/* * $XFree86$ * * Copyright © 2000 Keith Packard, member of The XFree86 Project, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * KEITH PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL KEITH PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #define _RENDER_SERVER_ #include "scope.h" #include "x11.h" #include "renderscope.h" #include "extensions.h" unsigned char RENDERRequest, RENDERError; void render_decode_req ( FD fd, const unsigned char *buf) { short Major = IByte (&buf[0]); short Minor = IByte (&buf[1]); switch (Minor) { case 0: RenderQueryVersion (fd, buf); ExtendedReplyExpected (fd, Major, Minor); break; case 1: RenderQueryPictFormats (fd, buf); ExtendedReplyExpected (fd, Major, Minor); break; case 2: RenderQueryPictIndexValues (fd, buf); ExtendedReplyExpected (fd, Major, Minor); break; case 3: RenderQueryDithers (fd, buf); ExtendedReplyExpected (fd, Major, Minor); break; case 4: RenderCreatePicture (fd, buf); break; case 5: RenderChangePicture (fd, buf); break; case 6: RenderSetPictureClipRectangles (fd, buf); break; case 7: RenderFreePicture (fd, buf); break; case 8: RenderComposite (fd, buf); break; case 9: RenderScale (fd, buf); break; case 10: RenderTrapezoids (fd, buf); break; case 11: RenderTriangles (fd, buf); break; case 12: RenderTriStrip (fd, buf); break; case 13: RenderTriFan (fd, buf); break; case 14: RenderColorTrapezoids (fd, buf); break; case 15: RenderColorTriangles (fd, buf); break; case 16: RenderTransform (fd, buf); break; case 17: RenderCreateGlyphSet (fd, buf); break; case 18: RenderReferenceGlyphSet (fd, buf); break; case 19: RenderFreeGlyphSet (fd, buf); break; case 20: RenderAddGlyphs (fd, buf); break; case 21: RenderAddGlyphsFromPicture (fd, buf); break; case 22: RenderFreeGlyphs (fd, buf); break; case 23: RenderCompositeGlyphs8 (fd, buf); break; case 24: RenderCompositeGlyphs16 (fd, buf); break; case 25: RenderCompositeGlyphs32 (fd, buf); break; case 26: RenderFillRectangles (fd, buf); break; default: break; } } void render_decode_reply ( FD fd, const unsigned char *buf, short RequestMinor) { switch (RequestMinor) { case 0: RenderQueryVersionReply (fd, buf); break; case 1: RenderQueryPictFormatsReply (fd, buf); break; case 2: RenderQueryPictIndexValuesReply (fd, buf); break; case 3: RenderQueryDithersReply (fd, buf); break; } } void render_decode_error ( FD fd, const unsigned char *buf) { short error = IByte(&buf[1]) - RENDERError; switch (error) { case 0: RenderPictFormatError (fd, buf); break; case 1: RenderPictureError (fd, buf); break; case 2: RenderPictOpError (fd, buf); break; case 3: RenderGlyphSetError (fd, buf); break; case 4: RenderGlyphError (fd, buf); break; default: break; } } static int PrintPICTURE ( const unsigned char *buf) { /* print a WINDOW -- CARD32 plus 0 = None */ long n = ILong (buf); if (n == 0) fprintf(stdout, "None"); else fprintf(stdout, "PICTURE %08x", n); return(4); } static int PrintPICTFORMAT ( const unsigned char *buf) { /* print a WINDOW -- CARD32 plus 0 = None */ long n = ILong (buf); if (n == 0) fprintf(stdout, "None"); else fprintf(stdout, "PICTFORMAT %08x", n); return(4); } static int PrintPICTFORMINFO ( const unsigned char *buf) { /* print a PictFormInfo */ long n = ILong(buf); short t = IByte(buf+4); short d = IByte(buf+5); fprintf (stdout, "PICTFORMINFO %08x %s %d ", n, t == 0 ? "Indexed" : "Direct", d); if (t == 0) { long c = ILong(buf+20); fprintf (stdout, "cmap %08x", c); } else { short r = IShort(buf+8); short g = IShort(buf+12); short b = IShort(buf+16); short a = IShort(buf+20); fprintf (stdout, "%d %d %d %d", a, r, g, b); } return(28); } static int PrintGLYPHSET ( const unsigned char *buf) { /* print a GLYPHSET -- CARD32 plus 0 = None */ long n = ILong (buf); if (n == 0) fprintf(stdout, "None"); else fprintf(stdout, "GLYPHSET %08x", n); return(4); } static int PrintRENDERCOLOR ( const unsigned char *buf) { /* print a RENDERCOLOR */ unsigned short r, g, b, a; r = IShort(buf); g = IShort(buf+2); b = IShort(buf+4); a = IShort(buf+6); fprintf(stdout, "COLOR r:%04x g:%04x b:%04x a:%04x", r, g, b, a); return(8); } static int PrintFIXED ( const unsigned char *buf) { /* print a PICTURE */ long n = ILong (buf); fprintf (stdout, "FIXED %7.2f", n / 65536.0); return 4; } static int PrintPOINTFIXED ( const unsigned char *buf) { long x = ILong (buf); long y = ILong (buf+4); fprintf (stdout, "POINT %7.2f, %7.2f", x / 65536.0, y / 65536.0); return 8; } static int PrintTRAPEZOID ( const unsigned char *buf) { /* print a TRAPEZOID */ PrintField (buf, 0, 4, FIXED, "top"); PrintField (buf, 4, 4, FIXED, "bottom"); PrintField (buf, 8, 8, POINTFIXED, "left top"); PrintField (buf, 16, 8, POINTFIXED, "left bottom"); PrintField (buf, 24, 8, POINTFIXED, "right top"); PrintField (buf, 32, 8, POINTFIXED, "right bottom"); return 40; } static int PrintTRIANGLE ( const unsigned char *buf) { /* print a TRIANGLE */ PrintField (buf, 0, 8, POINTFIXED, "p1"); PrintField (buf, 8, 8, POINTFIXED, "p2"); PrintField (buf,16, 8, POINTFIXED, "p3"); return 24; } void InitializeRENDER ( const unsigned char *buf) { TYPE p; RENDERRequest = (unsigned char)(buf[9]); RENDERError = (unsigned char)(buf[11]); DefineEValue (&TD[REQUEST], (unsigned long) RENDERRequest, "RenderRequest"); DefineEValue (&TD[REPLY], (unsigned long) RENDERRequest, "RenderReply"); DefineEValue (&TD[ERROR], (unsigned long) RENDERError + 0, "BadPictFormat"); DefineEValue (&TD[ERROR], (unsigned long) RENDERError + 1, "BadPicture"); DefineEValue (&TD[ERROR], (unsigned long) RENDERError + 2, "BadPictOp"); DefineEValue (&TD[ERROR], (unsigned long) RENDERError + 3, "BadGlyphSet"); DefineEValue (&TD[ERROR], (unsigned long) RENDERError + 4, "BadGlyph"); p = DefineType(RENDERREQUEST, ENUMERATED, "RENDERREQUEST", (PrintProcType) PrintENUMERATED); DefineEValue(p, 0L, "RenderQueryVersion"); DefineEValue(p, 1L, "RenderQueryPictFormats"); DefineEValue(p, 2L, "RenderQueryPictIndexValues"); DefineEValue(p, 3L, "RenderQueryDithers"); DefineEValue(p, 4L, "RenderCreatePicture"); DefineEValue(p, 5L, "RenderChangePicture"); DefineEValue(p, 