Your future begins at TU/e in the Bachelor College, home to the university’s Bachelor's study programs. As a student of this Bachelor College you get plenty of scope to compose your own study on the basis of your interests and ambitions. Do you want to go deeper in a specific subject or would you rather explore the breadth by combining different subjects? Coaches and lecturers offer you support in whichever choice you make. In the Bachelor College you begin with a three-year Bachelor, following a number of compulsory subjects like Calculus and Physics and learning engineering design. There will also be room in your electives for non-technology subjects like psychology, because engineers do more than simply engineering. In the Bachelor College you develop skills that you need in industry and learn to translate your technological knowledge into applications that are relevant for society.

In the Bachelor College you have courses of the major which you’ve chosen, free elective space and a USE (User, Society and Enterprise) package. At the end of the third year, you will also have the Bachelor End Project in which you will have to combine all of the skills you’ve come across in your academic career. You can find the Data Science curriculum below, be sure to click on the courses in order to view their content.