------------------------------------------ -- acme_file_reader.lua -- Author: Hadriel Kaplan (hadrielk at yahoo dot com) -- version = 1.0 -- date = 3/3/2014 ------------------------------------------ --[[ This is a Wireshark Lua-based capture file reader. This "capture file" reader reads message logs from Acme Packet (now Oracle) Session Border Controllers, such as sipmsg.log files. There are several variants of the log file format, as well as some changes that can happen based on how the log file is generated and retrieved; for example if it's generated through a 'tail' command, or FTP'ed by a FTP client which adds carriage-returns. This Lua file reader tries to handle such conditions. Note: this script wasn't written to be super-efficient, nor clever. When you've been writing Lua for a while you get used to writing in a different, more elegant fashion than this script is; but other people find it hard to read such Lua code, so I've tried to keep this simpler. Features: -handles sipmsg type logs, sipdns type logs, algd type logs -handles both IPv4 and IPv6, for both UDP and TCP -reads sipmsg logs from 3800, 4250, 4500, 9200, 6300 SBCs -handles logs with extra carriage-returns and linefeeds, such as from certain FTP'ed cases -handles logs generated/copied from a 'tail' command on the SBC ACLI -handles MBCD messages in logs, and puts their decoded ascii description in comments in Wireshark Issues: -for very large logs (many megabytes), it takes a long time (many minutes) -creates fake IP and UDP/TCP headers, which might be misleading -has to guess sometimes, though it hasn't guessed wrong yet as far as I know To-do: - make it use Struct.tohex/fromhex now that we have the Struct library in Wireshark - make it use a linux cooked-mode pseudo-header (see http://wiki.wireshark.org/SLL) - make it use preferences, once I write C-code for Wireshark to do that :) - rewrite some of the pattern searches to use real regex/PCRE instead? It's not in Wireshark yet, but it's coming (see https://code.wireshark.org/review/#/c/332/) Example SIP over UDP message: Aug 26 19:25:10.685 On [5:0] received from REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6501441021660x81000412 From: ;tag=520052-7015560x81000412 To: Call-ID: 680192-4234150x81000412@ CSeq: 247 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 300 Max-Forwards: 70 Authorization: Digest username="public_115",realm="empirix.com",uri="sip:",response="5d61837cc54dc27018a40f2532e622de",nonce="430f6ff09ecd8c3fdfc5430b6e7e437a4cf77057",algorithm=md5 Content-Length: 0 ---------------------------------------- Another one: 2007-03-06 13:38:48.037 OPENED 2007-03-06 13:38:48.037 OPENED 2007-03-06 13:38:48.037 OPENED Mar 6 13:38:54.959 On [1:0] received from OPTIONS sip: SIP/2.0 Accept: application/sdp User-Agent: ABS GW v5.1.0 To: sip: From: sip:;tag=a2a090ade36bb108da70b0c8f7ba02e9 Contact: sip: Call-ID: 8c0296da4a0d9f4d97e1389cd28d2352@ CSeq: 347517161 OPTIONS Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK21feac80fe9a63c1cf2988baa2af0849 Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 ---------------------------------------- Another SIP over UDP (from 9200): File opened. Jun 8 14:34:22.599 UDP[3:0] OPENED Jun 8 14:34:22.616 UDP[6:0] OPENED Jun 8 14:34:49.416 On [6:0] received from REGISTER sip:csp.noklab.net SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK26b7a48d From: sip:34903@csp.noklab.net To: sip:34903@csp.noklab.net Call-ID: 003094c3-a0160002-23aa7e86-29e5808d@ CSeq: 144 REGISTER User-Agent: CSCO/7 Contact: Content-Length: 0 Expires: 3600 ---------------------------------------- Example SIP over TCP message (note it ends in the middle of a header name): Jan 12 00:03:54.700 On received from SIP/2.0 200 OK From: Unavailable ;tag=1200822480 To: 24001900011 ;tag=03c86c0b27df1b1254aeccbc000 Call-ID: 7f6b0887-1d313896-1511da31-b045@ CSe ---------------------------------------- Example SIP Pre and Post-NAT messages: Post-NAT from private encoded: SIP/2.0 302 Moved Temporarily Call-ID: SD27o9f04-fcc63aa885c83e22a1be64cfc210b55e-vjvtv00 CSeq: 2 INVITE From: ;tag=SD27o9f04-10000000-0-1424021314 To: ;tag=10280004-0-1239441202 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5i4ue300dgrdras7q281.1 Server: DC-SIP/1.2 Content-Length: 0 Contact: ---------------------------------------- Pre-NAT to private decode: ACK sip:911@;user=phone;CKE=BSLD-8blt7m3dhnj17 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5i4ue300dgrdras7q281.1 Call-ID: SD27o9f04-fcc63aa885c83e22a1be64cfc210b55e-vjvtv00 CSeq: 2 ACK From: ;tag=SD27o9f04-10000000-0-1424021314 To: ;tag=10280004-0-1239441202 Max-Forwards: 70 ---------------------------------------- Example DNS message: Nov 1 23:03:12.811 On received from DNS Response 3916 flags=8503 q=1 ans=0 auth=1 add=0 net-ttl=0 Q:NAPTR NS:SOA e164 ttl=0 netnumber01 rname=user.netnumber01 ser=223 ref=0 retry=0 exp=0 minttl=0 0000: 0f 4c 85 03 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 37 01 36 .L...........7.6 0010: 01 35 01 34 01 33 01 32 01 31 01 30 01 31 01 32 . 0020: 04 65 31 36 34 00 00 23 00 01 04 65 31 36 34 00 .e164..#...e164. 0030: 00 06 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 33 0b 6e 65 74 6e 75 .........3.netnu 0040: 6d 62 65 72 30 31 00 04 75 73 65 72 0b 6e 65 74 mber01..user.net 0050: 6e 75 6d 62 65 72 30 31 00 00 00 00 df 00 00 00 number01........ 0060: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ............. ---------------------------------------- Example MGCP message (note the IP/UDP headers are in the hex): Mar 1 14:37:26.683 On [0:803] sent to Packet: 0000: 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 00 03 23 0a ad 00 c9 ...........#.... 0010: 45 00 00 a8 23 36 00 00 3c 11 63 fd ac 10 54 8d E...#6..<.c...T. 0020: ac 10 4a 64 09 7b 09 7b 00 94 16 c2 32 35 30 20 ..Jd.{.{....250 250 55363 Connection Deleted P: PS=6551, OS=1048160, PR=6517, OR=1042720, PL=0, JI=1, LA=5, PC/RPS=6466, PC/ROS=1034560, PC/RPL=0, PC/RJI=0 ---------------------------------------- Example MBCD message: Mar 1 14:37:26.672 On sent to 0000: ac 3e fd a8 01 01 77 36 9e 00 37 10 0c 34 4c bc .>....w6..7..4L. 0010: 00 30 23 0c 34 4c bc 00 11 33 00 0e 35 00 04 00 .0#.4L...3..5... 