# RobotRace 2IV60 Computer Graphics project (Q2 2013 - 2014). Authors: - Peter Wu (https://lekensteyn.nl) - Frank van de Haterd The source code in this repository is IP of TU/e in accordance with the [Intellectual property rights policy][1]. ## Building To build this project: ant compile Build and run: ant run Alternatively, run (Linux): ./run.sh ## Keyboard shortcuts (not from Base) General: - Escape: Exit from program. - G: Anti-gravity. - L: toggle Lighting - I: print globalstate to stderr - T: toggle Textures - Space: pause time (robots stop walking) - B: toggles the visibility of debug markers and center line for Bézier spline tracks. Camera: - O: Overview mode - H: Helicopter mode - M: Motorcycle mode - F: when helicopter, motorcycle or first-person mode is in use, this key toggles the "interesting" robot to Focus on (focus the robot that has the highest speed or the one that made the longest distance). Track selection: - 0: select default track - 1: select O track - 2: select L track - 3: select C track - 4: select custom track [1]: https://www.tue.nl/en/education/studying-at-tue/admission-and-enrollment/graduate-programs/enrollment/intellectual-property-rights/