path: root/
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authorPeter Wu <>2018-07-19 12:15:35 +0200
committerPeter Wu <>2018-07-19 12:15:35 +0200
commit1d73589eb84ffdaae62d5c21db44661dcec6ca0a (patch)
tree95037a8e849a692917c5032f30b90aaa0c4086df /
parent76be49af00f2895d8a4de43219a24cf0abd77e55 (diff)
downloadwireshark-notes-1d73589eb84ffdaae62d5c21db44661dcec6ca0a.tar.gz add utility to investigate TCP reassembly issues
While working on improving handling of reassembly in presence of retransmissions, it would be very helpful to have a tool that tells the correct interpretation. This tool does that. It can probably not directly be implemented in Wireshark due to the additional memory requirements. Used to investigate bugs such as
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2ae570d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Reads a pcap and shows sequence issues (retransmissions, out-of-order, etc).
+import argparse
+import sys
+from scapy.all import *
+def identify(pkt):
+ ip = pkt[IP]
+ tcp = ip[TCP]
+ addr = '%s-%d-%s-%d' % (ip.src,, ip.dst, tcp.dport)
+ return addr.replace(':', '_')
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument("-s", dest="stream", type=int, help="Select stream number")
+parser.add_argument("-r", dest="input_file", required=True, help="Input pcap")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# map (ip.src)-(tcp.srcport)-(ip.dst)-(tcp.dstport) -> [<packet>..]
+tcp_packets = {}
+stream_ids = []
+# Group packets per TCP/IP tuple
+pkts = rdpcap(args.input_file)
+for pktno, pkt in enumerate(pkts, 1):
+ if not TCP in pkt:
+ continue
+ tcp = pkt[TCP]
+ if type(tcp.payload) != Raw:
+ continue
+ payload = tcp.payload.load
+ if not payload:
+ continue
+ address = identify(pkt)
+ if address not in stream_ids:
+ stream_ids.append(address)
+ tcp_packets.setdefault(address, []).append((pktno, pkt))
+# Select packet
+if not tcp_packets:
+ sys.exit("No TCP data packets found")
+elif is not None:
+ try:
+ stream = stream_ids[]
+ mypackets = tcp_packets[stream]
+ except KeyError:
+ sys.exit("Requested stream %d was not found",
+elif len(tcp_packets) == 1:
+ mypackets = next(iter(tcp_packets.values()))
+ print("Too many addresses, select one of them:")
+ print("%4s %-42s %7s %s" % ("Strm", "Addr", "Count", "Bytes"))
+ for stream, address in enumerate(stream_ids):
+ mypkts = tcp_packets[address]
+ pkts_count = len(mypkts)
+ pkts_bytes = sum(len(mypkt[TCP].payload.load)
+ for pktno, mypkt in mypkts)
+ print("%3d %-43s %7d %d" % (stream, address, pkts_count, pkts_bytes))
+ sys.exit(1)
+def relative_tcp_seq_no(firstseq):
+ def seqno_func(pkt):
+ tcp = pkt[TCP]
+ seq = tcp.seq - firstseq
+ if seq < 0:
+ seq += 2**32
+ # Sort larger (retransmitted) segments first such that smaller one that
+ # are embedded in that one are ignored.
+ return (seq, -len(tcp.payload.load))
+ return seqno_func
+# Fix broken interpretation due to a Scapy bug
+for i, (pktno, pkt) in enumerate(mypackets):
+ if pkt[IP].len == 0:
+ pkt.load += pkt[Padding].load
+ del pkt[Padding]
+ pkt[IP].len = None
+ mypackets[i] = Ether(bytes(pkt))
+ assert mypackets[i][IP].len != 0
+class SegmentInfo(object):
+ def __init__(self, seq, nextseq):
+ self.seq = seq
+ self.nextseq = nextseq
+ self.seglen = nextseq - seq
+class Stream(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.segments = []
+ self.unhandled_segments = []
+ self.iseq = None
+ self.nextseq = None
+ self.errors = {}
+ def add_segment(self, pkt):
+ self.segments.append(pkt)
+ assert pkt.seq <= self.nextseq
+ assert type(pkt[TCP].payload == Raw)
+ self.nextseq = pkt.seq + len(pkt[TCP].payload.load)
+ def add(self, pktno, pkt):
+ assert type(pkt[TCP].payload == Raw)
+ segdata = pkt[TCP].payload.load
+ seglen = len(segdata)
+ seq = pkt.seq
+ nextseq = pkt.seq + seglen
+ is_initial = self.nextseq is None
+ # Set initial seqno
+ if self.iseq is None:
+ self.iseq = pkt.seq
+ self.nextseq = nextseq
+ # Ignore segments with no data
+ if seglen == 0:
+ return
+ # Handle normal case
+ if is_initial:
+ # Handle initial packet
+ self.add_segment(pkt)
+ return
+ elif seq == self.nextseq:
+ # Handle sequential packets
+ self.add_segment(pkt)
+ self.process_unhandled()
+ return
+ # Handle error cases
+ if nextseq <= self.nextseq:
+ # Ignore full retransmissions
+ assert seq < self.nextseq
+ self.errors[pktno] = "Retransmission"
+ # TODO check overlap conflicts for (seq, nextseq)
+ elif seq > self.nextseq:
+ # Handle gap segment (possibly lost segment before or OoO)
+ # (possible overlap with previous unhandled segments)
+ self.errors[pktno] = "Out-of-Order (%d > %d)" % (
+ seq - self.iseq, self.nextseq - self.iseq)
+ # TODO check overlap conflicts for (seq, nextseq)
+ overlap_error = self.has_overlap(seq, nextseq)
+ if overlap_error == 1:
+ self.errors[pktno] += " / Partial Retransmission"
+ elif overlap_error == 2:
+ self.errors[pktno] += " / Retransmission"
+ if overlap_error != 2:
+ # potential new data, so save it.