0020: 00 00 00 30 00 04 00 00 00 00 23 0c 34 4c bd 00 ...0......#.4L.. 0030: 11 33 00 0e 35 00 04 00 00 00 00 30 00 04 00 00 .3..5......0.... 0040: 00 00 .. Transaction = 24589982 { Context = 204754108 { Subtract = 204754108 { Audit { Stats, Flow } }, Subtract = 204754109 { Audit { Stats, Flow } } } } ---------------------------------------- ]]---------------------------------------- -- debug printer, set DEBUG to true to enable printing debug info -- set DEBUG2 to true to enable really verbose printing local DEBUG, DEBUG2 = true, false local dprint = function() end local dprint2 = function() end if DEBUG or DEBUG2 then dprint = function(...) print(table.concat({"Lua:", ...}," ")) end if DEBUG2 then dprint2 = dprint end end -- this should be done as a preference setting local ALWAYS_UDP = true local fh = FileHandler.new("Oracle Acme Packet logs", "acme", "A file reader for Oracle Acme Packet message logs such as sipmsg.log","rs") -- There are certain things we have to create fake state/data for, because they -- don't exist in the log file for example to create IP headers we have to create -- fake identification field values, and to create timestamps we have to guess the -- year (and in some cases month/day as well), and for TCP we have to create fake -- connection info, such as sequence numbers. We can't simply have a global static -- variable holding such things, because Wireshark reads the file sequentially at -- first, but then calls seek_read for random packets again and we don't want to -- re-create the fake info again because it will be wrong. So we need to create it -- for each packet and remember what we created for each packet, so that seek_read -- gets the same values. We could store the variables in a big table, keyed by the -- specific header info line for each one; but instead we'll key it off of the file -- position number, since read() sets it for Wireshark and seek_read() gets it from -- Wireshark. So we'll have a set of global statics used during read(), but the -- actual per-packet values will be stored in a table indexed/keyed by the file -- position number. A separate table holds TCP peer connection info as described -- later. -- I said above that this state is "global", but really it can't be global to this -- whole script file, because more than one file can be opened for reading at the -- same time. For example if the user presses the reload button, the capture file -- will be opened for reading before the previous (same) one is closed. So we have -- to store state per-file. The good news is Wireshark gives us a convenient way to -- do that, using the CaptureInfo.private_table attribute/member. We can save a Lua -- table with whatever contents we want, to this private_table member, and get it -- later during the other read/seek_read/cose function calls. -- So to store this per-file state, we're going to use Lua class objects. They're -- just Lua tables that have functions and meta-functions and can be treated like -- objects in terms of syntax/behavior. local State = {} local State_mt = { __index = State } function State.new() local new_class = { -- the new instance -- stuff we need to keep track of to cerate fake info ip_ident = 0, tyear = 0, tmonth = 0, tmin = 0, tsec = 0, tmilli = 0, nstime = NSTime(), -- the following table holds per-packet info -- the key index will be a number - the file position - but it won't be an array type table (too sparse). -- Each packet's entry is a table holding the "static" variables for that packet; this sub-table will be -- an array style instead of hashmap, to reduce size/performance -- This table needs to be cleared whenever the file is closed/opened. packets = {}, -- the following local table holds TCP peer "connection" info, which is basically -- TCP control block (TCB) type information; this is needed to create and keep track -- of fake TCP sockets/headers for messages that went over TCP, for example for fake -- sequence number info. -- The key index for this is the local+remote ip:port strings concatenated. -- The value is a sub-table, array style, holding the most recent sequence numbers. -- This whole table needs to be cleared whenever the file is closed/opened. tcb = {}, } setmetatable( new_class, State_mt ) -- all instances share the same metatable return new_class end -- the indices for the State.packets{} variable sub-tables local IP_IDENT = 1 local TTIME = 2 local LOCAL_SEQ = 3 local REMOTE_SEQ = 4 -- the indices for the State.tcb{} sub-tables local TLOCAL_SEQ = 1 local TREMOTE_SEQ = 2 -- helper functions local char = string.char local floor = math.floor -- takes a Lua number and converts it into a 2-byte string binary (network order) local function dec2bin16(num) return Struct.pack(">I2",num) end -- takes a Lua number and converts it into a 4-byte string binary (network order) local function dec2bin32(num) return Struct.pack(">I4",num) end -- function to skip log info before/between/after messages local delim = "^%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-$" -- words that must be found to be skipped. "File ..." is found in 9200 logs) local skiplist = { " OPENED", " CLOSED", " STARTED", " STOPPED", "^File ", delim } -- pre/post NAT entries local pre_nat_header_pattern = "^Pre%-NAT to private]+)> decode:\r?$" local post_nat_header_pattern = "^Post%-NAT from private]+)> encoded:\r?$" local function skip_ahead(file, line, position) repeat local found = #line == 0 -- will be false unless the line is empty for i, word in ipairs(skiplist) do if line:find(word) then found = true break end end if found then position = file:seek() line = file:read() if not line then return nil end elseif line:find(pre_nat_header_pattern) or line:find(post_nat_header_pattern) then -- skip the whole message found = true repeat line = file:read() until line:find(delim) end until not found return line, position end -- following pattern grabs month, day, hour, min, sec, millisecs local header_time_pattern = "^(%u%l%l) ?(%d%d?) (%d%d?):(%d%d):(%d%d)%.(%d%d%d) On " -- tail'ed file has no month/day local header_tail_time_pattern = "^(%d%d):(%d%d)%.