-- $Id$ -- Module ServiceAdministration (X.501:08/2005) ServiceAdministration {joint-iso-itu-t ds(5) module(1) serviceAdministration(33) 5} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All -- The types and values defined in this module are exported for use in the other ASN.1 modules contained -- within the Directory Specifications, and for the use of other applications which will use them to access -- Directory services. Other applications may use them for their own purposes, but this will not constrain -- extensions and modifications needed to maintain or improve the Directory service. IMPORTS -- from ITU-T Rec. X.501 | ISO/IEC 9594-2 directoryAbstractService, informationFramework FROM UsefulDefinitions {joint-iso-itu-t ds(5) module(1) usefulDefinitions(0) 5} ATTRIBUTE, AttributeType, CONTEXT, MATCHING-RULE, OBJECT-CLASS, SupportedAttributes, SupportedContexts FROM InformationFramework informationFramework -- from ITU-T Rec. X.511 | ISO/IEC 9594-3 FamilyGrouping, FamilyReturn, HierarchySelections, SearchControlOptions, ServiceControlOptions FROM DirectoryAbstractService directoryAbstractService; -- types SearchRule ::= SEQUENCE { COMPONENTS OF SearchRuleId, serviceType [1] OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, userClass [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, inputAttributeTypes [3] SEQUENCE SIZE (0..MAX) OF RequestAttribute OPTIONAL, attributeCombination [4] AttributeCombination DEFAULT and:{}, outputAttributeTypes [5] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF ResultAttribute OPTIONAL, defaultControls [6] ControlOptions OPTIONAL, mandatoryControls [7] ControlOptions OPTIONAL, searchRuleControls [8] ControlOptions OPTIONAL, familyGrouping [9] FamilyGrouping OPTIONAL, familyReturn [10] FamilyReturn OPTIONAL, relaxation [11] RelaxationPolicy OPTIONAL, additionalControl [12] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF AttributeType OPTIONAL, allowedSubset [13] AllowedSubset DEFAULT '111'B, imposedSubset [14] ImposedSubset OPTIONAL, entryLimit [15] EntryLimit OPTIONAL } SearchRuleId ::= SEQUENCE {id INTEGER, dmdId [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER } AllowedSubset ::= BIT STRING {baseObject(0), oneLevel(1), wholeSubtree(2)} ImposedSubset ::= ENUMERATED {baseObject(0), oneLevel(1), wholeSubtree(2)} RequestAttribute ::= SEQUENCE { attributeType ATTRIBUTE.&id({SupportedAttributes}), includeSubtypes [0] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, selectedValues [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (0..MAX) OF ATTRIBUTE.&Type({SupportedAttributes}{@attributeType}) OPTIONAL, defaultValues [2] SEQUENCE SIZE (0..MAX) OF SEQUENCE {entryType OBJECT-CLASS.&id OPTIONAL, values SEQUENCE OF ATTRIBUTE.&Type({SupportedAttributes}{@attributeType}) } OPTIONAL, contexts [3] SEQUENCE SIZE (0..MAX) OF ContextProfile OPTIONAL, contextCombination [4] ContextCombination DEFAULT and:{}, matchingUse [5] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF MatchingUse OPTIONAL } ContextProfile ::= SEQUENCE { contextType CONTEXT.&id({SupportedContexts}), contextValue SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF CONTEXT.&Assertion({SupportedContexts}{@contextType}) OPTIONAL } ContextCombination ::= CHOICE { context [0] CONTEXT.&id({SupportedContexts}), and [1] SEQUENCE OF ContextCombination, or [2] SEQUENCE OF ContextCombination, not [3] ContextCombination } MatchingUse ::= SEQUENCE { restrictionType MATCHING-RESTRICTION.&id({SupportedMatchingRestrictions}), restrictionValue MATCHING-RESTRICTION.&Restriction ({SupportedMatchingRestrictions}{@restrictionType}) } -- Definition of the following information object set is deferred, perhaps to standardized -- profiles or to protocol implementation conformance statements. The set is required to -- specify a table constraint on the components of SupportedMatchingRestrictions SupportedMatchingRestrictions MATCHING-RESTRICTION ::= {...