#!/usr/bin/python # Martin Mathieson # Look for and removes unnecessary includes in .cpp or .c files # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # try: import subprocess import os import sys import shutil except: print 'Missing modules!' exit (-1) def show_usage(): print 'Usage: ./delete_includes.py [start_file] [stop_file]' # Work out wireshark folder based upon CWD. Assume run in wireshark folder # or from tools folder... wireshark_root = os.getcwd() root,lastdir = os.path.split(wireshark_root) if lastdir == 'tools': wireshark_root = root # Make command depends upon platform. if sys.platform.startswith('win'): default_make_command = ['nmake', '-f', 'Makefile.nmake'] else: default_make_command = ['make'] # Set parameters based upon string passed as argument. if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == 'dissectors': print 'dissectors target chosen!' test_folder = os.path.join(wireshark_root, 'epan', 'dissectors') run_folder = test_folder make_command = default_make_command elif sys.argv[1] == 'wsutil': print 'wsutils target chosen!' test_folder = os.path.join(wireshark_root, 'wsutil') run_folder = test_folder make_command = default_make_command elif sys.argv[1] == 'wiretap': print 'wiretap target chosen!' test_folder = os.path.join(wireshark_root, 'wiretap') run_folder = test_folder make_command = default_make_command elif sys.argv[1] == 'ui': print 'ui target chosen!' test_folder = os.path.join(wireshark_root, 'ui') run_folder = wireshark_root make_command = default_make_command elif sys.argv[1] == 'qt': print 'qt target chosen!' test_folder = os.path.join(wireshark_root, 'ui', 'qt') run_folder = wireshark_root default_make_command.append('qt') make_command = default_make_command elif sys.argv[1] == 'plugins': print 'plugins target chosen!' test_folder = os.path.join(wireshark_root, 'plugins') run_folder = os.path.join(wireshark_root, 'plugins') make_command = default_make_command else: print 'Unrecognised command line option ', sys.argv[1] show_usage() sys.exit() else: # Print usage and bug out! show_usage() sys.exit() # i.e. not looking for a first file to begin testing, and haven't found last one yet. first_file_found = True last_file_found = False # Optional 2nd arg gives first filename to use. Useful for long runs that may # sometimes be stopped early if len(sys.argv) > 2: first_file_to_test = sys.argv[2] first_file_found = False # Optional 3rd arg gives last filename to use. Useful for long runs that may # sometimes be stopped early last_file_to_test = '' if len(sys.argv) > 3: last_file_to_test = sys.argv[3] # A list of header files that it is not safe to uninclude, as doing so # has been seen to cause link failures against implemented functions... # TODO: some of these could probably be removed on more permissive platforms. includes_to_keep = [] includes_to_keep.append('config.h') includes_to_keep.append('epan/packet.h') includes_to_keep.append('stdlib.h') includes_to_keep.append('math.h') includes_to_keep.append('errno.h') includes_to_keep.append('string.h') # These are probably mostly redundant in that they are now covered by the check # for 'self-includes'... includes_to_keep.append('x11-keysym.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-ppi.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-dcom-dispatch.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-ax25.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-ax25-kiss.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-i2c.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-enc.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-fr.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-ap1394.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-arcnet.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-ipfc.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-atm.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-atalk.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-clip.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-raw.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-ppp.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-null.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-scsi-mmc.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-t30.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-ssl.h') includes_to_keep.append('packet-pktap.h') # Stats files_examined = 0 includes_tested = 0 includes_deleted = 0 files_not_built = 0 files_not_built_list = [] generated_files_ignored = [] skipped_before_first = 0 includes_to_keep_kept = 0 # We want to confirm that this file is actually built as part of the make target. # To do this, add some garbage to the front of the file and confirm that the # build then fails. If it doesn't, won't want to remove #includes from that file! def test_file_is_built(root, filename): temp_filename = filename + '.tmp' f_read = open(filename, 'r') write_filename = filename + '.new' f_write = open(write_filename, 'w') # Write the file with nonsense at start. f_write.write('NO WAY THIS FILE BUILDS!!!!!') # Copy remaining lines as-is. for line in f_read: f_write.write(line) f_read.close() f_write.close() # Backup file, and do this build with the one we wrote. shutil.copy(filename, temp_filename) shutil.copy(write_filename, filename) # Try the build. os.chdir(run_folder) result = subprocess.call(make_command) # Restore proper file & delete temp files os.chdir(root) shutil.copy(temp_filename, filename) os.remove(temp_filename) os.remove(write_filename) if result == 0: # Build succeeded so this file wasn't in it return False else: # Build failed so this file *is* part of it return True # Function to test removal of each #include from a file in turn. # At the end, only those that appear to be needed will be left. def test_file(root, filename): print '' print '------------------------------' print 'Testing ', filename temp_filename = filename + '.tmp' # Test if file seems to be part of the build. is_built = test_file_is_built(root, filename) if not is_built: print '***** File not used in build, so ignore!!!!' global files_not_built global files_not_built_list files_not_built = files_not_built + 1 # TODO: should os.path.join with root before adding? files_not_built_list.append(filename) return else: print 'This file is part of the build' # OK, we are going to test removing includes from this file. tested_line_number = 0 # Don't want to delete 'self-includes', so prepare filename. module_name,extension = os.path.splitext(filename) module_header = module_name + '.h' # Loop around, finding all possible include lines to comment out while (True): have_deleted_line = False result = 0 # Go into folder os.chdir(root) # Open read & write files f_read = open(filename, 'r') write_filename = filename + '.new' f_write = open(write_filename, 'w') # Walk the file again looking for another place to comment out an include this_line_number = 1 hash_if_level = 0 for line in f_read: this_line_deleted = False # Maintain view of how many #if or #ifdefs we are in. # Don't want to remove any includes that may not be active in this build. if line.startswith('#if'): hash_if_level = hash_if_level + 1 if line.startswith('#endif'): if hash_if_level > 1: hash_if_level = hash_if_level - 1 # Consider deleting this line have haven't already reached. if (not have_deleted_line and (tested_line_number < this_line_number)): # Test line for starting with #include, and eligible for deletion. if line.startswith('#include ') and hash_if_level == 0 and line.find(module_header) == -1: # Check that this isn't a header file that known unsafe to uninclude. allowed_to_delete = True global includes_to_keep for entry in includes_to_keep: if line.find(entry) != -1: allowed_to_delete = False global includes_to_keep_kept includes_to_keep_kept = includes_to_keep_kept + 1 continue if allowed_to_delete: # OK, actually doing it. have_deleted_line = True this_line_deleted = True tested_line_number = this_line_number # Write line to output file, unless this very one was deleted. if not this_line_deleted: f_write.write(line) this_line_number = this_line_number + 1 # Close both files. f_read.close() f_write.close() # If we commented out a line, try to build file without it. if (have_deleted_line): # Test a build. 0 means success, others are failures. shutil.copy(filename, temp_filename) shutil.copy(write_filename, filename) # Assuming Makefile is in root of test folder, need to go there to do make! os.chdir(run_folder) result = subprocess.call(make_command) if result == 0: print '***** Good build' # Line was eliminated so decrement line counter tested_line_number = tested_line_number - 1 # Inc successes counter global includes_deleted includes_deleted = includes_deleted + 1 # Good - promote this version by leaving it here! # Occasionally fails so delete this file each time. # TODO: this is very particular to dissector target... if sys.argv[1] == 'dissectors': os.remove(os.path.join(run_folder, 'vc100.pdb')) else: print '***** Bad build' # Never mind, go back to previous building version os.chdir(root) shutil.copy(temp_filename, filename) # Inc counter of tried global includes_tested includes_tested = includes_tested + 1 else: # Reached the end of the file without making changes, so nothing doing. # Delete temporary files if os.path.isfile(temp_filename): os.remove(temp_filename) if os.path.isfile(write_filename): os.remove(write_filename) return # Test for whether a the given file is under source control def under_version_control(filename): # TODO: is there a git module to allow testing like pysvn? Else actually # shell out command-line 'git' and check output...? return True # Test for whether the given file was automatically generated. def generated_file(filename): # Special known case. if filename == 'register.c': return True # Open file f_read = open(filename, 'r') lines_tested = 0 for line in f_read: # The comment to say that its generated is near the top, so give up once # get a few lines down. if lines_tested > 10: f_read.close() return False if line.find('Generated automatically') != -1 or line.find('Autogenerated from') != -1 or line.find('is autogenerated') != -1 or line.find('automatically generated by Pidl') != -1 or line.find('Created by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler') != -1: f_read.close() # This file was generated. global generated_files_ignored generated_files_ignored.append(filename) return True lines_tested = lines_tested + 1 # OK, looks like a hand-written file! f_read.close() return False ###################################################################################### # MAIN PROGRAM STARTS HERE ###################################################################################### # First, confirm that the build is currently passing, if not give up now. print 'chdir into ', run_folder os.chdir(run_folder) print '***** Doing an initial build to check we have a stable base.' result = subprocess.call(make_command) if result != 0: print '***** Initial build failed - give up now!!!!' exit (-1) # OK, loop over files in test_folder and see what can be removed from each one for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(test_folder): for filename in files: # Don't look for source files in folders containing a . (i.e. avoid .svn, .git) if (root.find('.') == -1): # Only looking for c/cpp files - changing header files would make each # attempted build take much longer if filename.endswith(".c") or filename.endswith(".cpp"): os.chdir(root) # May be waiting for first file to test - check. if not first_file_found: if first_file_to_test == filename: first_file_found = True # May be waiting for last file to test - check. if not last_file_found: if last_file_to_test == filename: last_file_found = True # Also want to filter out generated files that are not checked in. if not generated_file(filename) and under_version_control(filename) and first_file_found and not last_file_found: # OK, try this file test_file(root, filename) # Inc counter files_examined = files_examined + 1 else: if generated_file(filename): reason = 'generated file...' if not under_version_control(filename): reason = 'not under source control' if not first_file_found: reason = 'not seen starting file', first_file_to_test, 'yet' skipped_before_first = skipped_before_first + 1 print 'Ignoring ', filename, ':', reason # Show summary stats of run print '\n\n' print 'Summary' print '=========' print 'files examined: ', files_examined print 'includes tested: ', includes_tested print 'includes deleted: ', includes_deleted print 'files not built: ', files_not_built for abandoned_file in files_not_built_list: print ' ', abandoned_file print len(generated_files_ignored), 'generated files not tested:' for generated_file in generated_files_ignored: print ' ', generated_file print 'includes kept as not safe to remove: ', includes_to_keep_kept print 'skipped before first:', skipped_before_first