(%d%d%d) On " -- grabs local and remote IPv4:ports (not phy/vlan), and words in between (i.e., "sent to" or "received from") local header_address_pattern = "(%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?):(%d+) (%l+ %l+) (%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?):(%d+) ?\r?$" -- grabs local and remote IPv6:ports (not phy/vlan), and words in between (i.e., "sent to" or "received from") local header_v6address_pattern = "%[([:%x]+)%]:(%d+) (%l+ %l+) %[([:%x]+)%]:(%d+) ?\r?$" -- grabs phy/vlan info local header_phy_pattern = "%[(%d+):(%d+)%]" local SENT = 1 local RECV = 2 local function get_direction(phrase) if #phrase == 7 and phrase:find("sent to") then return SENT elseif #phrase == 13 and phrase:find("received from") then return RECV end dprint("direction phrase not found") return nil end -- monthlist table for getting month number value from 3-char name (number is table index) local monthlist = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"} -- Compute the difference in seconds between local time and UTC -- from http://lua-users.org/wiki/TimeZone local function get_timezone() local now = os.time() return os.difftime(now, os.time(os.date("!*t", now))) end local timezone = get_timezone() function State:get_timestamp(line, file_position, seeking) local i, line_pos, month, day, hour, min, sec, milli = line:find(header_time_pattern) if not month then return end if seeking then -- we've seen this packet before, just go get the saved timestamp sec = self.packets[file_position][TTIME] if not sec then dprint("failed to get saved timestamp for packet at position:", file_position) return end return sec, line_pos end -- find the month's number for index, name in ipairs(monthlist) do if month == name then month = index break end end if type(month) ~= "number" then return end day = tonumber(day) hour = tonumber(hour) min = tonumber(min) sec = tonumber(sec) milli = tonumber(milli) if not day or not hour or not min or not sec or not milli then dprint("timestamp could not be determined") return nil end -- we don't know what year the log file was created, so we have to guess -- if we guess the current system year, then a log of December loaded in January will appear wrong, -- as will a log file which lasts over new year -- so we're going to check the current system month, and if it's less than the log file's then we'll -- assume the log file started last year; if the system month is larger or equal, then we'll assume the log -- file is of this year. We only do this checking once per file. if self.tyear == 0 then local curr_year, curr_month = tonumber(os.date("%Y")), tonumber(os.date("%m")) if curr_month < month then -- use last year if curr_year > 0 then curr_year = curr_year - 1 end end self.tyear = curr_year end -- if this message's month is less than previous message's, then year wrapped if month < self.tmonth then self.tyear = self.tyear + 1 end self.tmonth = month local timet = os.time({ ["year"] = self.tyear, ["month"] = month, ["day"] = day, ["hour"] = hour, ["min"] = min, ["sec"] = sec }) if not timet then dprint("timestamp conversion failed") end timet = timet + timezone -- make an NSTime self.nstime = NSTime(timet, milli * 1000000) self.packets[file_position][TTIME] = self.nstime timet = timet + (milli/1000) dprint2("found time of ", os.date("%c",timet), " with value=",timet) return self.nstime, line_pos end -- get_tail_time() gets a fictitious timestamp starting from 19:00:00 on Dec 31, 1969, and incrementing based -- on the minutes/secs/millisecs seen (i.e., if the minute wrapped then hour increases by 1, etc.). -- this is needed for tail'ed log files, since they don't show month/day/hour function State:get_tail_time(line, file_position, seeking) local i, line_pos, min, sec, milli = line:find(header_tail_time_pattern) if not min then return end if seeking then -- we've seen this packet before, just go get the saved timestamp sec = self.packets[file_position][TTIME] if not sec then dprint("failed to get saved timestamp for packet at position:", file_position) return end return sec, line_pos end min = tonumber(min) sec = tonumber(sec) milli = tonumber(milli) if not min or not sec or not milli then dprint("timestamp could not be determined") return nil end -- get difference in time local tmin, tsec, tmilli, nstime = self.tmin, self.tsec, self.tmilli, self.nstime local ttime = nstime.secs -- min, sec, milli are what the log says this tail'ed packet is -- tmin, tsec, tmilli are what we got from last packet -- nstime is the unix time of that, and ttime is the seconds of that unix time -- if minutes wrapped, or they're equal but seconds wrapped, then handle it as if in the next hour if (min < tmin) or (min == tmin and sec < tsec) or (min == tmin and sec == tsec and milli < tmilli) then -- something wrapped, calculate difference as if in next hour ttime = ttime + (((min * 60) + sec + 3600) - ((tmin * 60) + tsec)) else ttime = ttime + (((min * 60) + sec) - ((tmin * 60) + tsec)) end self.tmin, self.tsec, self.tmilli = min, sec, milli self.nstime = NSTime(ttime, milli * 1000000) self.packets[file_position][TTIME] = self.nstime return self.nstime, line_pos end local hexbin = { ["0"]=0, ["1"]=1, ["2"]=2, ["3"]=3, ["4"]=4, ["5"]=5, ["6"]=6, ["7"]=7, ["8"]=8, ["9"]=9, ["a"]=10, ["b"]=11, ["c"]=12, ["d"]=13, ["e"]=14, ["f"]=15, ["00"]=0, ["01"]=1, ["02"]=2, ["03"]=3, ["04"]=4, ["05"]=5, ["06"]=6, ["07"]=7, ["08"]=8, ["09"]=9, ["0a"]=10, ["0b"]=11, ["0c"]=12, ["0d"]=13, ["0e"]=14, ["0f"]=15, ["10"]=16, ["11"]=17, ["12"]=18, ["13"]=19, ["14"]=20, ["15"]=21, ["16"]=22, ["17"]=23, ["18"]=24, ["19"]=25, ["1a"]=26, ["1b"]=27, ["1c"]=28, ["1d"]=29, ["1e"]=30, ["1f"]=31, ["20"]=32, ["21"]=33, ["22"]=34, ["23"]=35, ["24"]=36, ["25"]=37, ["26"]=38, ["27"]=39, ["28"]=40, ["29"]=41, ["2a"]=42, ["2b"]=43, ["2c"]=44, ["2d"]=45, ["2e"]=46, ["2f"]=47, ["30"]=48, ["31"]=49, ["32"]=50, ["33"]=51, ["34"]=52, ["35"]=53, ["36"]=54, ["37"]=55, ["38"]=56, ["39"]=57, ["3a"]=58, ["3b"]=59, ["3c"]=60, ["3d"]=61, ["3e"]=62, ["3f"]=63, ["40"]=64, ["41"]=65, ["42"]=66, ["43"]=67, ["44"]=68, ["45"]=69, ["46"]=70, ["47"]=71, ["48"]=72, ["49"]=73, ["4a"]=74, ["4b"]=75, ["4c"]=76, ["4d"]=77, ["4e"]=78, ["4f"]=79, ["50"]=80, ["51"]=81, ["52"]=82, ["53"]=83, ["54"]=84, ["55"]=85, ["56"]=86, ["57"]=87, ["58"]=88, ["59"]=89, ["5a"]=90, ["5b"]=91, ["5c"]=92, ["5d"]=