#!/usr/bin/python # A small FTP shell # # Copyright (C) 2013 Peter Wu from __future__ import print_function, division # TODO: nonlocal is python3-only which makes the above useless import sys from ftplib import FTP, all_errors import re import os, os.path from datetime import datetime, timezone, date import readline # for enhanced input() import subprocess import time import math try: # Python 2 input() acts like eval(input()) - just NO! input = raw_input except NameError: pass user = "anonymous" passwd = "anon" host = None port = 21 path = "/" outdir = os.getcwd() patt_url = re.compile(r""" ^ (?:ftp://)? (?: (?P.+?) (?: :(?P.+?) )? @ )? (?P[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+) (:(?P\d+))? (?P/.*)? $ """, re.VERBOSE) if len(sys.argv) >= 2: m = patt_url.match(sys.argv[1]) if m: if m.group("user") is not None: user = m.group("user") if m.group("passwd") is not None: passwd = m.group("passwd") host = m.group("host") if m.group("port") is not None: port = int(m.group("port")) if m.group("path") is not None: path = m.group("path") print("Warning: path component is ignored", file=sys.stderr) if host is None: print("Usage: python", sys.argv[0], "[ftp://][user[:pass]@]ftp.example.com[:21][/path]", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def format_perms(mode): """Turns a numeric UNIX mode into human-readable form """ str = "" for i in range(0, 3): o = 0o100 >> (3 * i) str += "r" if mode & (4 * o) else "-" str += "w" if mode & (2 * o) else "-" if mode & (0o4000 >> i): # setuid, setgid or sticky bit if o == 0o001: # "world" str += "t" if mode & o else "T" else: str += "s" if mode & o else "S" else: str += "x" if mode & (1 * o) else "-" return str def format_type_fact(type): if type == "file": return "-" elif type in ("cdir", "pdir", "dir"): return "d" # TODO: handle OS.name=type else: return "?" def dt_from_ftp(timeval): return datetime.strptime(timeval, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S").replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) def format_mlsd(name, facts): if "type" in facts: mode_desc = format_type_fact(facts["type"]) else: mode_desc = "?" if "unix.mode" in facts: perm = int(facts["unix.mode"], 8) mode_desc += format_perms(perm) else: mode_desc += "?" * 9 user = "?" if not "unix.owner" in facts else facts["unix.owner"] group = "?" if not "unix.group" in facts else facts["unix.group"] size = "" if not "size" in facts else int(facts["size"]) modtime = 0 if not "modify" in facts else dt_from_ftp(facts["modify"]) if date.today().year == modtime.year: date_str = modtime.strftime("%b %d %H:%M") else: date_str = modtime.strftime("%b %d %Y") line = mode_desc + " " #line += " {links:4s}".format(links=-1) line += " {user:8s} {group:8s} {size:8}".format(user=user, group=group, size=size) line += " " + date_str + " " + name return line def format_bytes(bytes): if bytes == 0: return "--.-K" elif bytes < 1024: return str(bytes) + "B" if bytes < 1024**2: num = bytes / 1024 pfx = "KB" elif bytes < 1024**3: num = bytes / 1024**2 pfx = "MB" elif bytes < 1024**4: num = bytes / 1024**3 pfx = "GB" if num < 10: fmt_str = "{:.2f}{}" elif num < 100: fmt_str = "{:.1f}{}" else: fmt_str = "{:.0f}{}" return fmt_str.format(num, pfx) def format_time(seconds): fmt_str = "" seconds = int(seconds) if seconds < 100: return "{0}s".format(seconds) elif seconds < 100 * 60: return "{0}m {1}s".format(seconds // 60, seconds % 60) elif seconds < 48 * 60 * 60: mins = seconds // 60 return "{0}h {1}m".format(mins // 60, mins % 60) elif seconds < 100 * 24 * 60 * 60: hours = seconds // 3600 return "{0}d {1}h".format(hours // 24, hours % 24) else: days = seconds // (3600 * 24) return "{0}d".format(days) def download_file(ftp, file_path, local_file_path, size=None, offset=0): filename = os.path.basename(file_path) local_dirs = os.path.dirname(local_file_path) if local_dirs: os.makedirs(local_dirs, exist_ok=True) if size is None: try: # ProFTPd requires binary mode for size ftp.voidcmd("TYPE I") size = ftp.size(file_path) except all_errors as e: print("SIZE failed: ", e, file=sys.stderr) BAR_WIDTH = 50 if size is not None: progress_text = "\r{percent:^4.0%}[{bar_done:" progress_text += str(BAR_WIDTH) + "}] {bytes:" size_len = len(str(size)) progress_text += str(int(1 + (size_len - 1) * 4 / 3)) progress_text += ",d} {rate:>8}/s {eta:11}" else: progress_text = "\rRetrieved {bytes} bytes {rate:>6}/s {eta:11}" print("Downloading {} ({} bytes)".format(filename, "unknown" if size is None else size)) begin_tsp = time.time() bytes_sofar = 0 def get_writer(local_file): sample_bytes = 0 sample_tsp = begin_tsp sample_rate = 0 def writer(data): nonlocal bytes_sofar, sample_bytes, sample_tsp, sample_rate local_file.write(data) bytes_sofar += len(data) percent_done = 0 now_tsp = time.time() timediff = abs(now_tsp - sample_tsp) bytediff = bytes_sofar - sample_bytes if timediff >= 1 and bytediff > 0: sample_tsp, sample_bytes = now_tsp, bytes_sofar sample_rate = bytediff / timediff elif bytediff == 0 and timediff >= 2: sample_tsp, sample_bytes = now_tsp, bytes_sofar sample_rate = 0 # else timediff too small or bytediff zero rate_str = format_bytes(int(sample_rate)) eta_str = "eta unknown" if size is not None and bytes_sofar + offset <= size: percent_done = 1.0 * (bytes_sofar + offset) / size bytes_left = size - offset - bytes_sofar if sample_rate > 0: eta_sec = bytes_left / sample_rate eta_str = "eta " + format_time(math.ceil(eta_sec)) print(progress_text.format( percent = percent_done, bytes = offset + bytes_sofar, bar_done = "=" * int((BAR_WIDTH - 1) * percent_done) + ">", rate = rate_str, eta = eta_str), end="") return writer write_mode = "ab" if offset else "wb" with open(local_file_path, write_mode) as local_file: ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + file_path, get_writer(local_file), rest=offset if offset else None) duration = time.time() - begin_tsp rate_str = format_bytes(int(bytes_sofar / duration)) print(progress_text.format( percent = 1.00, bytes = offset + bytes_sofar, bar_done = "=" * (BAR_WIDTH - 1) + ">", rate = rate_str, eta = "in " + format_time(math.ceil(duration)))) # adjust modification times (server returns UTC) timeval = ftp.sendcmd("MDTM " + file_path)[4:] mtime = dt_from_ftp(timeval).timestamp() os.utime(local_file_path, times=(mtime, mtime)) def reget_file(ftp, file_path, local_file_path): # do not send a REST(art) command when starting at the beginning offset = None try: ftp.voidcmd("TYPE I") file_size = ftp.size(file_path) except all_errors as e: print("SIZE failed: ", e, file=sys.stderr) file_size = None if file_size is not None: try: local_size = os.path.getsize(local_file_path) if local_size > file_size: print("Local size %d is larger than remote %d" % (local_size, file_size)) return elif local_size == file_size: # assume fully downloaded. Maybe check mtime? print("Already completed:", file_path) return elif local_size > 0: offset = local_size print("Downloading {0:d} remaining bytes of {1}".format(file_size - offset, file_path)) except OSError: pass download_file(ftp, file_path, local_file_path, size=file_size, offset=offset) # Currently, the values indicate the allowed argument count cmds = { "pwd": (0,), "dir": (0, 1), "cd": (1,), "ls": (0, 1), "mlsd": (0, 1), "get": (1, 2), # TODO: 2 is not implemented yet "reget": (1, 2), "lcd": (1,), "rhelp": (0,), "help": (0,), "bye": (0,), "quit": (0,), "!": (0, 1) } with FTP() as ftp: ftp.connect(host, port) ftp.login(user, passwd) print(ftp.getwelcome()) while True: try: cmd = input("ftp> ") try: if cmd.startswith("!"): cmd, value = "!", cmd[1:] else: cmd, value = re.split(r"(?