AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-01-24pactree-aur: mark pactree output with sourcesPeter Wu1-0/+42
Lsat modified 2014-12-30
2015-01-01tmp-upload: newline after success messagePeter Wu1-1/+1
2015-01-01cert-info: enable SNI, accept cert from CA bundlePeter Wu1-3/+4 use threading insteadPeter Wu1-7/+8
At first I used multithreading because threading would still run with one CPU core due to the GIL. That probably happened because I accessed _hashes[algos] in the loop of _queue_updater. Now that this is not done anymore, and only the hash update function is called which releases the GIL for data larger than 2 KiB, multiple cores are actually used. For comparison, for a file of 2.3 GiB (min/avg/max/sd secs for n=10): - pee sha256sum md5sum < file: 16.5/16.9/17.4/.305 - python3 -sha256 -md5 < file: 13.7/15.0/18.7/1.77 - python2 -sha256 -md5 < file: 13.7/15.9/18.7/1.64 - jacksum -a sha256+md5 -F '#CHECKSUM{i} #FILENAME': 32.7/37.1/50/6.91 The file is actually 2367029248 bytes, resident in the disk cache. Environment: - CPU: Intel i5-460M - Arch Linux x86_64 - Linux 3.17-rc4 - coreutils 8.23 - moreutils 0.51 - jacksum 1.7.0 on OpenJDK 1.7.0_71 - Python 3.4.2, Python 2.7.8 calculate multiple digestsPeter Wu1-0/+144
Created to "Simultaneously calculate multiple digests (md5, sha256)", This implementation has a simple single-threaded class (Hasher) and a multi-threaded one. Currently uses the multithreading.Queue interface. do not ping for every public msgPeter Wu1-3/+10
Send a notification only if a highlight is found (e.g. when you are mentioned).
2014-09-27tmp-upload: display single-upload error messagePeter Wu1-1/+1
2014-09-27xxd-a: xxd -a, but for more duplicatesPeter Wu1-0/+3
mtime: 19 July 2013
2014-07-05gerrit-add-reviewers: helper to add reviewers for commitsPeter Wu1-0/+131
Originally I wanted it to be a git-review post-review hook, but there seems to be no way to get the most recently pushed commits. make selection largerPeter Wu1-12/+32
Just changing the marker does not make selections more apparent. Increase line thickness and zorder to increase visibility. conditionally update domainPeter Wu1-2/+9
Do not update domain if looking at a previous part, or if the new line fits in the current graph. This makes it easier to look at older data while updating the plot. add --log and --no-smoothPeter Wu1-1/+8 fix double update; read fullyPeter Wu1-13/+16
get_diffs() was called in update(), but that would invalidate numbers. Now the input file is fully read (allows moving). args for xrange and intervalPeter Wu1-0/+8 Allow unbounded x historyPeter Wu1-3/+13 prepare for optional dequePeter Wu1-5/+7 implement read/write to filePeter Wu1-2/+26 prepare for writing / reading to filePeter Wu1-10/+38
2014-06-18rare/ connect initial two pointsPeter Wu1-1/+1
2014-06-18rare/ fix X axis numbersPeter Wu1-7/+14
Shift X axis as time progresses.
2014-06-18rare/ thread for data retrievalPeter Wu1-4/+32
This fixes wrong data updates when the UI gets paused (and as a result, the data update gets delayed).
2014-06-17rare/ use different colorsPeter Wu1-1/+17
There are often more than 8 lines, use a different set of colors in an attempt to improve recognition.
2014-06-17rare/ monitor /proc/interruptsPeter Wu1-0/+223
Experiment to visualize updates to /proc/interrupts. "Rarely" used, hence a subfolder "rare".
2014-04-01ftp-list: do not break on permission errorPeter Wu1-2/+6
2014-03-31tmp-upload: do not output HTML for wget or curlPeter Wu1-4/+25 fix uneven line matchPeter Wu1-1/+1 context supportPeter Wu1-8/+36
With the "-C" option, a number of columns can be included before skipping them. Bugfix: reset skip state to avoid eating chars at the beginning for the next line. Enhancement: ignore EPIPE. Also adjusted the middle threshold to 9 ("XX..N..XX").
