# This file lists suppressions to hide valgrind errors in libraries we don't # control. Be careful adding to it, since overly-broad suppressions may hide # real errors in Wireshark! # # This is primarily targeted towards the set of libraries on the fuzz-bot (which # runs a valgrind step) but other entries are welcome as long as they are # sufficiently commented. { Remove uninitialised CPU condition code check for ws_cpuid_sse42() on Virtualbox Memcheck:Cond fun:ws_mempbrk_sse42_compile ... fun:register_all_protocols fun:proto_init fun:epan_init fun:main } { Remove leak in libgcrypt (gcry_control) Memcheck:Leak match-leak-kinds: reachable fun:malloc ... fun:gcry_control fun:epan_init fun:main } { Remove leak in libgcrypt (gcry_check_version) Memcheck:Leak match-leak-kinds: reachable fun:malloc ... fun:epan_get_runtime_version_info fun:get_tshark_runtime_version_info fun:get_runtime_version_info fun:main }