, featureRequestIndicator [5] FeatureRequestIndicator OPTIONAL, extensions [6] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, carrier [7] Carrier OPTIONAL, ... } OAnswerArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, callingPartyBusinessGroupID [1] CallingPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, callingPartySubaddress [2] CallingPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroup [3] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroupMember [4] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [5] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [6] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [7] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, routeList [8] RouteList OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [9] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [10] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } OCalledPartyBusyArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, busyCause [1] Cause OPTIONAL, callingPartyBusinessGroupID [2] CallingPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, callingPartySubaddress [3] CallingPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroup [4] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroupMember [5] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [6] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, prefix [7] Digits OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [8] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [9] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, routeList [10] RouteList OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [11] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [12] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, carrier [13] Carrier OPTIONAL, ... } ODisconnectArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, callingPartyBusinessGroupID [1] CallingPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, callingPartySubaddress [2] CallingPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroup [3] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroupMember [4] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, releaseCause [5] Cause OPTIONAL, routeList [6] RouteList OPTIONAL, extensions [7] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, carrier [8] Carrier OPTIONAL, connectTime [9] Integer4 OPTIONAL, ... } ONoAnswer ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, callingPartyBusinessGroupID [1] CallingPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, callingPartySubaddress [2] CallingPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroup [3] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroupMember [4] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [5] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, prefix [6] Digits OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [7] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [8] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, routeList [9] RouteList OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [10] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [11] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, carrier [12] Carrier OPTIONAL, ... } OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, dialledDigits [1] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartyBusinessGroupID [2] CallingPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, callingPartySubaddress [3] CallingPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroup [4] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroupMember [5] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [6] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [7] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, carrier [8] Carrier OPTIONAL, ... } PlayAnnouncementArg ::= SEQUENCE { informationToSend [0] InformationToSend, disconnectFromIPForbidden [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, requestAnnouncementComplete [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, extensions [3] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE { collectedInfo [0] CollectedInfo, disconnectFromIPForbidden [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, informationToSend [2] InformationToSend OPTIONAL, extensions [3] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } ReceivedInformationArg ::= CHOICE { digitsResponse [0] Digits, iA5Response [1] IA5String } --ReleaseCallArg ::= Cause ReleaseCallArg ::= CHOICE { initialCallSegment Cause , allCallSegments [2] SEQUENCE { releaseCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL } } RequestCurrentStatusReportArg ::= ResourceID RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg ::= SEQUENCE { resourceStatus [0] ResourceStatus, resourceID [1] ResourceID OPTIONAL, extensions [2] Extensions, ... } RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg ::= SEQUENCE { resourceID [0] ResourceID, correlationID [1] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, monitorDuration [2] Duration OPTIONAL, extensions [3] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg ::= SEQUENCE { resourceID [0] ResourceID OPTIONAL, resourceStatus [1] ResourceStatus OPTIONAL, correlationID [2] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, monitorDuration [3] Duration OPTIONAL, extensions [4] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, bearerCapability [5] BearerCapability OPTIONAL, ... } RequestNotificationChargingEvent ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..10) OF SEQUENCE { eventTypeCharging2 [0] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING , monitorMode [1] IMPLICIT MonitorMode, legID [2] LegID OPTIONAL} RequestReportBCSMEventArg ::= SEQUENCE { bcsmEvents [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfBCSMEvents) OF