93, ["5e"]=94, ["5f"]=95, ["60"]=96, ["61"]=97, ["62"]=98, ["63"]=99, ["64"]=100, ["65"]=101, ["66"]=102, ["67"]=103, ["68"]=104, ["69"]=105, ["6a"]=106, ["6b"]=107, ["6c"]=108, ["6d"]=109, ["6e"]=110, ["6f"]=111, ["70"]=112, ["71"]=113, ["72"]=114, ["73"]=115, ["74"]=116, ["75"]=117, ["76"]=118, ["77"]=119, ["78"]=120, ["79"]=121, ["7a"]=122, ["7b"]=123, ["7c"]=124, ["7d"]=125, ["7e"]=126, ["7f"]=127, ["80"]=128, ["81"]=129, ["82"]=130, ["83"]=131, ["84"]=132, ["85"]=133, ["86"]=134, ["87"]=135, ["88"]=136, ["89"]=137, ["8a"]=138, ["8b"]=139, ["8c"]=140, ["8d"]=141, ["8e"]=142, ["8f"]=143, ["90"]=144, ["91"]=145, ["92"]=146, ["93"]=147, ["94"]=148, ["95"]=149, ["96"]=150, ["97"]=151, ["98"]=152, ["99"]=153, ["9a"]=154, ["9b"]=155, ["9c"]=156, ["9d"]=157, ["9e"]=158, ["9f"]=159, ["a0"]=160, ["a1"]=161, ["a2"]=162, ["a3"]=163, ["a4"]=164, ["a5"]=165, ["a6"]=166, ["a7"]=167, ["a8"]=168, ["a9"]=169, ["aa"]=170, ["ab"]=171, ["ac"]=172, ["ad"]=173, ["ae"]=174, ["af"]=175, ["b0"]=176, ["b1"]=177, ["b2"]=178, ["b3"]=179, ["b4"]=180, ["b5"]=181, ["b6"]=182, ["b7"]=183, ["b8"]=184, ["b9"]=185, ["ba"]=186, ["bb"]=187, ["bc"]=188, ["bd"]=189, ["be"]=190, ["bf"]=191, ["c0"]=192, ["c1"]=193, ["c2"]=194, ["c3"]=195, ["c4"]=196, ["c5"]=197, ["c6"]=198, ["c7"]=199, ["c8"]=200, ["c9"]=201, ["ca"]=202, ["cb"]=203, ["cc"]=204, ["cd"]=205, ["ce"]=206, ["cf"]=207, ["d0"]=208, ["d1"]=209, ["d2"]=210, ["d3"]=211, ["d4"]=212, ["d5"]=213, ["d6"]=214, ["d7"]=215, ["d8"]=216, ["d9"]=217, ["da"]=218, ["db"]=219, ["dc"]=220, ["dd"]=221, ["de"]=222, ["df"]=223, ["e0"]=224, ["e1"]=225, ["e2"]=226, ["e3"]=227, ["e4"]=228, ["e5"]=229, ["e6"]=230, ["e7"]=231, ["e8"]=232, ["e9"]=233, ["ea"]=234, ["eb"]=235, ["ec"]=236, ["ed"]=237, ["ee"]=238, ["ef"]=239, ["f0"]=240, ["f1"]=241, ["f2"]=242, ["f3"]=243, ["f4"]=244, ["f5"]=245, ["f6"]=246, ["f7"]=247, ["f8"]=248, ["f9"]=249, ["fa"]=250, ["fb"]=251, ["fc"]=252, ["fd"]=253, ["fe"]=254, ["ff"]=255 } local function iptobytes(ipaddr) local bytes = { ipaddr:match("(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)") } if not #bytes == 4 then dprint("failed to get ip address bytes for '", ipaddr, "'") return end local ip = "" for i, byte in ipairs(bytes) do ip = ip .. char(tonumber(byte)) end return ip end local function hexword2bin(word) if #word == 4 then return char(hexbin[word:sub(1,2)], hexbin[word:sub(3,4)]) elseif #word == 3 then return char(hexbin[word:sub(1,1)], hexbin[word:sub(2,3)]) elseif #word < 3 then return char(0, hexbin[word]) end return nil -- error end -- convert this 2620:0:60:8ac::102 to its 16-byte binary (=8 of 2-byte words) local NUMWORDS = 8 local function ipv6tobytes(ipaddr) -- start with all 16 bytes being zeroes local words = { "\00\00", "\00\00", "\00\00", "\00\00", "\00\00", "\00\00", "\00\00", "\00\00" } -- now walk from front of ipv6 address string replacing byte numbers above; -- if we hit a "::", then jump to end and do it in reverse local colon_s, colon_e = ipaddr:find("::%x") if colon_s then -- there's a double-colon, so split the string and do the end first, backwards -- get each chunk first local t = {} local index, wordix = 1, NUMWORDS for w in string.gmatch(ipaddr:sub(colon_e - 1), ":(%x+)") do t[index] = hexword2bin(w) index = index + 1 end for ix=index-1, 1, -1 do words[wordix] = t[ix] wordix = wordix - 1 end ipaddr = ipaddr:sub(1, colon_s) end local i = 1 for w in string.gmatch(ipaddr, "(%x+):?") do words[i] = hexword2bin(w) i = i + 1 end if not #words == NUMWORDS then dprint("failed to get IPv6 address bytes for '", ipaddr, "'") return end return table.concat(words) end -- calculates checksum as done for IP, TCP, UDP local function checksum(chunk) local sum = 0 -- take every 2-byte value and add them up for one, two in chunk:gmatch("(.)(.)") do sum = sum + (string.byte(one) * 256) + (string.byte(two)) while floor(sum / 65536) > 0 do -- add carry/overflow value sum = (sum % 65536) + (floor(sum / 65536)) end end -- now get one's complement of that sum = 65535 - sum -- and return it as a 2-byte string return dec2bin16(sum) end ---------------------------------------- -- protocol type number local PROTO_UDP = "\17" local PROTO_TCP = "\06" -- enum local IPv4 = 1 local IPv6 = 2 -- both type enums and header lengths local UDP = 8 local TCP = 20 ---------------------------------------- -- Packet creation/serialization occurs using a Lua class object model -- There's a single base class 'Packet' which has data/methods every packet type has -- 'RawPacket' and 'DataPacket' both derive from 'Packet'. -- 'RawPacket' is for packets which the log file has the raw IP/UDP headers for, -- such as ALG log messages (MGCP/NCS). Since the IP headers are in them, we use those. -- 'DataPacket' is for packets which the log file only has payload data for, and -- we need to create fake IP/UDP or IP/TCP headers for. -- 'BinPacket' and'AsciiPacket' both derive from 'DataPacket'. -- 'BinPacket' is for binary-style logged packets, such as MBCD or DNS, while -- 'AsciiPacket' is for ascii-style ones such as SIP. -- 'DnsPacket' derives from 'BinPacket', for DNS-style logs. -- Each class has a read_data() method, which reads in the packet data, builds the packet, -- and sets the Wireshark buffer. Some classes have a get_data() method which read_data() -- calls, to get the payload data before building a fake packet. -- The base Packet class has a get_hex_data() and get_ascii_data() methods, to get the payload -- in either form, and those base methods are called by get_data() or read_data() of derived -- classes. -- For performance reasons, packet data is read line-by-line into a table (called bufftbl), -- which is concatenated at the end. This avoids Lua building interim strings and garbage -- collecting them. But it makes the code uglier. The get_data()/get_hex_data()/get_ascii_data() -- methods read into this table they get passed, while the read_data() functions handle managing -- the table. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -- The base Packet class, from which others derive -- all Packets have a ptype, timestamp, source and dest address:port, and data -- local Packet = {} local Packet_mt = { __index = Packet } function Packet.new(state, timestamp, direction, source_ip, source_port, dest_ip, dest_port, ptype, ttype, file_position) local new_class = { -- the new instance ["state"] = state, ["timestamp"] = timestamp, ["direction"] = direction, ["source_ip"] = source_ip, ["source_port"] = source_port, ["dest_ip"] = dest_ip, ["dest_port"] = dest_port, ["ptype"] = ptype, ["ttype"] = ttype, ["file_position"] = file_position } setmetatable( new_class, Packet_mt ) -- all instances share the same metatable return new_class end function Packet:set_comment(comment) self["comment"] = comment end function Packet:set_wslua_fields(frame) frame.time = self.timestamp frame.flags = wtap_presence_flags.TS -- for timestamp if self.comment then frame.comment = self.comment frame.flags = frame.flags + wtap_presence_flags.COMMENTS -- comment flag end return true end local packet_hexline_pattern = "^ %x%x%x0: %x%x" function Packet:get_hex_data(file, line, bufftbl, index) local start = index dprint2("Packet:get_hex_data() called") repeat for word in line:gmatch("(%x%x) ") do bufftbl[index] = char(hexbin[word]) index = index + 1 if ((index - start) % 16) == 0 then break end end line = file:read() until not line or not line:find(packet_hexline_pattern) return index - start, line end function Packet:get_ascii_data(file, line, bufftbl, index, only_newline) local bufflen = 0 -- keep tally of total length of payload local found_delim = true dprint2("Packet:get_ascii_data() called") repeat bufftbl[index] = line bufflen = bufflen + #line -- sanity check if line has "\r" at end, and if so only add \n if line:find("\r",-1,true) then bufftbl[index+1] = "\n" bufflen = bufflen + 1 dprint2("Found carriage-return at end of line") elseif only_newline then -- only add a newline bufftbl[index+1] = "\n" bufflen = bufflen + 1 else bufftbl[index+1] = "\r\n" bufflen = bufflen + 2 end index = index + 2 -- read next line now line = file:read() if not line then -- hit eof? found_delim = false break end until line:find(delim) -- get rid of last \r\n, if we found a dashed delimiter, as it's not part of packet if found_delim then bufflen = bufflen - bufftbl[index-1]:len() bufftbl[index-1] = nil end dprint2("Packet:get_ascii_data() returning", bufflen) return bufflen end ---------------------------------------- -- RawPacket class, for packets that the log file contains the whole IP header for, such as algd logs -- local RawPacket = {} local RawPacket_mt = { __index = RawPacket } setmetatable( RawPacket, Packet_mt ) -- make RawPacket inherit from Packet function RawPacket.new(...) local new_class = Packet.new(...) -- the new instance setmetatable( new_class, RawPacket_mt ) -- all instances share the same metatable return new_class end function RawPacket:read_data(file, frame, line, seeking) local bufftbl = {} -- table to hold data bytes local index = 1 -- start at first slot in array -- need to skip "Packet:" line and first 0000: line, it's internal junk line = file:read() line = file:read() dprint2("RawPacket:read_data() getting hex from line='", line, "'") local bufflen, line = self:get_hex_data(file, line, bufftbl, index) if not bufflen or bufflen < 21 then dprint("error getting binary data") return false end -- add remainder as more packet data, but first delete overlap -- see if frag bits are set in IP header, to see if UDP/TCP header exists if self.ptype == IPv4 then -- grab byte with frag flags and first byte of offset local flag = string.byte(bufftbl[7]) -- converts binary character to number local frag_offset = flag % 32 -- masks off upper 3 bits frag_offset = (frag_offset * 256) + string.byte(bufftbl[8]) flag = floor(flag / 224) -- shift right flag = flag % 2 -- mask upper bits if flag == 1 or frag_offset > 0 then -- we have a fragmented IPv4 packet, so no proto header -- only save first 20 bytes (the IP header) for i=bufflen, 21, -1 do bufftbl[i] = nil end bufflen = 20 else -- only save first 20 + proto size bytes local save if bufftbl[10] == PROTO_UDP then save = 28 elseif bufftbl[10] == PROTO_TCP then save = 40 else dprint("failed to fix raw packet overlap") return end for i=bufflen, save+1, -1 do bufftbl[i] = nil end bufflen = save end end -- TODO: IPv6 -- now read in rest of message, if any -- first skip extra empty newline if #line == 0 then line = file:read() end bufflen = bufflen + self:get_ascii_data(file, line, bufftbl, bufflen+1, true) frame.data = table.concat(bufftbl) return true end ---------------------------------------- -- DataPacket class, for packets that the log file contains just the payload data for -- local DataPacket = {} local DataPacket_mt = { __index = DataPacket } setmetatable( DataPacket, Packet_mt ) -- make DataPacket inherit from Packet function DataPacket.new(...) local new_class = Packet.new(...) -- the new instance setmetatable( new_class, DataPacket_mt ) -- all instances share the same metatable return new_class end function DataPacket:set_tcbkey(key) self["tcbkey"] = key return end function DataPacket:build_ipv4_hdr(bufflen, proto, seeking) local len = bufflen + 20 -- 20 byte IPv4 header size -- figure out the ip identification value local ip_ident if seeking then ip_ident = self.state.packets[self.file_position][IP_IDENT] else -- increment ident value self.state.ip_ident = self.state.ip_ident + 1 if self.state.ip_ident == 65536 then self.state.ip_ident = 1 end ip_ident = self.state.ip_ident -- save it for future seeking self.state.packets[self.file_position][IP_IDENT] = ip_ident end -- use a table to concatenate as it's slightly faster that way local hdrtbl = { "\69\00", -- 1=ipv4 and 20 byte header length dec2bin16(len), -- 2=packet length bytes dec2bin16(ip_ident), -- 3=ident field bytes "\00\00\64", -- 4=flags/fragment offset, ttl proto, -- 5=proto "\00\00", -- 6=checksum (using zero for now) iptobytes(self.source_ip), -- 7=source ip iptobytes(self.dest_ip) -- 8=dest ip } -- calc IPv4 header checksum, and set its value hdrtbl[6] = checksum(table.concat(hdrtbl)) return table.concat(hdrtbl) end function DataPacket:build_ipv6_hdr(bufflen, proto) -- use a table to concatenate as it's slightly faster that way local hdrtbl = { "\96\00\00\00", -- 1=ipv6 version, class, label dec2bin16(bufflen), -- 2=packet length bytes proto .. "\64", -- 4=proto, ttl ipv6tobytes(self.source_ip), -- 