diff options
authorPeter Wu <>2014-07-07 16:21:19 +0200
committerPeter Wu <>2014-07-07 16:21:19 +0200
commit056328e1d40a73bef98c5a6c9001215e3b44127e (patch)
parentadef46157ace41575bc9f619f852039d552930f2 (diff)
downloadwireshark-notes-056328e1d40a73bef98c5a6c9001215e3b44127e.tar.gz remote compilation after editing
This script helps me in syncing sources with a remote build machine and building changes once I have made a local change. It also syncs back generated binaries.
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..109e6a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Detect a local change, sync to build machine and retrieve result when done. A
+# notification is also send when the build is complete.
+# Author: Peter Wu <>
+# Recommendations:
+# - ssh-agent (add keys before with ssh-add)
+# - 2 GiB remote storage (builddir is 900 MiB, git tree is 486 MiB)
+# - Gigabit link between working machine and build machine
+# - Matching local + remote OS environments to avoid library mismatches.
+# In my case I run schroot to enter a chroot with matching libs (see
+# $remotecmd below).
+# - libnotify for notifications when ready.
+# LOCAL source dir (on non-volatile storage for reliability)
+# REMOTE host, is a ssh alias that can be defined in ~/.ssh/config, e.g.:
+# Host wireshark-builder
+# User foo
+# Hostname
+# Remote source dir, it can be volatile (tmpfs) since it is just a copy. On the
+# local side, it is recommended to create a symlink to the localsrcdir for
+# debugging purposes
+# Remote directory to generate objects, it must also be accessible locally for
+# easier debugging (rpath)
+# LOCAL & REMOTE program dir (Available since 1.11.x and 1.12.0)
+# PATH is needed for /usr/bin/core_perl/pod2man (PCAP)
+remotecmd="schroot -c chroot:arch -- sh -c '
+if [ ! -d $builddir ]; then
+ mkdir $builddir && cd $builddir &&
+ time cmake \
+ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/wsroot \
+ -DENABLE_QT5=0 \
+ $remotesrcdir \
+ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fsanitize=address \
+ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fsanitize=address \
+fi &&
+time make -C $builddir -j16
+# Touch this file to trigger a build.
+sync=$(mktemp --tmpdir 'sync-build-XXXXXXXX')
+cleanup() {
+ rm -f "$sync"
+ [ -z "$monpid" ] || kill $monpid
+trap cleanup EXIT
+monitor_changes() {
+ # Wait for changes, but ignore .git/ and vim swap files
+ # NOTE: you cannot add multiple --exclude options, they must be combined
+ inotifywait -r -m -e close_write \
+ --exclude='/\.[^/]+\.swp?.$|~$|\/.git/' \
+ "$localsrcdir/" |
+ while read x; do
+ printf '\e[36m%s\e[m\n' "Trigger $((++round)): $x" >&2
+ touch "$sync"
+ done
+### MAIN ###
+# For gdb
+if [ ! -e "$remotesrcdir" ]; then
+ ln -sv "$localsrcdir" "$remotesrcdir"
+monitor_changes & monpid=$!
+echo Waiting...
+while inotifywait -qq -e close_write "$sync"; do
+ echo Woke up...
+ # Wait for a second in case I save something and want to do a ninja edit.
+ sleep 1
+ rsync -av --delete --exclude='.*.sw?' \
+ "$localsrcdir/" "$remotehost:$remotesrcdir/" &&
+ ssh -t "$remotehost" "$remotecmd"
+ retval=$?
+ if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then
+ notify-send -- "$(tty) - $(date -R)" "Build broke with $retval"
+ sleep 3
+ else
+ rsync -av --delete --exclude='.*.sw?' "$remotehost:$rundir" "$rundir"
+ notify-send -- "$(tty) - $(date -R)" "READY"
+ fi
+ echo Another satisfied customer. NEXT