BCSMEvent, bcsmEventCorrelationID [1] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, extensions [2] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ResetTimerArg ::= SEQUENCE { timerID [0] TimerID DEFAULT tssf, timervalue [1] TimerValue, extensions [2] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } RouteSelectFailureArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, dialledDigits [1] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartyBusinessGroupID [2] CallingPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, callingPartySubaddress [3] CallingPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroup [4] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, callingFacilityGroupMember [5] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, failureCause [6] Cause OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [7] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, prefix [8] Digits OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [9] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [10] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, routeList [11] RouteList OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [12] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [13] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, carrier [14] Carrier OPTIONAL, ... } SelectFacilityArg ::= SEQUENCE { alertingPattern [0] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, destinationNumberRoutingAddress [1] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, iSDNAccessRelatedInformation [2] ISDNAccessRelatedInformation OPTIONAL, calledFacilityGroup [3] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, calledFacilityGroupMember [4] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [5] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, extensions [6] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } SelectRouteArg ::= SEQUENCE { destinationRoutingAddress [0] DestinationRoutingAddress, alertingPattern [1] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, correlationID [2] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, iSDNAccessRelatedInformation [3] ISDNAccessRelatedInformation OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [4] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, routeList [5] RouteList OPTIONAL, scfID [6] ScfID OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [7] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [8] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, carrier [9] Carrier OPTIONAL, ... } SendChargingInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE { sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics [0] SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics, partyToCharge [1] LegID, extensions [2] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ServiceFilteringResponseArg ::= SEQUENCE { countersValue [0] CountersValue, filteringCriteria [1] FilteringCriteria, extensions [2] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, responseCondition [3] ResponseCondition OPTIONAL, ... } SpecializedResourceReportArg ::= NULL StatusReportArg ::= SEQUENCE { resourceStatus [0] ResourceStatus OPTIONAL, correlationID [1] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, resourceID [2] ResourceID OPTIONAL, extensions [3] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, reportCondition [4] ReportCondition OPTIONAL, ... } TAnswerArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, calledPartyBusinessGroupID [1] CalledPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, calledPartySubaddress [2] CalledPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, calledFacilityGroup [3] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, calledFacilityGroupMember [4] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, extensions [5] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } TBusyArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, busyCause [1] Cause OPTIONAL, calledPartyBusinessGroupID [2] CalledPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, calledPartySubaddress [3] CalledPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [4] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [5] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [6] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, routeList [7] RouteList OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [8] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [9] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } TDisconnectArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, calledPartyBusinessGroupID [1] CalledPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, calledPartySubaddress [2] CalledPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, calledFacilityGroup [3] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, calledFacilityGroupMember [4] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, releaseCause [5] Cause OPTIONAL, extensions [6] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, connectTime [7] Integer4 OPTIONAL, ... } TermAttemptAuthorizedArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, calledPartyBusinessGroupID [1] CalledPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, calledPartySubaddress [2] CalledPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, callingPartyBusinessGroupID [3] CallingPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [4] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [5] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [6] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, routeList [7] RouteList OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [8] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [9] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } TNoAnswerArg ::= SEQUENCE { dpSpecificCommonParameters [0] DpSpecificCommonParameters, calledPartyBusinessGroupID [1] CalledPartyBusinessGroupID OPTIONAL, calledPartySubaddress [2] CalledPartySubaddress OPTIONAL, calledFacilityGroup [3] FacilityGroup OPTIONAL, calledFacilityGroupMember [4] FacilityGroupMember OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [5] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [6] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [7] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, travellingClassMark [8] TravellingClassMark OPTIONAL, extensions [9] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } -- The Definition of Common Data Types AccessCode ::= LocationNumber -- An access code from a business group dialling plan attendant access codes, access codes to escape -- to the public network, access code to access a private facility/network, and feature access codes. -- Uses the LocationNumber format which is based on the Q.763 Location Number format. -- The Nature of Address indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 00000000). -- The Numbering Plan Indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 000). -- Of local significance. AChBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minAChBillingChargingLength..maxAChBillingChargingLength)) -- The AChBillingChargingCharacteristics parameter specifies the charging related information -- to be provided by the SSF and the conditions on which this information has to be reported -- back to the SCF with the ApplyChargingReport operation. -- Examples of charging related information to be provided by the SSF may be: bulk counter -- values, costs, tariff change and time of charge, time stamps, durations, etc. -- Examples of conditions on which the charging related information are to be reported may be: -- threshold value reached, timer expiration, tariff change, end of connection configuration, etc. AdditionalCallingPartyNumber ::= Digits -- Indicates the Additional Calling Party Number. Refer to Recommendation Q.763 for encoding. AlertingPattern ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (3)) -- Indicates a specific pattern that is used to alert a subscriber (e.g. distinctive ringing, tones, etc.). -- Only applies if SSF is the terminating local exchange for the subscriber. Refer to the Q.931 -- Signal parameter for encoding. ApplicationTimer ::= INTEGER(0..2047) -- Used by the SCF to set a timer in the SSF. The timer is in seconds. AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress ::= Digits -- Indicates the destination address of the SRF for the assist procedure. BCSMEvent ::= SEQUENCE { eventTypeBCSM [0] EventTypeBCSM, monitorMode [1] MonitorMode, legID [2] LegID OPTIONAL, dpSpecificCriteria [30] DpSpecificCriteria OPTIONAL } BearerCapability ::= CHOICE { bearerCap [0] IMPLICIT BearerCap, tmr [1] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(1))} BearerCap ::= OCTET STRING -- Indicates the type of bearer capability connection to the user. For bearerCapability, either -- DSS 1 (Q.931) or the ISUP User Service Information (Q.763) encoding can be used. Refer -- to the Q.763 Transmission Medium Requirement parameter for tmr encoding. -- Indicates the type of bearer capability connection to the user. For bearerCapability, either -- DSS 1 (Q.931) or the ISUP User Service Information (Q.763) encoding can be used. Refer -- to the Q.763 Transmission Medium Requirement parameter for tmr encoding. CalledPartyBusinessGroupID ::= OCTET STRING -- Indicates the business group of the called party. The value of this octet string is network -- operator specific. CalledPartyNumber ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minCalledPartyNumberLength..maxCalledPartyNumberLength)) -- Indicates the Called Party Number. Refer to Recommendation Q.763 for encoding. CalledPartySubaddress ::= OCTET STRING -- Indicates the Called Party Subaddress. Refer to Recommendation Q.931 for encoding. CallingPartyBusinessGroupID ::= OCTET STRING -- Indicates the business group of the calling party. The value of this octet string is network -- operator specific. CallingPartyNumber ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minCallingPartyNumberLength..maxCallingPartyNumberLength)) -- Indicates the Calling Party Number. Refer to Recommendation Q.763 for encoding. CallingPartySubaddress ::= OCTET STRING -- Indicates the Calling Party Subaddress. Refer to Recommendation Q.931 for encoding. CallingPartysCategory ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) -- Indicates the type of calling party (e.g. operator, payphone, ordinary subscriber). -- Refer to Recommendation Q.763 for encoding. CallResult ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minCallResultLength..maxCallResultLength)) -- This parameter provides the SCF with the charging related information previously requested -- using the ApplyCharging operation. This shall include the partyToCharge parameter as -- received in the related ApplyCharging operation to correlate the result to the request. -- The remaining content is network operator specific. -- Examples of charging related information to be provided by the SSF may be: bulk counter values, -- costs, tariff change and time of change, time stamps, durations, etc. -- Examples of conditions on which the charging related information are to be reported may be: -- threshold value reached, timer expiration, tariff change, end of connection configuration, etc. Carrier ::= OCTET STRING -- Contains the carrier selection and carrier ID fields. -- Carrier selection is one octet and is encoded as: -- 00000000 No indication -- 00000001 Selected carrier code pre subscribed and not input by calling party -- 00000010 Selected