package database; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Locale; /** * Utilities to create queries. * * @author Maurice Laveaux */ public class QueryUtils { public final static String insertRating = buildQuery("mentionsbrand", new String[]{"tweetid","brand"},"tweetid","brand", "rating"); public final static String insertProfile = buildQuery("twitteruser", new String[]{"userid"}, "userid", "displayname", "timezone", "tweetcount", "followercount", "followedcount", "location", "tweetname", "createdat::timestamptz", "language", "description", "verified"); public final static String insertTweet = buildQuery("tweet", new String[]{"tweetid"}, "tweetid", "createdat::timestamptz", "favcount", "retweetcount", "text", "coordinates::point", "language", "retweetid", "replyid", "place", "userid"); public final static String insertHash = buildQuery("hashtag", null, "tweetid", "hashtag"); public final static String insertUserUrl = buildQuery("userUrl", null, "userid", "url"); public final static String insertTweetUrl = buildQuery("tweetUrl", null, "tweetid", "url"); public final static String insertMentions = buildQuery("mentionsuser", null, "tweetid", "userid"); public final static String insertBrand = buildQuery("mentionsbrand", null, "tweetid", "brand"); /** * Builds an upsert query for a table and keys. * * @param table Table to insert or update the data. * @param primaryKeys The primary keys for the table or null if all keys * form the primary key. * @param keys The keys to be inserted or updated. * @return A SQL query containing named parameters. */ private static String buildQuery(String table, String[] primaryKeys, String... keys) { String sep = ""; String fields = ""; // a, b, c String values = ""; // :a, :b, :c String set_values = ""; // a = nv.a, b = nv.b, c = nv.c String pkey_matches = ""; for (String field : keys) { String key = field.replaceFirst("::\\w+", ""); fields += sep + key; values += sep + ":" + field; // "u" is "table that gets updated", "nv" is "new values" set_values += sep + key + " = nv." + key; sep = ", "; } sep = ""; // assume that all fields form the primary key if pks are missing if (primaryKeys == null) { primaryKeys = keys; } for (String pkey : primaryKeys) { assert !pkey.contains("::") : "Specify primary keys when type cast is given"; pkey_matches += sep + "u." + pkey + " = nv." + pkey; sep = " AND "; } String sql; // CTE that holds new values sql = "WITH nv (" + fields + ") AS (\n"; sql += " VALUES (" + values + ")\n"; sql += ")\n"; // CTE that tries to update the table with new values (PSQL extension) sql += ", upsert AS (\n"; sql += " UPDATE " + table + " u SET " + set_values + " FROM nv\n"; sql += " WHERE " + pkey_matches + " RETURNING 1\n"; sql += ")\n"; // if nothing got updated, insert new entry sql += "INSERT INTO " + table + " (" + fields + ")\n"; sql += "SELECT " + fields + " FROM nv\n"; sql += "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM upsert)"; return sql; } public static void setInsertParams(NamedPreparedStatement statement, Long tweetid, String brand, int rating) throws SQLException { statement.setLong("tweetid", tweetid); statement.setInt("rating", rating); statement.setString("brand", brand); } }