/* lrexlib_glib.c - Lua binding of GLib Regex library */ /* This is similar to Lrexlib's PCRE implementation, but has been changed * for GLib's pcre implementation, which is different. * * The changes made by me, Hadriel Kaplan, are in the Public Domain, or * under the MIT license if your country does not allow Public Domain. Copyright (c) 2014 Hadriel Kaplan Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * Changes relative to Lrelxib-PCRE: * - No chartables or locale handling * - dfa_exec doesn't take 'ovecsize' nor 'wscount' args * - dfa_exec returns boolean true for partial match, without subcapture info * - named subgroups do not return a table of name-keyed entries, because * GLib doesn't provide a way to learn that information * - there is no 'config()' function, since GLib doesn't offer such info * - the 'flags()' function still works, returning all flags, but two new * functions 'compile_flags()' and 'match_flags()' return just their respective * flags, since GLib has a different and smaller set of such flags, for * regex compile vs. match functions * - Using POSIX character classes against strings with non-ASCII characters * might match high-order characters, because glib always sets PCRE_UCP * even if G_REGEX_RAW is set. For example, '[:alpha;]' and '\w' match certain * non-ASCII bytes. * - obviously quite a bit else is changed to interface to GLib's regex instead * of PCRE, but hopefully those changes aren't visible to user/caller */ #include #include #include #include #include "lua.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "lrexlib.h" extern int Gregex_get_flags (lua_State *L); extern int Gregex_get_compile_flags (lua_State *L); extern int Gregex_get_match_flags (lua_State *L); extern flag_pair gregex_error_flags[]; /* These 2 settings may be redefined from the command-line or the makefile. * They should be kept in sync between themselves and with the target name. */ #ifndef REX_LIBNAME # ifdef LREXLIB_WIRESHARK # define REX_LIBNAME "GRegex" # else # define REX_LIBNAME "rex_glib" # endif #endif #define REX_TYPENAME REX_LIBNAME"_regex" #define ALG_CFLAGS_DFLT G_REGEX_RAW #define ALG_EFLAGS_DFLT 0 static int getcflags (lua_State *L, int pos); #define ALG_GETCFLAGS(L,pos) getcflags(L, pos) #define ALG_NOMATCH(res) ((res) == FALSE) #define ALG_ISMATCH(res) ((res) == TRUE) #define ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n) getSubStartPos(ud,n) #define ALG_SUBEND(ud,n) getSubEndPos(ud,n) #define ALG_SUBLEN(ud,n) (ALG_SUBEND(ud,n) - ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n)) #define ALG_SUBVALID(ud,n) (ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n) >= 0) #define ALG_NSUB(ud) ((int) g_regex_get_capture_count(ud->pr)) #define ALG_PUSHSUB(L,ud,text,n) \ lua_pushlstring (L, (text) + ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n), ALG_SUBLEN(ud,n)) #define ALG_PUSHSUB_OR_FALSE(L,ud,text,n) \ { if ( ALG_SUBVALID(ud,n) ) { ALG_PUSHSUB (L,ud,text,n); } else { lua_pushboolean (L,0); } } #define ALG_PUSHSTART(L,ud,offs,n) lua_pushinteger(L, (offs) + ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n) + 1) #define ALG_PUSHEND(L,ud,offs,n) lua_pushinteger(L, (offs) + ALG_SUBEND(ud,n)) #define ALG_PUSHOFFSETS(L,ud,offs,n) \ (ALG_PUSHSTART(L,ud,offs,n), ALG_PUSHEND(L,ud,offs,n)) #define ALG_BASE(st) 0 #define ALG_PULL /* we define ALG_USERETRY because GLib does expose PCRE's NOTEMPTY and ANCHORED flags */ #define ALG_USERETRY #define VERSION_GLIB (GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION*100 + GLIB_MINOR_VERSION) /* unfortunately GLib doesn't expose cerrtain macros it would be nice to have */ #if VERSION_GLIB >= 234 # define G_REGEX_COMPILE_MASK_234 (G_REGEX_FIRSTLINE | \ G_REGEX_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF | \ G_REGEX_BSR_ANYCRLF | \ G_REGEX_JAVASCRIPT_COMPAT) #else # define G_REGEX_COMPILE_MASK_234 0 #endif /* Mask of all the possible values for GRegexCompileFlags. */ #define G_REGEX_COMPILE_MASK (G_REGEX_CASELESS | \ G_REGEX_MULTILINE | \ G_REGEX_DOTALL | \ G_REGEX_EXTENDED | \ G_REGEX_ANCHORED | \ G_REGEX_DOLLAR_ENDONLY | \ G_REGEX_UNGREEDY | \ G_REGEX_RAW | \ G_REGEX_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE | \ G_REGEX_OPTIMIZE | \ G_REGEX_DUPNAMES | \ G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR | \ G_REGEX_NEWLINE_LF | \ G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CRLF | \ G_REGEX_COMPILE_MASK_234) #if