carrier identification code pre subscribed and input by calling party -- 00000011 Selected carrier identification code pre subscribed, no indication of whether input by calling party -- 00000100 Selected carrier identification code not pre subscribed and input by calling party -- 00000101 -- to Spare -- 11111110 -- 11111111 Reserved -- -- Carrier ID has a one octet field indicating the number of digits followed by the digits encoded using BCD. -- Detailed coding is for further study. It is of local significance and carrying it through the ISUP is for further -- study. Cause ::= OCTET STRING -- Indicates the cause for interface related information. Refer to the Q.763 Cause parameter -- for encoding. CGEncountered ::= ENUMERATED { noCGencountered(0), manualCGencountered(1), scpOverload(2)} -- Indicates the type of automatic call gapping encountered, if any. ChargeNumber ::= LocationNumber -- Information sent in either direction indicating the chargeable number for the call and consisting -- of the odd/even indicator, nature of address indicator, numbering plan indicator, and address signals. -- Uses the LocationNumber format which is based on the Q.763 Location Number format. -- For example, the ChargeNumber may be a third party number to which a call is billed for the 3rd party -- billing service. In this case, the calling party may request operator assistance to charge the call to, -- for example, their home number. ChargingEvent ::= SEQUENCE { eventTypeCharging [0] EventTypeCharging, monitorMode [1] MonitorMode, legID [2] LegID OPTIONAL } -- This parameter indicates the charging event type and corresponding -- monitor mode and LedID. CollectedDigits ::= SEQUENCE { minimumNbOfDigits [0] INTEGER(1..127) DEFAULT 1, maximumNbOfDigits [1] INTEGER(1..127), endOfReplyDigit [2] OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, cancelDigit [3] OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, startDigit [4] OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, firstDigitTimeOut [5] INTEGER(1..127) OPTIONAL, interDigitTimeOut [6] INTEGER(1..127) OPTIONAL, errorTreatment [7] ErrorTreatment DEFAULT reportErrorToScf, interruptableAnnInd [8] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, voiceInformation [9] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, voiceBack [10] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } -- The use of voiceBack is network operator specific. -- The endOfReplyDigit, cancelDigit, and startDigit parameters have been designated as OCTET STRING, -- and are to be encoded as BCD, one digit per octet only, contained -- in the four least significant bits of each OCTET. The usage is service dependent. CollectedInfo ::= CHOICE { collectedDigits [0] CollectedDigits, iA5Information [1] BOOLEAN } ControlType ::= ENUMERATED { sCPOverloaded(0), manuallyInitiated(1), destinationOverload(2) -- other values FFS } CorrelationID ::= Digits -- used by SCF for correlation with a previous operation. Refer to clause 3 for a description of the -- procedures associated with this parameter. CounterAndValue ::= SEQUENCE { counterID [0] CounterID, counterValue [1] Integer4 } CounterID ::= INTEGER(0..99) -- Indicates the counters to be incremented. -- The counterIDs can be addressed by using the last digits of the dialled number. CountersValue ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (0..numOfCounters) OF CounterAndValue CutAndPaste ::= INTEGER(0..22) -- Indicates the number of digits to be deleted. Refer to for additional information. DateAndTime ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (6)) -- Indicates, amongst others, the start time for activate service filtering. Coded as YYMMDDHHMMSS -- with each digit coded BCD. -- The first octet contains YY and the remaining items are sequenced following. -- For example, 1993 September 30th, 12:15:01 would be encoded as: -- Bits HGFE DCBA -- leading octet 3 9 -- 9 0 -- 0 3 -- 2 1 -- 5 1 -- 1 0 DestinationRoutingAddress ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..3) OF CalledPartyNumber -- Indicates the list of Called Party Numbers (primary and alternates). Digits ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minDigitsLength..maxDigitsLength)) -- Indicates the address signalling digits. Refer to the Q.763 Generic Number and Generic Digits parameters -- for encoding. The coding of the subfields 'NumberQualifier' in Generic Number and 'TypeOfDigits' in -- Generic Digits are irrelevant to the INAP, the ASN.1 tags are sufficient to identify the parameter. -- The ISUP format does not allow to exclude these subfields, therefore the value is network operator specific. -- The following parameters should use Generic Number: -- CorrelationID for AssistRequestInstructions, AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress for -- EstablishTemporaryConnection, calledAddressValue for all occurrences, callingAddressValue for all -- occurrences. The following parameters should use Generic Digits: prefix, all -- other CorrelationID occurrences, dialledNumber filtering criteria, callingLineID filtering criteria, lineID -- for ResourceID type, digitResponse for ReceivedInformationArg. DisplayInformation ::= IA5String(SIZE (minDisplayInformationLength..maxDisplayInformationLength)) -- Indicates the display information. DpSpecificCriteria ::= CHOICE { numberOfDigits [0] NumberOfDigits, applicationTimer [1] ApplicationTimer } -- The SCF may specify the number of digits to be collected by the SSF for the CollectedInfo event. -- When all digits are collected, the SSF reports the event to the SCF. -- The SCF may set a timer in the SSF for the No Answer event. If the user does not answer the call -- within the allotted time, the SSF reports the event to the SCF. Duration ::= INTEGER(-2..86400) -- Values are seconds. ErrorTreatment ::= ENUMERATED {reportErrorToScf(0), help(1), repeatPrompt(2) } -- reportErrorToScf means returning the "ImproperCallerResponse" error in the event of an error -- condition during collection of user info. EventSpecificInformationBCSM ::= CHOICE { collectedInfoSpecificInfo [0] SEQUENCE {calledPartynumber [0] CalledPartyNumber, ...