/* ************************************************************ * * * * Type definitions and Connection State for the NAS protocol * * * * James Peterson, 1988 * * (c) Copyright MCC, 1988 * * * * ************************************************************ */ #include "x11.h" /* ************************************************************ */ /* */ /* */ /* ************************************************************ */ /* In general, we are called with a buffer of bytes and are supposed to try to make sense of these bytes according to the NAS protocol. There are two different types of communication: requests from the client to the server and replies/errors/events from the server to the client. We must interpret these two differently. Also, we must consider that the bytes on the communication socket may be sent asynchronously in any amount. This means that we must be prepared to read in and save some bytes until we get enough to do something with them. For example, suppose that we get a buffer from a client. We would expect it to be a request. The request may be 24 bytes long. We may find, however, that only 16 bytes have actually arrived -- the other 8 are stuck in a buffer somewhere. We must be prepared to simply hold the 16 bytes we have until more bytes arrive. In general, we do two things: we wait for some number of bytes, and then we interpret this set of bytes. To interpret this data we use a modified state machine. We keep two pieces of information: (1) the number of bytes that we need (2) what to do with those bytes. This last piece of information is the "state" of the interpretation. We keep the state as a pointer to the procedure that is to be executed. CLIENTS: The data going from the client to the x11 server consists of a set-up message followed by an infinite stream of variable length requests. Our overall flow is then: (a) Wait for 12 bytes. (b) Interpret these first 12 bytes of the set-up message to get the length of the rest of the message. (c) Wait for the rest of the set-up message. (d) Interpret and print the set-up message. *** end of set-up phase -- start normal request loop *** (e) Wait for 4 bytes. (f) Interpret these 4 bytes to get the length of the rest of the command. (g) Wait for the rest of the command. (h) Interpret and print the command. (i) Go back to step (e). SERVERS: Again, we have a set-up reply followed by an infinite stream of variable length replies/errors/events. Our overall flow is then: (a) Wait for 8 bytes. (b) Interpret the 8 bytes to get the length of the rest of the set-up reply. (c) Wait for the rest of the set-up reply. (d) Interpret and print the set-up reply. *** end of set-up phase -- start normal reply/error/event loop *** We have the following properties of NAS replies, errors, and events: Replies: 32 bytes plus a variable amount. Byte 0 is 1. Bytes 2-3 are a sequence number; bytes 4-7 are length (n). The complete length of the reply is 32 + 4 * n. Errors: 32 bytes. Byte 0 is 0. Byte 1 is an error code; bytes 2-3 are a sequence number. Bytes 8-9 are a major opcode; byte 10 is a minor opcode. Events: 32 bytes. Byte 0 is 2, 3, 4, .... Looking at this we have two choices: wait for one byte and then separately wait for replies, errors, and events, or wait for 32 bytes, then separately process each type. We may have to wait for more, in the event of a reply. This latter seems more effective. It appears reply/error/event formats were selected to allow waiting for 32 bytes, and it will allow short packets which are only 32 bytes long, to be processed completely in one step. Thus, For normal reply/error/event processing we have (e) Wait for 32 bytes. (f) Interpret these 32 bytes. If possible, go back to step (e). (g) If the packet is a reply with bytes 4-7 non-zero, wait for the remainder of the the reply. (h) Interpret and print the longer reply. Go back to step (e). The similarity in approach to how both the client and server are handled suggests we can use the same control structure to drive the interpretation of both types of communication client->server and server->client. Accordingly, we package up the relevant variables in a ConnState record. The ConnState record contains the buffer of saved bytes (if any), the size and length of this buffer, the number of bytes we are waiting for and what to do when we get them. A separate ConnState record is kept for the client and server. In addition, we may have several different client or server connections. Thus we need an array of all the necessary state for each client or server. A client/server is identified with a file descriptor (fd), so we use the fd to identify the client/server and use it as an index into an array of state variables. */ /* audio.c */ extern void NewAudio (FD fd); extern void InitializeAudio (void); /* decodenas.c */ extern void DecodeAudioRequest (FD fd, const unsigned char *buf, long n); extern void DecodeAudioReply (FD fd, const unsigned char *buf, long n); extern void DecodeAudioEvent (FD fd, const unsigned char *buf, long n); extern void DecodeAudioError (FD fd, const unsigned char *buf, long n); extern void InitializeAudioDecode (void); /* printnas.c */ extern void PrintAudioSetUpMessage (const unsigned char *buf); extern void PrintAudioSetUpReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioElementNotify (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGrabNotify (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioMonitorNotify (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioBucketNotify (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioDeviceNotify (const unsigned char *buf); extern void UnknownAudioReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioListDevices (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioListDevicesReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetDeviceAttributes (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetDeviceAttributesReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioSetDeviceAttributes (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioCreateBucket (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioDestroyBucket (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioListBuckets (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioListBucketsReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetBucketAttributes (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetBucketAttributesReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioSetBucketAttributes (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioCreateRadio (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioDestroyRadio (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioListRadios (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioListRadiosReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetRadioAttributes (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetRadioAttributesReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioSetRadioAttributes (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioCreateFlow (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioDestroyFlow (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetFlowAttributes (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetFlowAttributesReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioSetFlowAttributes (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetElements (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetElementsReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioSetElements (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetElementStates (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioElementState (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetElementStatesReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioSetElementStates (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetElementParameters (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetElementParametersReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioSetElementParameters (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioWriteElement (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioReadElement (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioReadElementReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGrabComponent (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioUngrabComponent (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioSendEvent (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetAllowedUsers (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetAllowedUsersReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioSetAllowedUsers (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioListExtensions (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioListExtensionsReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioQueryExtension (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioQueryExtensionReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetCloseDownMode (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetCloseDownModeReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioSetCloseDownMode (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioKillClient (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetServerTime (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioGetServerTimeReply (const unsigned char *buf); extern void AudioNoOperation (const unsigned char *buf);