} AttributeCombination ::= CHOICE { attribute [0] AttributeType, and [1] SEQUENCE OF AttributeCombination, or [2] SEQUENCE OF AttributeCombination, not [3] AttributeCombination } ResultAttribute ::= SEQUENCE { attributeType ATTRIBUTE.&id({SupportedAttributes}), outputValues CHOICE {selectedValues SEQUENCE OF ATTRIBUTE.&Type({SupportedAttributes}{@attributeType}), matchedValuesOnly NULL} OPTIONAL, contexts [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF ContextProfile OPTIONAL } ControlOptions ::= SEQUENCE { serviceControls [0] ServiceControlOptions DEFAULT {}, searchOptions [1] SearchControlOptions DEFAULT {searchAliases}, hierarchyOptions [2] HierarchySelections OPTIONAL } EntryLimit ::= SEQUENCE {default INTEGER, max INTEGER } RelaxationPolicy ::= SEQUENCE { basic [0] MRMapping DEFAULT {}, tightenings [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF MRMapping OPTIONAL, relaxations [2] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF MRMapping OPTIONAL, maximum [3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- mandatory if tightenings is present minimum [4] INTEGER DEFAULT 1 } MRMapping ::= SEQUENCE { mapping [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF Mapping OPTIONAL, substitution [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF MRSubstitution OPTIONAL } Mapping ::= SEQUENCE { mappingFunction OBJECT IDENTIFIER (CONSTRAINED BY {-- shall be an-- -- object identifier of a mapping-based matching algorithm -- }), level INTEGER DEFAULT 0 } MRSubstitution ::= SEQUENCE { attribute AttributeType, oldMatchingRule [0] MATCHING-RULE.&id OPTIONAL, newMatchingRule [1] MATCHING-RULE.&id OPTIONAL } -- ASN.1 information object classes SEARCH-RULE ::= CLASS { &dmdId OBJECT IDENTIFIER, &serviceType OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, &userClass INTEGER OPTIONAL, &InputAttributeTypes REQUEST-ATTRIBUTE OPTIONAL, &combination AttributeCombination OPTIONAL, &OutputAttributeTypes RESULT-ATTRIBUTE OPTIONAL, &defaultControls ControlOptions OPTIONAL, &mandatoryControls ControlOptions OPTIONAL, &searchRuleControls ControlOptions OPTIONAL, &familyGrouping FamilyGrouping OPTIONAL, &familyReturn FamilyReturn OPTIONAL, &additionalControl AttributeType OPTIONAL, &relaxation RelaxationPolicy OPTIONAL, &allowedSubset AllowedSubset DEFAULT '111'B, &imposedSubset ImposedSubset OPTIONAL, &entryLimit EntryLimit OPTIONAL, &id INTEGER UNIQUE } WITH SYNTAX { DMD ID &dmdId [SERVICE-TYPE &serviceType] [USER-CLASS &userClass] [INPUT ATTRIBUTES &InputAttributeTypes] [COMBINATION &combination] [OUTPUT ATTRIBUTES &OutputAttributeTypes] [DEFAULT CONTROL &defaultControls] [MANDATORY CONTROL &mandatoryControls] [SEARCH-RULE CONTROL &searchRuleControls] [FAMILY-GROUPING &familyGrouping] [FAMILY-RETURN &familyReturn] [ADDITIONAL CONTROL &additionalControl] [RELAXATION &relaxation] [ALLOWED SUBSET &allowedSubset] [IMPOSED SUBSET &imposedSubset] [ENTRY LIMIT &entryLimit] ID &id } REQUEST-ATTRIBUTE ::= CLASS { &attributeType ATTRIBUTE.&id, &SelectedValues ATTRIBUTE.&Type OPTIONAL, &DefaultValues SEQUENCE {entryType OBJECT-CLASS.&id OPTIONAL, values SEQUENCE OF ATTRIBUTE.&Type } OPTIONAL, &contexts SEQUENCE OF ContextProfile OPTIONAL, &contextCombination ContextCombination OPTIONAL, &MatchingUse MatchingUse OPTIONAL, &includeSubtypes BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } WITH SYNTAX { ATTRIBUTE TYPE &attributeType [SELECTED VALUES &SelectedValues] [DEFAULT VALUES &DefaultValues] [CONTEXTS &contexts] [CONTEXT COMBINATION &contextCombination] [MATCHING USE &MatchingUse] [INCLUDE SUBTYPES &includeSubtypes] } RESULT-ATTRIBUTE ::= CLASS { &attributeType ATTRIBUTE.&id, &outputValues CHOICE {selectedValues SEQUENCE OF ATTRIBUTE.&Type, matchedValuesOnly NULL } OPTIONAL, &contexts ContextProfile OPTIONAL } WITH SYNTAX { ATTRIBUTE TYPE &attributeType [OUTPUT VALUES &outputValues] [CONTEXTS &contexts] } MATCHING-RESTRICTION ::= CLASS { &Restriction , &Rules MATCHING-RULE.&id, &id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE }WITH SYNTAX {RESTRICTION &Restriction RULES &Rules ID &id } END -- ServiceAdministration -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D