}, analyzedInfoSpecificInfo [1] SEQUENCE {calledPartynumber [0] CalledPartyNumber, ...}, routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo [2] SEQUENCE {failureCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, ...}, oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo [3] SEQUENCE {busyCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, ...}, oNoAnswerSpecificInfo [4] SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined ...}, oAnswerSpecificInfo [5] SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined ...}, oMidCallSpecificInfo [6] SEQUENCE {connectTime [0] Integer4 OPTIONAL, ...}, oDisconnectSpecificInfo [7] SEQUENCE {releaseCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, connectTime [1] Integer4 OPTIONAL, ...}, tBusySpecificInfo [8] SEQUENCE {busyCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, ...}, tNoAnswerSpecificInfo [9] SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined ...}, tAnswerSpecificInfo [10] SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined ...}, tMidCallSpecificInfo [11] SEQUENCE {connectTime [0] Integer4 OPTIONAL, ...}, tDisconnectSpecificInfo [12] SEQUENCE {releaseCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, connectTime [1] Integer4 OPTIONAL, ...} } -- Indicates the call related information specific to the event. -- The connectTime indicates the duration between the received answer indication from the called party side -- and the release of the connection for ODisconnect, OException, TDisconnect, or TException events. -- The unit for the connectTime is 100 milliseconds. EventSpecificInformationCharging ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minEventSpecificInformationChargingLength.. maxEventSpecificInformationChargingLength)) -- defined by network operator. -- Indicates the charging related information specific to the event. -- An example data type definition for this parameter is given below: -- chargePulses [0] Integer4, -- chargeMessages [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (min..max)) EventTypeBCSM ::= ENUMERATED { origAttemptAuthorized(1), collectedInfo(2), analysedInformation(3), routeSelectFailure(4), oCalledPartyBusy(5), oNoAnswer(6), oAnswer(7), oMidCall(8), oDisconnect(9), oAbandon(10), termAttemptAuthorized(12), tBusy(13), tNoAnswer(14), tAnswer(15), tMidCall(16), tDisconnect(17), tAbandon(18)} -- Indicates the BCSM detection point event. Refer to for additional information on the -- events. Values origAttemptAuthorized and termAttemptAuthorized can only be used for TDPs. EventTypeCharging ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minEventTypeChargingLength..maxEventTypeChargingLength)) -- This parameter indicates the charging event type. Its content is network operator specific. -- -- An example data type definition for this parameter is given below: -- EventTypeCharging ::= ENUMERATED { -- chargePulses (0), -- chargeMessages (1) -- } FacilityGroup ::= CHOICE { trunkGroupID [0] INTEGER, privateFacilityID [1] INTEGER, huntGroup [2] OCTET STRING, routeIndex [3] OCTET STRING } -- Indicates the particular group of facilities to route the call. huntGroup and routeIndex are encoded as -- network operator specific. FacilityGroupMember ::= INTEGER -- Indicates the specific member of a trunk group or multi-line hunt group. FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minFCIBillingChargingLength..maxFCIBillingChargingLength)) -- This parameter indicates the billing and/or charging characteristics. Its content is network operator -- specific. An example datatype definition for this parameter is given below: -- FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE { -- completeChargingrecord [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE (min..max)), -- correlationID [1] CorrelationID, -- scenario2Dot3 [2] SEQUENCE { -- chargeParty [0] LegID OPTIONAL, -- chargeLevel [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (min..max)) -- OPTIONAL, -- chargeItems [2] SET OF Attribute OPTIONAL -- } -- } -- Depending on the applied charging scenario, the following information elements can be included -- (refer to Q.1214 Appendix II): -- complete charging record (scenario 2.2) -- charge party (scenario 2.3) -- charge level (scenario 2.3) -- charge items (scenario 2.3) -- correlationID (scenario 2.4) FeatureCode ::= LocationNumber -- The two-digit feature code preceded by "*" or "11". -- Uses the LocationNumber format which is based on the Q.763 Location Number format. -- The Nature of Address indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 00000000). -- The Numbering Plan Indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 000). -- Used for stimulus signalling (Q.932). FeatureRequestIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { hold(0), retrieve(1), featureActivation(2), spare1(3), sparen(127)} -- Indicates the feature activated (e.g. a switch-hook flash, feature activation). Spare values reserved -- for future use. FilteredCallTreatment ::= SEQUENCE { sFBillingChargingCharacteristics [0] SFBillingChargingCharacteristics, informationToSend [1] InformationToSend OPTIONAL, maximumNumberOfCounters [2] MaximumNumberOfCounters OPTIONAL, releaseCause [3] Cause OPTIONAL } -- If releaseCause is not present, the default value is the same as the ISUP cause value decimal 31. -- If informationToSend is present, the call will be released after the end of the announcement -- with the