VERSION_GLIB >= 234 # define G_REGEX_MATCH_MASK_234 (G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_BSR_ANYCRLF | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_BSR_ANY | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_PARTIAL_SOFT | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_PARTIAL_HARD | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY_ATSTART) #else # define G_REGEX_MATCH_MASK_234 0 #endif /* Mask of all the possible values for GRegexMatchFlags. */ #define G_REGEX_MATCH_MASK (G_REGEX_MATCH_ANCHORED | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTBOL | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEOL | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_PARTIAL | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CR | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_LF | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CRLF | \ G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_ANY) static int check_eflags(lua_State *L, const int idx, const int def); #define ALG_GETEFLAGS(L,idx) check_eflags(L, idx, ALG_EFLAGS_DFLT) typedef struct { GRegex * pr; GMatchInfo * match_info; GError * error; /* didn't want to put this here, but can't free it otherwise */ int freed; } TGrgx; static void minfo_free(TGrgx* ud) { if (ud->match_info) g_match_info_free (ud->match_info); ud->match_info = NULL; } static void gerror_free(TGrgx* ud) { if (ud->error) g_error_free (ud->error); ud->error = NULL; } static int getSubStartPos(TGrgx* ud, int n) { int start_pos = -1; g_match_info_fetch_pos (ud->match_info, n, &start_pos, NULL); return start_pos; } static int getSubEndPos(TGrgx* ud, int n) { int end_pos = -1; g_match_info_fetch_pos (ud->match_info, n, NULL, &end_pos); return end_pos; } #define TUserdata TGrgx /* TODO: handle named subpatterns somehow */ #if 0 static void do_named_subpatterns (lua_State *L, TGrgx *ud, const char *text); # define DO_NAMED_SUBPATTERNS do_named_subpatterns #endif #include "lrexlib_algo.h" /* Functions ****************************************************************************** */ static int getcflags (lua_State *L, int pos) { switch (lua_type (L, pos)) { case LUA_TNONE: case LUA_TNIL: return ALG_CFLAGS_DFLT; case LUA_TNUMBER: { int res = (int) lua_tointeger (L, pos); if ((res & ~G_REGEX_COMPILE_MASK) != 0) { return luaL_error (L, "GLib Regex compile flag is invalid"); } return res; } case LUA_TSTRING: { const char *s = lua_tostring (L, pos); int res = 0, ch; while ((ch = *s++) != '\0') { if (ch == 'i') res |= G_REGEX_CASELESS; else if (ch == 'm') res |= G_REGEX_MULTILINE; else if (ch == 's') res |= G_REGEX_DOTALL; else if (ch == 'x') res |= G_REGEX_EXTENDED; else if (ch == 'U') res |= G_REGEX_UNGREEDY; } return (int)res; } default: return luaL_typerror (L, pos, "number or string"); } } static int check_eflags(lua_State *L, const int idx, const int def) { int eflags = (int) luaL_optinteger (L, idx, def); if ((eflags & ~G_REGEX_MATCH_MASK) != 0) { return luaL_error (L, "GLib Regex match flag is invalid"); } return eflags; } /* this function is used in algo.h as well */ static int generate_error (lua_State *L, const TGrgx *ud, int errcode) { const char *key = get_flag_key (gregex_error_flags, ud->error->code); (void) errcode; if (key) return luaL_error (L, "error G_REGEX_%s (%s)", key, ud->error->message); else return luaL_error (L, "GLib Regex error: %s (code %d)", ud->error->message, ud->error->code); } static int compile_regex (lua_State *L, const TArgComp *argC, TGrgx **pud) { TGrgx *ud; ud = (TGrgx*)lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (TGrgx)); memset (ud, 0, sizeof (TGrgx)); /* initialize all members to 0 */ lua_pushvalue (L, ALG_ENVIRONINDEX); lua_setmetatable (L, -2); ud->pr = g_regex_new (argC->pattern, (GRegexCompileFlags)(argC->cflags | G_REGEX_RAW), (GRegexMatchFlags)0, &ud->error); if (pud) *pud = ud; if (!ud->pr) return luaL_error (L, "%s (code: %d)", ud->error->message, ud->error->code); return 1; } /* method r:dfa_exec (s, [st], [ef]) */ static void checkarg_dfa_exec (lua_State *L, TArgExec *argE, TGrgx **ud) { *ud = check_ud (L); argE->text = luaL_checklstring (L, 2, &argE->textlen); argE->startoffset = get_startoffset (L, 3, argE->textlen); argE->eflags = ALG_GETEFLAGS (L, 4); } /* unlike PCRE, partial matching won't return the actual substrings/matches */ static int Gregex_dfa_exec (lua_State *L) { TArgExec argE; TGrgx *ud; gboolean