+ self.add_unhandled(pktno, seq, nextseq, pkt)
+ else:
+ # Else partial overlap. Find out if it is retrans + extra data
+ # (possible overlap with previous unhandled segments)
+ # This could result in removing segments from "unhandled_segments"
+ # and must add to "segments".
+ assert seq < self.nextseq
+ # TODO check overlap conflicts for (seq, self.nextseq)
+ overlap_error = self.has_overlap(self.nextseq, nextseq)
+ if overlap_error != 2:
+ self.errors[pktno] = "Partial Retransmission"
+ self.add_unhandled(pktno, seq, nextseq, pkt)
+ self.process_unhandled()
+ else:
+ self.errors[pktno] = "Retransmission"
+ def has_overlap(self, seq, nextseq):
+ """
+ Returns 0 if there is no overlap.
+ Returns 1 if there is a partial overlap (partial retransmission).
+ Returns 2 if there is a full overlap (retransmission).
+ """
+ assert seq < nextseq
+ newseq = seq
+ for pktno, pkt in self.unhandled_segments:
+ if pkt.seq > nextseq:
+ # Note: could have continued searching in order to detect
+ # conflicting overlaps.
+ break
+ pkt_nextseq = pkt.seq + len(pkt[TCP].payload.load)
+ newseq = max(newseq, pkt_nextseq)
+ if newseq >= nextseq:
+ # Full overlap
+ return 2
+ if newseq > seq:
+ # partial overlap
+ return 1
+ else:
+ # no overlap
+ return 0
+ def process_unhandled(self):
+ """Try to reassemble segments."""
+ errors = []
+ remove = 0
+ for pktno, pkt in self.unhandled_segments:
+ if pkt.seq > self.nextseq:
+ break
+ nextseq = pkt.seq + len(pkt[TCP].load)
+ if pkt.seq == self.nextseq:
+ # perfect adjacent
+ self.add_segment(pkt)
+ else:
+ assert pkt.seq < self.nextseq
+ overlap = self.nextseq - pkt.seq
+ # partial overlap
+ # pkt.load[:overlap]
+ errors.append("Overlap: %d - %d (%d bytes)" % (pkt.seq,
+ self.nextseq, overlap))
+ # XXX append partial? Or leave up to reassembly API?
+ self.add_segment(pkt)
+ remove += 1
+ self.unhandled_segments = self.unhandled_segments[remove:]
+ if errors:
+ error = ", ".join(errors)
+ if pktno in self.errors:
+ self.errors[pktno] += " / " + error
+ else:
+ self.errors[pktno] = error
+ def add_unhandled(self, pktno, seq, nextseq, pkt):
+ """Remembers a segment for later use."""
+ assert seq < nextseq
+ # Ensure that for each segment x, y:
+ # x.seq < y.seq or (x.seq == y.seq and x.nextseq <= y.nextseq)
+ insertPos = 0
+ for i, (pktno2, pkt2) in enumerate(self.unhandled_segments):
+ if seq > pkt2.seq:
+ break
+ if seq == pkt2.seq and nextseq > pkt2.nextseq:
+ break
+ insertPos = i
+ self.unhandled_segments.insert(insertPos, (pktno, pkt))
+stream = Stream()
+for pktno, pkt in mypackets:
+ stream.add(pktno, pkt)
+ print("%3d " % (pktno), end="")
+ seglen = len(pkt[TCP].load)
+ print("seq=%-5d nextseq=%-5d len=%-4d " %
+ (pkt.seq - stream.iseq, pkt.seq + seglen - stream.iseq, seglen), end="")
+ if pktno in stream.errors:
+ print(stream.errors[pktno])
+ else:
+ print("OK")