indicated or default releaseCause. -- If maximumNumberOfCounters is not present, ServiceFilteringResponse will be sent with -- CountersValue::= SEQUENCE SIZE (0) OF CountersAndValue. FilteringCharacteristics ::= CHOICE { interval1 [0] INTEGER(-1..32000), numberOfCalls [1] Integer4 } -- Indicates the severity of the filtering and the point in time when the ServiceFilteringResponse is to be sent. -- If = interval, every interval of time the next call leads to an InitialDP and a ServiceFilteringResponse is -- sent to the SCF. The interval is specified in seconds. -- If = NumberOfCalls, every N calls the Nth call leads to an InitialDP and a ServiceFilteringResponse -- is sent to the SCF. -- If ActivateServiceFiltering implies several counters - filtering on several dialled numbers -, -- the numberOfCalls would include calls to all the dialled numbers. FilteringCriteria ::= CHOICE { dialledNumber [0] Digits, callingLineID [1] Digits, serviceKey [2] ServiceKey, addressAndService [30] SEQUENCE {calledAddressValue [0] Digits, serviceKey [1] ServiceKey, callingAddressValue [2] Digits OPTIONAL, locationNumber [3] LocationNumber OPTIONAL } } -- In case calledAddressValue is specified, the numbers to be filtered are from calledAddressValue -- up to and including calledAddressValue + maximumNumberOfCounters-1. -- The last two digits of calledAddressvalue can not exceed 100-maximumNumberOfCounters. FilteringTimeOut ::= CHOICE { duration [0] Duration, stopTime [1] DateAndTime } -- Indicates the maximum duration of the filtering. When the timer expires, a ServiceFilteringResponse -- is sent to the SCF. ForwardCallIndicators ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (2)) -- Indicates the Forward Call Indicators. Refer to Recommendation Q.763 for encoding. ForwardingCondition ::= ENUMERATED {busy(0), noanswer(1), any(2)} -- Indicates the condition that must be met to complete the connect. GapCriteria ::= CHOICE { calledAddressValue [0] Digits, gapOnService [2] GapOnService, calledAddressAndService [29] SEQUENCE {calledAddressValue [0] Digits, serviceKey [1] ServiceKey}, callingAddressAndService [30] SEQUENCE {callingAddressValue [0] Digits, serviceKey [1] ServiceKey, locationNumber [2] LocationNumber OPTIONAL } } -- Both calledAddressValue and callingAddressValue can be -- incomplete numbers, in the sense that a limited amount of digits can be given. -- -- For the handling of numbers starting with the same digit string, refer to the detailed procedure -- of the CallGap operation in 3.3. GapOnService ::= SEQUENCE { serviceKey [0] ServiceKey, dpCriteria [1] EventTypeBCSM OPTIONAL } --Recommendation Q.1218 (10/95) GapIndicators ::= SEQUENCE { duration [0] Duration, gapInterval [1] Interval } -- Indicates the gapping characteristics. No gapping when gapInterval equals 0, and gap all calls when -- gapInterval equals 1. GapTreatment ::= CHOICE { informationToSend [0] InformationToSend, releaseCause [1] Cause, both [2] SEQUENCE {informationToSend [0] InformationToSend, releaseCause [1] Cause} } -- The default value for Cause is the same as in ISUP. HighLayerCompatibility ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (highLayerCompatibilityLength)) -- Indicates the teleservice. For encoding, DSS 1 (Q.931) is used. HoldCause ::= OCTET STRING -- defined by network operator. -- Indicates the cause for holding the call. InbandInfo ::= SEQUENCE { messageID [0] MessageID, numberOfRepetitions [1] INTEGER(1..127) OPTIONAL, duration3 [2] INTEGER(0..32767) OPTIONAL, interval [3] INTEGER(0..32767) OPTIONAL } -- Interval is the time in seconds between each repeated announcement. Duration is the total -- amount of time in seconds, including repetitions and intervals. -- The end of announcement is either the end of duration or numberOfRepetitions, whatever comes first. -- Duration with value 0 indicates infinite duration. InformationToSend ::= CHOICE { inbandInfo [0] InbandInfo, tone [1] Tone, displayInformation [2] DisplayInformation } Integer4 ::= INTEGER(0..2147483647) Interval ::= INTEGER(-1..60000) -- Units are milliseconds. A -1 value denotes infinite. InvokeID ::= INTEGER -- Operation invoke identifier. IPAvailable ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minIPAvailableLength..maxIPAvailableLength)) -- defined by network operator. -- Indicates that the resource is available. IPRoutingAddress ::= CalledPartyNumber -- Indicates the routing address for the IP. IPSSPCapabilities ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minIPSSPCapabilitiesLength..maxIPSSPCapabilitiesLength)) -- defined by network operator. -- Indicates the SRF resources available at the SSP. ISDNAccessRelatedInformation ::= OCTET STRING -- Indicates the destination user network interface related information. Refer to the Q.763 Access -- Transport parameter for encoding. LegID ::= CHOICE {sendingSideID [0] LegType, receivingSideID [1] LegType } -- Indicates a reference to a specific party in a call. OPTIONAL denotes network operator specific use -- with a choice of unilateral ID assignment or bilateral ID assignment. -- OPTIONAL for LegID also denotes the following: -- - when only one party exists in the call, this parameter is not needed (as no ambiguity exists); -- - when more than one party exists in the call, one of the following alternatives applies: -- 1. LegID is present and indicates which party is concerned. -- 2. LegID is not present and a default value is assumed (e.g. calling party in the case of the -- ApplyCharging operation). -- Choice between these two alternatives is kept a network operator option. LegType ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) leg1 LegType ::= '01'H leg2 LegType ::= '02'H LocationNumber ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minLocationNumberLength..maxLocationNumberLength)) -- Indicates