## ## Put me in ~/.irssi/scripts, and then execute the following in irssi: ## ## /load perl ## /script load notifyudp ## use strict; use Irssi; use IO::Socket; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Time::HiRes qw(time); $VERSION = "0.2.20130614"; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Lekensteyn', contact => 'lekensteyn@gmail.com', name => 'notifyudp.pl', description => 'Send a UDP signal to a remote machine', license => 'GPLv3+' ); Irssi::settings_add_str('notifyudp', 'notifyudp_ip_addr', ''); # port 0 = disabled Irssi::settings_add_int('notifyudp', 'notifyudp_port', 0); Irssi::settings_add_bool('notifyudp', 'notifyudp_auto_start', 0); my $sock; sub notify_load { if ($sock) { Irssi::print('NotifyUDP: Already connected.'); return; } my $ip = Irssi::settings_get_str('notifyudp_ip_addr'); my $port = Irssi::settings_get_int('notifyudp_port'); if (!$port || !$ip) { Irssi::print('NotifyUDP: No port or host set, /set notifyudp for more information..'); return; } if ($port < 1024 || $port > 65535) { Irssi::print('NotifyUDP: Invalid port, must be 1024 <= port <= 65535, resetting and ignoring.'); Irssi::settings_set_int('notifyudp_port', 0); return; } $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => $ip, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'udp', Timeout => 1 ); Irssi::print("NotifyUDP: IP $ip will be notified on port $port."); } my $last_time = 0; sub notify { if ($sock) { my $now = time; my $notify_delay = 1.3; if (abs($now - $last_time) > $notify_delay) { $last_time = $now; $sock->send("M"); } } } sub notify_stop { if ($sock) { Irssi::print("NotifyUDP: Stopping."); $sock->send("S"); $sock = undef; } else { Irssi::print("NotifyUDP: not active."); } } sub cmd_notifyudp { my ($cmd) = @_; if ($cmd eq 'start') { notify_load(); } elsif ($cmd eq 'stop') { notify_stop(); } elsif ($cmd eq 'ping') { notify(); } else { Irssi::print('NotifyUDP: Usage: /notifyudp [start|stop|ping]'); } } Irssi::command_bind('notifyudp', 'cmd_notifyudp'); my @signals = ( #'print text', # too verbose? 'message public', 'message private', 'dcc request', 'message irc notice', # NickServ responses and such # whenever the server dies 'server connected', 'server connect failed', 'server disconnected', 'message invite', 'message topic', 'message dcc', 'ctcp msg', 'ctcp reply', ); foreach (@signals) { Irssi::signal_add($_, 'notify'); } if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('notifyudp_auto_start')) { Irssi::print('NotifyUDP: automatic connection with the sound server is enabled.'); notify_load(); } else { Irssi::print('NotifyUDP: automatic connection with the sound server is disabled.'); }