5=source ip ipv6tobytes(self.dest_ip) -- 6=dest ip } return table.concat(hdrtbl) end -- calculates TCP/UDP header checksums with pseudo-header info function DataPacket:calc_header_checksum(bufftbl, bufflen, hdrtbl, proto) -- first create pseudo IP header if self.ptype == IPv4 then local iphdrtbl = { iptobytes(self.source_ip), -- 1=source ip iptobytes(self.dest_ip), -- 2=dest ip "\00", -- zeros proto, -- proto dec2bin16(bufflen) -- payload length bytes } bufftbl[1] = table.concat(iphdrtbl) elseif self.ptype == IPv6 then local iphdrtbl = { ipv6tobytes(self.source_ip), -- 1=source ip ipv6tobytes(self.dest_ip), -- 2=dest ip "\00\00", -- zeroes dec2bin16(bufflen), -- payload length bytes "\00\00\00", -- zeros proto -- proto } bufftbl[1] = table.concat(iphdrtbl) end -- and pseudo TCP or UDP header bufftbl[2] = table.concat(hdrtbl) -- see if payload is odd length local odd = false if bufflen % 2 == 1 then -- odd number of payload bytes, add zero byte at end odd = true -- remember to undo this bufftbl[#bufftbl+1] = "\00" end local result = checksum(table.concat(bufftbl)) -- remove pseudo-headers bufftbl[1] = nil bufftbl[2] = nil if odd then bufftbl[#bufftbl] = nil end return result end function DataPacket:build_udp_hdr(bufflen, bufftbl) local len = bufflen + 8 -- 8 for size of UDP header local hdrtbl = { dec2bin16(self.source_port), -- 1=source port bytes dec2bin16(self.dest_port), -- 2=dest port bytes dec2bin16(len), -- 3=payload length bytes "\00\00" -- 4=checksum } if bufftbl then -- calc udp checksum (only done for IPv6) hdrtbl[4] = self:calc_header_checksum(bufftbl, len, hdrtbl, PROTO_UDP) end return table.concat(hdrtbl) end function DataPacket:build_tcp_hdr(bufflen, bufftbl, seeking) local len = bufflen + 20 -- 20 for size of TCP header local local_seq, remote_seq if seeking then local_seq = self.state.packets[self.file_position][LOCAL_SEQ] remote_seq = self.state.packets[self.file_position][REMOTE_SEQ] else -- find socket/tcb info for this "stream", create if not found if not self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey] then -- create them self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey] = {} local_seq = 1 remote_seq = 1 self.state.packets[self.file_position][LOCAL_SEQ] = 1 self.state.packets[self.file_position][REMOTE_SEQ] = 1 -- set tcb to next sequence numbers, so that the correct "side" -- acknowledges receiving these bytes if self.direction == SENT then -- this packet is being sent, so local sequence increases next time self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey][TLOCAL_SEQ] = bufflen+1 self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey][TREMOTE_SEQ] = 1 else -- this packet is being received, so remote sequence increases next time -- and local side will acknowldge it next time self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey][TLOCAL_SEQ] = 1 self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey][TREMOTE_SEQ] = bufflen+1 end else -- stream already exists, so send the current tcb seqs and update for next time if self.direction == SENT then -- this packet is being sent, so local sequence increases next time local_seq = self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey][TLOCAL_SEQ] remote_seq = self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey][TREMOTE_SEQ] self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey][TLOCAL_SEQ] = local_seq + bufflen else -- this packet is being received, so the "local" seq number of the packet is the remote's seq really local_seq = self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey][TREMOTE_SEQ] remote_seq = self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey][TLOCAL_SEQ] -- and remote seq needs to increase next time (remember local_seq is TREMOTE_SEQ) self.state.tcb[self.tcbkey][TREMOTE_SEQ] = local_seq + bufflen end self.state.packets[self.file_position][LOCAL_SEQ] = local_seq self.state.packets[self.file_position][REMOTE_SEQ] = remote_seq end end local hdrtbl = { dec2bin16(self.source_port), -- 1=source port bytes dec2bin16(self.dest_port), -- 2=dest port bytes dec2bin32(local_seq), -- 3=sequence dec2bin32(remote_seq), -- 4=ack number "\80\16\255\255", -- 5=offset, flags, window size "\00\00", -- 6=checksum "\00\00" -- 7=urgent pointer } -- calc tcp checksum hdrtbl[6] = self:calc_header_checksum(bufftbl, len, hdrtbl, PROTO_TCP) return table.concat(hdrtbl) end function DataPacket:build_packet(bufftbl, bufflen, seeking) dprint2("DataPacket:build_packet() called with ptype=",self.ptype) if self.ptype == IPv4 then if self.ttype == UDP then bufftbl[2] = self:build_udp_hdr(bufflen) bufftbl[1] = self:build_ipv4_hdr(bufflen + 8, PROTO_UDP, seeking) elseif self.ttype == TCP then bufftbl[2] = self:build_tcp_hdr(bufflen, bufftbl, seeking) bufftbl[1] = self:build_ipv4_hdr(bufflen + 20, PROTO_TCP, seeking) end elseif self.ptype == IPv6 then -- UDP for IPv6 requires checksum calculation, so we can't avoid more work if self.ttype == UDP then bufftbl[2] = self:build_udp_hdr(bufflen, bufftbl) bufftbl[1] = self:build_ipv6_hdr(bufflen + 8, PROTO_UDP) elseif self.ttype == TCP then bufftbl[2] = self:build_tcp_hdr(bufflen, bufftbl, seeking) bufftbl[1] = self:build_ipv6_hdr(bufflen + 20, PROTO_TCP) end else dprint("DataPacket:build_packet: invalid packet type (neither IPv4 nor IPv6)") return nil end return table.concat(bufftbl) end -- for performance, we read each line into a table and concatenate it at end -- but it makes this code super ugly function DataPacket:read_data(file, frame, line, seeking) local bufftbl = { "", "" } -- 2 slots for ip and udp/tcp headers local index = 3 -- start at third slot in array local comment -- for any packet comments dprint2("DataPacket: read_data(): calling get_data") local bufflen = self:get_data(file, line, bufftbl, index) if not bufflen then dprint("DataPacket: error getting ascii or binary data") return false end local buff = self:build_packet(bufftbl, bufflen, seeking) frame.data = buff return true end ---------------------------------------- -- BinPacket class, for packets that the log file contains binary payload data for, such as MBCD -- local BinPacket = {} local BinPacket_mt = { __index = BinPacket } setmetatable( BinPacket, DataPacket_mt ) -- make BinPacket inherit from DataPacket function BinPacket.new(...) local new_class = DataPacket.new(...) -- the new instance setmetatable( new_class, BinPacket_mt ) -- all instances share the same metatable return new_class end function BinPacket:get_comment_data(file, line, stop_pattern) local comments = {} while line and not line:find(stop_pattern) do if #line > 0 then comments[#comments+1] = line comments[#comments+1] = "\r\n" end line = file:read() end if #comments > 0 then -- get rid of extra "\r\n" comments[#comments] = nil self:set_comment(table.concat(comments)) end return line end function BinPacket:get_data(file, line, bufftbl, index) local is_alg = false local bufflen, line = self:get_hex_data(file, line, bufftbl, index) -- now eat rest of message until delimiter or end of file -- we'll put them in comments line = self:get_comment_data(file, line, delim) -- return the bufflen, which is the same as number of table entries we made return bufflen end ---------------------------------------- -- DnsPacket class, for DNS packets (which are binary but with comments at top) -- local DnsPacket = {} local DnsPacket_mt = { __index = DnsPacket } setmetatable( DnsPacket, BinPacket_mt ) -- make DnsPacket inherit from BinPacket function DnsPacket.new(...) local new_class = BinPacket.new(...) -- the new instance setmetatable( new_class, DnsPacket_mt ) -- all instances share the same metatable return new_class end local binpacket_start_pattern = "^ 0000: %x%x %x%x %x%x %x%x %x%x %x%x %x%x %x%x " function DnsPacket:get_data(file, line, bufftbl, index) -- it's UDP regardless of what parse_header() thinks self.ttype = UDP -- comments are at top instead of bottom of message line = self:get_comment_data(file, line, binpacket_start_pattern) local bufflen, line = self:get_hex_data(file, line, bufftbl, index) -- now eat rest of message until delimiter or end of file while line and not line:find(delim) do line = file:read() end -- return the bufflen, which is the same as number of table entries we made return bufflen end ---------------------------------------- -- AsciiPacket class, for packets that the log file contains ascii payload data for -- local AsciiPacket = {} local AsciiPacket_mt = { __index = AsciiPacket } setmetatable( AsciiPacket, DataPacket_mt ) -- make AsciiPacket inherit from DataPacket function AsciiPacket.new(...) local new_class = DataPacket.new(...) -- the new instance setmetatable( new_class, AsciiPacket_mt ) -- all instances share the same metatable return new_class end function AsciiPacket:get_data(file, line, bufftbl, index) return self:get_ascii_data(file, line, bufftbl, index) end ---------------------------------------- -- To determine packet type, we peek at the first line of 'data' following the log -- message header. Its pattern determines the Packet object type. -- The following are the patterns we look for; if it doesn't match one of these, -- then it's an AsciiPacket: local packet_patterns = { { "^ 0000: %x%x %x%x %x%x %x%x %x%x %x%x %x%x %x%x ", BinPacket }, { "^Packet:$", RawPacket }, { "^DNS Query %d+ flags=%d+ q=%d+ ans=%d+", DnsPacket }, { "^DNS Response %d+ flags=%d+ q=%d+ ans=%d+", DnsPacket } } -- indeces for above local PP_PATTERN = 1 local PP_CLASS = 2 local function get_packet_class(line) for i, t in ipairs(packet_patterns) do if line:find(t[PP_PATTERN]) then dprint2("got class type=",i) return t[PP_CLASS] end end dprint2("got class type AsciiPacket") return AsciiPacket end ---------------------------------------- -- parses header line -- returns nil on failure -- the header lines look like this: -- Aug 10 14:30:11.134 On [1:544] received from -- this one has no phy/vlan info in brackets: -- Mar 6 13:39:06.122 On sent to -- this one is IPv6: -- Aug 10 14:30:11.140 On [3:0][2620:0:60:8ac::102]:5060 sent to [2620:0:60:8ab::12]:5060 -- this is from a tail'ed log output: -- 52:22.434 On [0:0] received from local loopback_pattern = "^127%.0%.0%.%d+$" local function parse_header(state, file, line, file_position, seeking) if seeking then -- verify we've seen this packet before if not state.packets[file_position] then dprint("parse_header: packet at file position ", file_position, " not saved previously") return end else -- first time through, create sub-table for the packet state.packets[file_position] = {} end -- get time info, and line match ending position local timestamp, line_pos = state:get_timestamp(line, file_position, seeking) if not timestamp then -- see if it's a tail'ed log instead timestamp, line_pos = state:get_tail_time(line, file_position, seeking) end if not timestamp then dprint("parse_header: could not parse time portion") return end local ptype, ttype = IPv4, UDP -- get phy/vlan if present -- first skip past time portion local phy, vlan, i, j, k line_pos = line_pos + 1 i, j, phy, vlan = line:find(header_phy_pattern, line_pos) if i then phy = tonumber(phy) vlan = tonumber(vlan) line_pos = j -- skip past this portion for next match else -- if there's no phy/vlan info, then assume it's TCP (unless it's loopback address we'll check later) ttype = TCP end -- get addresses and direction local local_ip, local_port, direction, remote_ip, remote_port = line:match(header_address_pattern, line_pos) if not local_ip then -- try IPv6 local_ip, local_port, direction, remote_ip, remote_port = line:match(header_v6address_pattern, line_pos) if not local_ip then dprint("parse_header: could not parse address portion") return nil end ptype = IPv6 end if local_ip:find(loopback_pattern) and remote_ip:find(loopback_pattern) then -- internal loopback packets never have phy/vlan but are always UDP messages (for all intents) ttype = UDP end -- override above decisions based on configuration if ALWAYS_UDP then ttype = UDP end direction = get_direction(direction) if direction == nil then dprint("parse_header: failed to convert direction") return nil end local source_ip, source_port, dest_ip, dest_port = local_ip, local_port, remote_ip, remote_port if direction == RECV then -- swap them source_ip, source_port, dest_ip, dest_port = remote_ip, remote_port, local_ip, local_port end -- convert source_port = tonumber(source_port) dest_port = tonumber(dest_port) -- peek at next line to determine