res; checkarg_dfa_exec (L, &argE, &ud); gerror_free (ud); res = g_regex_match_all_full (ud->pr, argE.text, (int)argE.textlen, argE.startoffset, (GRegexMatchFlags)argE.eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error); if (ALG_ISMATCH (res)) { int i, start_pos, end_pos; int max = g_match_info_get_match_count (ud->match_info); g_match_info_fetch_pos (ud->match_info, 0, &start_pos, NULL); lua_pushinteger (L, start_pos + 1); /* 1-st return value */ lua_newtable (L); /* 2-nd return value */ for (i=0; imatch_info, i, NULL, &end_pos); /* I don't know why these offsets aren't incremented by 1 to match Lua indexing? */ lua_pushinteger (L, end_pos); lua_rawseti (L, -2, i+1); } lua_pushinteger (L, max); /* 3-rd return value */ minfo_free (ud); return 3; } else if (g_match_info_is_partial_match(ud->match_info)) { lua_pushboolean(L,1); minfo_free (ud); return 1; } else { minfo_free (ud); if (ALG_NOMATCH (res)) return lua_pushnil (L), 1; else return generate_error (L, ud, 0); } } #ifdef ALG_USERETRY static int gmatch_exec (TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE, int retry) { int eflags = retry ? (argE->eflags|G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY|G_REGEX_MATCH_ANCHORED) : argE->eflags; minfo_free (ud); gerror_free (ud); return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen, argE->startoffset, (GRegexMatchFlags)eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error); } #else static int gmatch_exec (TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE) { minfo_free (ud); gerror_free (ud); return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen, argE->startoffset, (GRegexMatchFlags)argE->eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error); } #endif static void gmatch_pushsubject (lua_State *L, TArgExec *argE) { lua_pushlstring (L, argE->text, argE->textlen); } static int findmatch_exec (TGrgx *ud, TArgExec *argE) { minfo_free (ud); gerror_free (ud); return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen, argE->startoffset, (GRegexMatchFlags)argE->eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error); } #ifdef ALG_USERETRY static int gsub_exec (TGrgx *ud, TArgExec *argE, int st, int retry) { int eflags = retry ? (argE->eflags|G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY|G_REGEX_MATCH_ANCHORED) : argE->eflags; minfo_free (ud); gerror_free (ud); return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen, st, (GRegexMatchFlags)eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error); } #else static int gsub_exec (TGrgx *ud, TArgExec *argE, int st) { minfo_free (ud); gerror_free (ud); return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen, st, (GRegexMatchFlags)argE->eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error); } #endif static int split_exec (TGrgx *ud, TArgExec *argE, int offset) { minfo_free (ud); gerror_free (ud); return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen, offset, (GRegexMatchFlags)argE->eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error); } static int Gregex_gc (lua_State *L) { TGrgx *ud = check_ud (L); if (ud->freed == 0) { /* precaution against "manual" __gc calling */ ud->freed = 1; if (ud->pr) g_regex_unref (ud->pr); minfo_free (ud); gerror_free (ud); } return 0; } static int Gregex_tostring (lua_State *L) { TGrgx *ud = check_ud (L); if (ud->freed == 0) lua_pushfstring (L, "%s (%p)", REX_TYPENAME, (void*)ud); else lua_pushfstring (L, "%s (deleted)", REX_TYPENAME); return 1; } static int Gregex_version (lua_State *L) { lua_pushfstring (L, "%d.%d.%d", GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION, GLIB_MINOR_VERSION, GLIB_MICRO_VERSION); return 1; } static const luaL_Reg r_methods[] = { { "exec", algm_exec }, { "tfind", algm_tfind }, /* old name: match */ { "find", algm_find }, { "match", algm_match }, { "dfa_exec", Gregex_dfa_exec }, { "__gc", Gregex_gc }, { "__tostring", Gregex_tostring }, { NULL, NULL } }; static const luaL_Reg r_functions[] = { { "match", algf_match }, { "find", algf_find }, { "gmatch", algf_gmatch }, { "gsub", algf_gsub }, { "split", algf_split }, { "new", algf_new }, { "flags", Gregex_get_flags }, { "compile_flags", Gregex_get_compile_flags }, { "match_flags", Gregex_get_match_flags }, { "version", Gregex_version }, { NULL, NULL } }; /* Open the library */ REX_API int REX_OPENLIB (lua_State *L) { alg_register(L, r_methods, r_functions, "GLib Regex"); return 1; }