ByteViewTab Packet bytes CaptureFileDialog Wireshark: Open Capture File Display Filter: Enable &MAC name resolution Enable &transport name resolution Enable &network name resolution Use &external name resolver All Files (*.*) DisplayFilterCombo Display filter selector DisplayFilterEdit Apply a display filter %1 <%2/> Display filter entry Invalid filter Enter a display filter %1 InterfaceTree Welcome screen list <h3>No interfaces found</h3>%1 MainWelcome Wireshark <h1>Capture</h1> <h1>Capture Help</h1> <h1>Files</h1> <h1>Online</h1> not found) MainWindow Wireshark File Open Recent Edit Capture toolBar Open Ctrl+O Quit Ctrl+Q Interfaces Start Start capturing packets Ctrl+K Stop Stop capturing packets Close Ctrl+W No files found Loading: %1 Invalid Display Filter Clear Menu Help ManuelPages Contents Wireshark Filter RawShark Dumpcap Mergecap Editcap Text2cap Website FAQ's Downloads Wiki Sample Captures About Wireshark Ask (Q&&A) ProtoTree Packet details , 1 byte , %1 bytes QObject Ready to load or capture Ready to load file Packets: %1 Displayed: %2 Marked: %3 Dropped: %1 Ignored: %1 Load time: %1:%2.%3 No Packets