2013-12-07common-bytes: fix color terminationPeter Wu1-22/+17
Previously, the colors were not cleared as an attempt to optimize printing. New approach (requiring less LOC as well): print color if it does not equal the current state (previous color). find patterns in fixed-length linesPeter Wu1-0/+217
Use case: analyse captured TCP traces.
2013-11-23git-log-describe.awk: allow limiting to cachePeter Wu1-1/+6
The `--contains` option (default, enabled via `-vfast=0`) does not show a result if there is no tag following a commit. The `-vcache_only` option prevents execution of `git describe` and thereby speeds up post-processing.
2013-11-23git-log-describe: -vfast={0|1} toggle for speedPeter Wu1-3/+14
`--contains` does exactly what I need (show which tag contains the commit), but it is very slow when getting deeper in the history. (500 ms vs 30000ms for a subdirectory from v3.0..v3.13-rc1 with 100 commits. For future reproduction, the command `git log v3.0..v3.13-rc1 drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00 | git-log-describe.awk` takes 12:20 minutes to complete for the slow mode (using `--contains`) where it is finished in only 19 seconds for the fast mode (using `--first-parent). After the cache is filled, this time gets reduced to slightly more than a second.
2013-11-23git-log-describe: Fix filedescriptors leakPeter Wu1-3/+9
2013-11-23git-log-describe: describe first tag following a commitPeter Wu1-3/+12
Instead of showing where a commit was derived from, use `--contains` to show a description relative to a tag containing the commit.
2013-11-22git-log-describe: introduce cache to speed up git-describePeter Wu1-9/+83
git-describe is slow, this change allows the output to be cached in a directory using two levels (first two chars of hash for a directory, the remaining 38 for the file). Set `-vcache=1` to enable the cache or specify a custom cache directory with `-vcache_dir=DIR`. On the Linux tree, this feature decreases the run time from 18 seconds to just one second (with .git in already in disk cache for both trials and 466 commits for a certain path).
2013-11-22git-log-describe: match more color escapesPeter Wu1-1/+1
Some commits failed to match in an decorated log because they used a bold-face color (like `\e[1;94m`).
2013-11-22git-log-describe: stop color on linePeter Wu1-1/+2
To avoid funny color effects when doing: git log --color | git-log-describe.awk | less -RN
2013-11-22git-log-describe: match only git's "commit" textPeter Wu1-0/+2
2013-11-22git-log-describe: add git-describe output to git-logPeter Wu1-0/+34
As of today (2013-11-22) there is still no support for adding an indication of tag to the output of git log. This script post-processes the output of `git log` and adds the output of `git describe --first-parent` to line following the commit ID. For a version suitable for `git log --oneline`, see [1]. [1]:
2013-10-29build-time: kill temperature logger on exitPeter Wu1-0/+1
2013-10-28built-time: capture time to stdoutPeter Wu1-2/+2
2013-10-28get-patch: download a git patchPeter Wu1-0/+51
Given a URL (and optionally a subject), determine the patch location and save to a file based on the sanitized subject line.
2013-10-28git-credential-kwallet-mailtransports: git helperPeter Wu1-0/+75
Useful for using git-send-email without storing typing the long passwords all the time.
2013-10-28showtaints: display flags that taints the kernelPeter Wu1-0/+17
Created at 2012-11-12.
2013-10-28build-time: benchmark compile timesPeter Wu1-0/+149
This script stores compile times while compiling a kernel. It was used to determine the temperature performance after changing thermal paste. calculate min/max/avg/sdPeter Wu1-0/+28
2013-10-09tmp-upload: fix upload when open_basedir is setPeter Wu1-3/+7
2013-10-09tmp-upload: open_basedir fixesPeter Wu1-5/+13
2013-08-12ftp: ignore ms in mlsd, process path in ftp-getPeter Wu3-3/+8
- ftp-get: when 'get bar.ext' on, the directory 'foo' won't be created.
2013-08-05vnstats-gen-dir: add vnstats helperPeter Wu1-0/+39 allow spaces to be escapedPeter Wu1-1/+2