# - Try to find GThread2 # # Find GThread headers, libraries and the answer to all questions. # # GTHREAD2_FOUND True if GTHREAD2 got found # GTHREAD2_INCLUDE_DIRS Location of GTHREAD2 headers # GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES List of libraries to use GTHREAD2 # # Copyright (c) 2008 Bjoern Ricks # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the New # BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # include( FindPkgConfig ) if( GTHREAD2_MIN_VERSION ) PKG_SEARCH_MODULE( GTHREAD2 gthread-2.0>=${GTHREAD2_MIN_VERSION} ) else() PKG_SEARCH_MODULE( GTHREAD2 gthread-2.0 ) endif() if( GTHREAD2_FOUND ) if( GMODULE2_LIBRARY_DIRS ) LINK_DIRECTORIES( ${GMODULE2_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) endif() else() include( FindWSWinLibs ) if( BUILD_wireshark ) if( ENABLE_GTK3 ) FindWSWinLibs( "gtk3" "GTHREAD2_HINTS" ) else() FindWSWinLibs( "gtk2" "GTHREAD2_HINTS" ) endif() else() message( ERROR "Unsupported build setup" ) endif() find_path( GTHREAD2_INCLUDE_DIRS gthread.h PATH_SUFFIXES glib-2.0 glib GLib.framework/Headers/glib glib-2.0/glib HINTS "${GTHREAD2_HINTS}/include" ) find_library( GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES gthread-2.0 HINTS "${GTHREAD2_HINTS}/lib" ) if( NOT GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES ) # GLib contains GThread in some cases. if( APPLE ) # Fallback as APPLE glib libs already contain this - except # Homebrew which needs the non-Apple setup find_library( GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES glib ) elseif( WIN32 ) find_library( GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES glib-2.0 HINTS "${GTHREAD2_HINTS}/lib" ) endif() endif() include( FindPackageHandleStandardArgs ) find_package_handle_standard_args( GTHREAD2 DEFAULT_MSG GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES GTHREAD2_INCLUDE_DIRS ) if( NOT GTHREAD2_FOUND AND GTHREAD2_FIND_REQUIRED ) message( SEND_ERROR "Package required but not found" ) endif() endif() mark_as_advanced( GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES GTHREAD2_INCLUDE_DIRS )