the Location Number for the calling party. Refer to Recommendation Q.763 (White book) for encoding. MaximumNumberOfCounters ::= INTEGER(1..numOfCounters) MessageID ::= CHOICE { elementaryMessageID [0] Integer4, text [1] SEQUENCE {messageContent [0] IA5String (SIZE (minMessageContentLength.. maxMessageContentLength)), attributes [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (minAttributesLength..maxAttributesLength)) OPTIONAL}, elementaryMessageIDs [29] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfMessageIDs) OF Integer4, variableMessage [30] SEQUENCE {elementaryMessageID [0] Integer4, variableParts [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..5) OF VariablePart} } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator specific use. MiscCallInfo ::= SEQUENCE { messageType [0] ENUMERATED {request(0), notification(1)}, dpAssignment [1] ENUMERATED {individualLine(0), groupBased(1), officeBased(2)} OPTIONAL } -- Indicates detection point related information. MonitorMode ::= ENUMERATED { interrupted(0), notifyAndContinue(1), transparent(2)} -- Indicates the event is relayed and/or processed by the SSP. -- If this parameter is used in the context of charging events, the following definitions apply for the -- handling of charging events: -- Interrupted means that the SSF notifies the SCF of the charging event using -- EventNotificationCharging, does not process the event but discard it. -- NotifyAndContinue means that SSF notifies the SCF of the charging event using -- EventNotificationCharging, and continues processing the event or signal without waiting for SCF -- instructions. Transparent means that the SSF does not notify the SCF of the event. This value is used to -- end the monitoring of a previously requested charging event. Previously requested charging events are -- monitored until ended by a transparent monitor mode, or until the end of the connection configuration. -- For the use of this parameter in the context of BCSM events refer to 3.3.39. NumberingPlan ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) -- Indicates the numbering plan for collecting the user information. Refer to the Q.763 Numbering Plan. -- Indicator field for encoding. NumberOfDigits ::= INTEGER(1..255) -- Indicates the number of digits to be collected OriginalCalledPartyID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minOriginalCalledPartyIDLength..maxOriginalCalledPartyIDLength)) -- Indicates the original called number. Refer to the Q.763 Original Called Number for encoding. RedirectingPartyID ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minRedirectingPartyIDLength..maxRedirectingPartyIDLength)) -- Indicates redirecting number. Refer to the Q.763 Redirecting number for encoding. RedirectionInformation ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (2)) -- Indicates redirection information. Refer to the Q.763 Redirection Information for encoding. ReportCondition ::= ENUMERATED {statusReport(0), timerExpired(1), canceled(2) } -- ReportCondition specifies the cause of sending "StatusReport" operation to the SCF. RequestedInformationList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfInfoItems) OF RequestedInformation RequestedInformationTypeList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfInfoItems) OF RequestedInformationType RequestedInformation ::= SEQUENCE { requestedInformationType [0] RequestedInformationType, requestedInformationValue [1] RequestedInformationValue } RequestedInformationType ::= ENUMERATED { callAttemptElapsedTime(0), callStopTime(1), callConnectedElapsedTime(2), calledAddress(3), releaseCause(30)} RequestedInformationValue ::= CHOICE { callAttemptElapsedTimeValue [0] INTEGER(0..255), callStopTimeValue [1] DateAndTime, callConnectedElapsedTimeValue [2] Integer4, calledAddressValue [3] Digits, releaseCauseValue [30] Cause } -- The callAttemptElapsedTimeValue is specified in seconds. The unit for the -- callConnectedElapsedTimeValue is 100 milliseconds. ResourceID ::= CHOICE { lineID [0] Digits, facilityGroupID [1] FacilityGroup, facilityGroupMemberID [2] INTEGER, trunkGroupID [3] INTEGER } -- Indicates a logical identifier for the physical termination resource. ResourceStatus ::= ENUMERATED {busy(0), idle(1)} ResponseCondition ::= ENUMERATED {intermediateResponse(0), lastResponse(1) -- additional values are for further study. } -- ResponseCondition is used to identify the reason why ServiceFilteringResponse operation is sent. -- intermediateresponse identifies that service filtering is running and the interval time is expired and -- a call is received, or that service filtering is running and the threshold value is reached. -- lastResponse identifies that the duration time is expired and service filtering has been finished or -- that the stop time is met and service filtering has been finished. RouteList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..3) OF OCTET STRING -- Indicates a list of trunk groups or a route index. See Recommendation Q.1214 for additional information on this item. ScfID ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minScfIDLength..maxScfIDLength)) -- defined by network operator. -- Indicates the SCF identifier. SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minSCIBillingChargingLength..maxSCIBillingChargingLength)) -- This parameter indicates the billing and/or charging characteristics. Its content is network operator -- specific. An example datatype definition for this parameter is given below: -- SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE { -- chargeLevel [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE (min..max), -- chargePulses [1] Integer4, -- chargeMessages [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (min..max) -- } -- Depending