# # - Find WSWin Libs # Due to the layout of the Wireshark Win support libs, # CMake needs some support to find them # # The function is passed the directory name to search for and the variable # to set in the callers scope. function( FindWSWinLibs _WS_LIB_SEARCH_PATH _LIB_HINT_VAR ) if( WIN32 ) if( ARGN ) set( _PROJECT_LIB_DIR ${ARGN} ) else() if( DEFINED ENV{WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR} ) # The buildbots set WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR but not WIRESHARK_BASE_DIR. file( TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR}" _PROJECT_LIB_DIR ) else() file( TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{WIRESHARK_BASE_DIR}" _WS_BASE_DIR ) set( _PROJECT_LIB_DIR "${_WS_BASE_DIR}/wireshark-${WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM}-libs-2.4" ) endif() endif() file( GLOB _SUBDIR "${_PROJECT_LIB_DIR}/*" ) foreach( _DIR ${_SUBDIR} ) if( IS_DIRECTORY ${_DIR} ) if( "${_DIR}" MATCHES ".*/${_WS_LIB_SEARCH_PATH}" ) set( ${_LIB_HINT_VAR} ${_DIR} PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() endif() endforeach() endif() endfunction()