6L, "RenderSetPictureClipRectangles"); DefineEValue(p, 7L, "RenderFreePicture"); DefineEValue(p, 8L, "RenderComposite"); DefineEValue(p, 9L, "RenderScale"); DefineEValue(p, 10L, "RenderTrapezoids"); DefineEValue(p, 11L, "RenderTriangles"); DefineEValue(p, 12L, "RenderTriStrip"); DefineEValue(p, 13L, "RenderTriFan"); DefineEValue(p, 14L, "RenderColorTrapezoids"); DefineEValue(p, 15L, "RenderColorTriangles"); DefineEValue(p, 16L, "RenderTransform"); DefineEValue(p, 17L, "RenderCreateGlyphSet"); DefineEValue(p, 18L, "RenderReferenceGlyphSet"); DefineEValue(p, 19L, "RenderFreeGlyphSet"); DefineEValue(p, 20L, "RenderAddGlyphs"); DefineEValue(p, 21L, "RenderAddGlyphsFromPicture"); DefineEValue(p, 22L, "RenderFreeGlyphs"); DefineEValue(p, 23L, "RenderCompositeGlyphs8"); DefineEValue(p, 24L, "RenderCompositeGlyphs16"); DefineEValue(p, 25L, "RenderCompositeGlyphs32"); DefineEValue(p, 26L, "RenderFillRectangles"); p = DefineType(RENDERREPLY, ENUMERATED, "RENDERREPLY", (PrintProcType) PrintENUMERATED); DefineEValue (p, 0L, "QueryVersion"); DefineEValue (p, 1L, "QueryPictFormats"); DefineEValue (p, 2L, "QueryPictIndexValues"); DefineEValue (p, 3L, "QueryDithers"); DefineType(PICTURE, BUILTIN, "PICTURE", PrintPICTURE); DefineType(PICTFORMAT, BUILTIN, "PICTFORMAT", PrintPICTFORMAT); DefineType(GLYPHSET, BUILTIN, "GLYPHSET", PrintGLYPHSET); DefineType(RENDERCOLOR, BUILTIN, "RENDERCOLOR", PrintRENDERCOLOR); DefineType(PICTFORMINFO, BUILTIN, "PICTFORMINFO", PrintPICTFORMINFO); p = DefineType(PICTURE_BITMASK, SET, "PICTURE_BITMASK", (PrintProcType) PrintSET); DefineValues(p, 0x00000001L, 1, BOOL, "repeat"); DefineValues(p, 0x00000002L, 1, PICTURE, "alpha-map"); DefineValues(p, 0x00000004L, 1, INT16, "alpha-x-origin"); DefineValues(p, 0x00000008L, 1, INT16, "alpha-y-origin"); DefineValues(p, 0x00000010L, 1, INT16, "clip-x-origin"); DefineValues(p, 0x00000020L, 1, INT16, "clip-y-origin"); DefineValues(p, 0x00000040L, 1, PIXMAP, "clip-mask"); DefineValues(p, 0x00000080L, 1, BOOL, "graphics-exposures"); DefineValues(p, 0x00000100L, 1, SUBWINMODE, "repeat"); DefineValues(p, 0x00000200L, 1, BOOL, "poly-edge"); DefineValues(p, 0x00000400L, 1, BOOL, "poly-mode"); DefineValues(p, 0x00000800L, 1, ATOM, "dither"); DefineValues(p, 0x00001000L, 1, BOOL, "component-alpha"); p = DefineType(PICTOP, ENUMERATED, "PICTOP", (PrintProcType) PrintENUMERATED); DefineEValue (p, 0L, "Clear"); DefineEValue (p, 1L, "Src"); DefineEValue (p, 2L, "Dst"); DefineEValue (p, 3L, "Over"); DefineEValue (p, 4L, "OverReverse"); DefineEValue (p, 5L, "In"); DefineEValue (p, 6L, "InReverse"); DefineEValue (p, 7L, "Out"); DefineEValue (p, 8L, "OutReverse"); DefineEValue (p, 9L, "Atop"); DefineEValue (p, 10L, "AtopReverse"); DefineEValue (p, 11L, "Xor"); DefineEValue (p, 12L, "Add"); DefineEValue (p, 13L, "Saturate"); DefineType(FIXED, BUILTIN, "FIXED", PrintFIXED); DefineType(POINTFIXED, BUILTIN, "POINTFIXED", PrintPOINTFIXED); DefineType(TRIANGLE, RECORD, "TRIANGLE", PrintTRIANGLE); DefineType(TRAPEZOID, RECORD, "TRAPEZOID", PrintTRAPEZOID); }