on the applied charging scenario the following information elements -- can be included (refer to Appendix II/Q.1214): -- chargeLevel (scenario 3.2) -- chargePulses (scenario 3.2) -- chargeMessages (scenario 3.2) ServiceAddressInformation ::= SEQUENCE { serviceKey [0] ServiceKey OPTIONAL, miscCallInfo [1] MiscCallInfo, triggerType [2] TriggerType OPTIONAL } -- Information that represents the result of trigger analysis and allows the SCF to choose the appropriate -- service logic. ServiceInteractionIndicators ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minServiceInteractionIndicatorsLength.. maxServiceInteractionIndicatorsLength)) -- Indicators which are exchanged between SSP and SCP to resolve interactions between IN based services -- and network based services, respectively between different IN based services. -- The contents are network specific and identified as a subject for further study with respect to INAP. -- The following example is listed to illustrate the use of this parameter: -- CallToBeDiverted Allowed/NotAllowed Indicator -- If the CallToBeDiverted indicator is set to NotAllowed, the destination exchange shall not allow any -- divertion on the subjected call. By this, each service can pass the applicable indicators to inform the -- destination exchange of how specific services are to be handled. ServiceKey ::= Integer4 -- Information that allows the SCF to choose the appropriate service logic. ServiceProfileIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING -- Indicates a particular ISDN terminal. Refer to Recommendation Q.932 for encoding. ServingAreaID ::= LocationNumber -- Identifies the local serving area where a network provider operates. Uses the LocationNumber -- format which is based on the Q.763 Location Number format. -- The Nature of Address indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 00000000). -- The Numbering Plan Indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 000). -- Defined by the network operator. SFBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (minSFBillingChargingLength..maxSFBillingChargingLength)) -- This parameter indicates the billing and/or charging characteristics for filtered calls. -- Its content is network operator specific. TerminalType ::= ENUMERATED { unknown(0), dialPulse(1), dtmf(2), isdn(3), isdnNoDtmf(4), spare(16) } -- Identifies the terminal type so that the SCF can specify, to the SRF, the appropriate type of capability -- (voice recognition, DTMF, display capability, etc.). Since present signalling systems do not convey -- terminal type, this parameter applies only at originating or terminating local exchanges. TimerID ::= ENUMERATED {tssf(0) -- others ffs } -- Indicates the timer to be reset. TimerValue ::= Integer4 -- Indicates the timer value (in seconds). Tone ::= SEQUENCE {toneID [0] Integer4, tone-duration [1] Integer4 OPTIONAL } -- The duration specifies the length of the tone in seconds, value 0 indicates infinite duration. TravellingClassMark ::= LocationNumber -- Indicates travelling class mark information. -- Uses the LocationNumber format which is based on the Q.763 Location Number format. -- The Nature of Address indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 00000000). -- The Numbering Plan Indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 000). -- Maximum 2 digits. TriggerType ::= ENUMERATED { featureActivation(0), verticalServiceCode(1), customizedAccess(2), customizedIntercom(3), emergencyService(12), aFR(13), sharedIOTrunk(14), offHookDelay(17), channelSetupPRI(18), tNoAnswer(25), tBusy(26), oCalledPartyBusy(27), oNoAnswer(29), originationAttemptAuthorized(30), oAnswer(31), oDisconnect(32), termAttemptAuthorized(33), tAnswer(34), tDisconnect(35) -- Private (ffs) } -- The type of trigger which caused call suspension -- 4-11: Reserved; 15,16: Reserved; 19-24: Reserved UnavailableNetworkResource ::= ENUMERATED { unavailableResources(0), componentFailure(1), basicCallProcessingException(2), resourceStatusFailure(3), endUserFailure(4) } -- Indicates the network resource that failed. VariablePart ::= CHOICE { integer [0] Integer4, number [1] Digits, -- Generic digits time [2] OCTET STRING(SIZE (2)), -- HH:MM, BCD coded date2 [3] OCTET STRING(SIZE (3)), -- YYMMDD, BCD coded price [4] OCTET STRING(SIZE (4)) } -- Indicates the variable part of the message. -- BCD coded variable parts are encoded as described in the examples below. -- For example, time = 12:15 would be encoded as: -- Bits HGFE DCBA -- leading octet 2 1 -- 5 1 -- date = 1993 September 30th would be encoded as: -- Bits HGFE DCBA -- leading octet 3 9 -- 9 0 -- 0 3 --Canceled ::= localValue 0 CancelFailed ::= SEQUENCE { problem [0] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED { unknownOperation (0), tooLate (1), operationNotCancellable (2)}, operation [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER (-128..127)} --::= localValue 1 --ETCFailed ::= localValue 3 --ImproperCallerResponse ::= localValue 4 --MissingCustomerRecord ::= localValue 6 --MissingParameter ::= localValue 7 --parameterOutOfRange ERROR --::= localValue 8 RequestedInfoError ::= ENUMERATED { unknownRequestedInfo (1), requestedInfoNotAvailable (2)} --::= localValue 10 SystemFailure ::= ENUMERATED { unavailableResources (0), componentFailure (1), basicCallProcessingException (2), resourceStatusFailure (3), endUserFailure (4)} TaskRefused ::= ENUMERATED { generic (0), unobtainable (1), congestion (2)} --::= localValue 12 --unavailableResource ERROR -- ::= localValue 13 --unexpectedComponentSequence ERROR -- ::= localValue 14 --unexpectedDataValue ERROR -- ::= localValue 15 --unexpectedParameter ERROR -- ::= localValue 16 --unknownLegID ERROR -- ::= localValue 17- --unknownResource ERROR -- ::= localValue 18 END