packet type local position = file:seek() line = file:read() dprint2("parse_header: peeking at line='", line, "'") packet_class = get_packet_class(line) file:seek("set", position) -- go back dprint2("parse_header calling packet_class.new with:", tostring(timestamp), direction, source_ip, source_port, dest_ip, dest_port, ptype, ttype, file_position) local packet = packet_class.new(state, timestamp, direction, source_ip, source_port, dest_ip, dest_port, ptype, ttype, file_position) if not packet then dprint("parse_header: parser failed to create Packet object") end if ttype == TCP then -- if the packet is tcp type, then set the key for TCB table lookup packet:set_tcbkey(table.concat({ "[", local_ip, "]:", local_port, "->[", remote_ip, "]:", remote_port })) end return packet end ---------------------------------------- -- file handling functions for Wireshark to use -- The read_open is called by Wireshark once per file, to see if the file is this reader's type. -- It passes in (1) a File and (2) CaptureInfo object to this function -- Since there is no exact magic sequence to search for, we have to use heuristics to guess if the file -- is our type or not, which we do by parsing a message header. -- Since Wireshark uses the file cursor position for future reading of this file, we also have to seek back to the beginning -- so that our normal read() function works correctly. local function read_open(file, capture) dprint2("read_open called") -- save current position to return later local position = file:seek() local line = file:read() if not line then return false end dprint2("read_open: got this line begin:\n'", line, "'") line, position = skip_ahead(file, line, position) if not line then return false end dprint2("read_open: got this line after skip:\n'", line, "', with position=", position) local state = State.new() if parse_header(state, file, line, position) then dprint2("read_open success") file:seek("set",position) capture.time_precision = wtap_filetypes.TSPREC_MSEC -- for millisecond precision capture.encap = wtap.RAW_IP -- whole file is raw IP format capture.snapshot_length = 0 -- unknown snaplen capture.comment = "Oracle Acme Packet SBC message log" capture.os = "VxWorks or Linux" capture.hardware = "Oracle Acme Packet SBC" -- reset state variables capture.private_table = State.new() dprint2("read_open returning true") return true end dprint2("read_open returning false") return false end ---------------------------------------- -- this is used by both read() and seek_read() local function read_common(funcname, file, capture, frame, position, seeking) dprint2(funcname, "read_common called") local state = capture.private_table if not state then dprint(funcname, "error getting capture state") return false end local line = file:read() if not line then dprint(funcname, "hit end of file") return false end line, position = skip_ahead(file, line, position) if not line then if file:read(0) ~= nil then dprint(funcname, "did not hit end of file after skipping but ending anyway") else dprint2(funcname, "hit end of file after skipping") end return false end dprint2(funcname, ": parsing line='", line, "'") local phdr = parse_header(state, file, line, position, seeking) if not phdr then dprint(funcname, "failed to parse header") return false end line = file:read() dprint2(funcname,": calling class object's read_data()") phdr:read_data(file, frame, line, seeking) if not phdr:set_wslua_fields(frame) then dprint(funcname, "failed to set Wireshark packet header info") return end dprint2(funcname, "read_common returning position") return position end ---------------------------------------- -- Wireshark/tshark calls read() for each frame/record in the file -- It passes in (1) a File, (2) CaptureInfo, and (3) a FrameInfo object to this function -- It expects in return the file offset position the record starts at, -- or nil/false if there's an error or end-of-file is reached. -- The offset position is used later: wireshark remembers it and gives -- it to seek_read() at various random times local function read(file, capture, frame) dprint2("read called") local position = file:seek() position = read_common("read", file, capture, frame, position) if not position then if file:read(0) ~= nil then dprint("read failed to call read_common") else dprint2("read: reached end of file") end return false end return position end ---------------------------------------- -- Wireshark/tshark calls seek_read() for each frame/record in the file, at random times -- It passes in (1) File, (2) CaptureInfo, (3) FrameInfo, and (4) the offset position number -- It expects in return true for successful parsing, or nil/false if there's an error. local function seek_read(file, capture, frame, offset) dprint2("seek_read called") file:seek("set",offset) if not read_common("seek_read", file, capture, frame, offset, true) then dprint("seek_read failed to call read_common") return false end return true end ---------------------------------------- -- Wireshark/tshark calls read_close() when it's closing the file completely -- It passes in (1) a File and (2) CaptureInfo object to this function -- this is a good opportunity to clean up any state you may have created during -- file reading. -- In our case there *is* state to reset, but we only saved it in -- the capture.private_table, so Wireshark will clean it up for us. local function read_close(file, capture) dprint2("read_close called") return true end ---------------------------------------- -- An often unused function, Wireshark calls this when the sequential walk-through is over -- It passes in (1) a File and (2) CaptureInfo object to this function -- (i.e., no more calls to read(), only to seek_read()). -- In our case there *is* some state to reset, but we only saved it in -- the capture.private_table, so Wireshark will clean it up for us. local function seq_read_close(file, capture) dprint2("seq_read_close called") return true end -- set above functions to the FileHandler fh.read_open = read_open fh.read = read fh.seek_read = seek_read fh.read_close = read_close fh.seq_read_close = seq_read_close fh.extensions = "log" -- this is just a hint -- and finally, register the FileHandler! register_filehandler(fh)