diff options
2 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/one-off/cleanup-notes.txt b/one-off/cleanup-notes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7383598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/one-off/cleanup-notes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+grep -rnw register_init_routine | grep -P 'register_init_routine *\( *&?\K[a-z0-9_]+(?= *\))' -o
+grep -P 'register_init_routine *\( *&?\K[a-z0-9_]+(?= *\))' -oHr
+# Read files and format in a standard way
+time while IFS=: read filename func; do out=/tmp/out/$filename;
+ mkdir -p "${out%/*}" && clang-format "$filename" >"$out"; done < /tmp/1
+# definition is in different file
+clang-format plugins/mate/mate_runtime.c > /tmp/out/plugins/mate/packet-mate.c
+# change initialize_mate_runtime from extern to static
+clang-format epan/dissectors/ > /tmp/out/tools/
+# Extract all functions
+while IFS=: read filename func; do out=/tmp/fns/$filename; mkdir -p "${out%/*}" && awk "/^(static )?void $func\\(/&&! /;$/{p=1;if(/}$/){print;exit}};p;p&&/^}/{exit}" "/tmp/out/$filename" > "$out"; done < /tmp/1
+Do not forget to regenerate:
+--- asn1/camel/packet-camel-template.c 2015-06-23 22:58:45.547098846 +0200
++++ - 2015-06-23 23:40:03.580116775 +0200
+@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
+ * Routine called when the TAP is initialized.
+ * so hash table are (re)created
+ */
+-void camelsrt_init_routine(void)
++static void camelsrt_init_routine(void)
+ {
+ /* free hash-table for SRT */
+TODO lua only has init, needs free?
+TODO rtp uses wmem_register_callback() to clean memory... move this to cleanup
+func? rtp_dyn_payloads_init
+mp2t dissector leaks at:
+1524 heur_subdissector_list = register_heur_dissector_list("");
+view -p $(cat /tmp/fns/.x/epan.txt)
+# Extract functions from a file given file:funcName
+while IFS=: read filename func; do awk "function f(){print \"/// $func\n\";exit};/\\<$func *\(/&&!/;$/{p=1;print \"//\", FILENAME; if(/}$/){print;f()}};p;p&&/^}/{f()}" $filename; done < /tmp/fns/.x/epan-func.txt
+# given a list of files, extract the functions from files
+while read filename; do
+func=$(awk -F: "\"$filename\"~\$1{print \$2;exit}" /tmp/fns/.x/epan-func.txt)
+[ -n "$func" ] || continue
+ awk "function f(){print \"/// $func\n\";exit};/\\<$func *\(/&&!/;$/{p=1;print \"//\", FILENAME; if(/}$/){print;f()}};p;p&&/^}/{f()}" $filename; done
+# Test dissectors with cleanup script, run from /tmp/wireshark
+f(){ read x;n=${x:-$n}; f=epan/dissectors/packet-$n.c && [ -f $f ] && ~/projects/wireshark-notes/one-off/ $f |& colordiff -u $f - | less -R;}
+while :;do f;done
+# convert all dissectors with cleanup script
+time for i in $(cat /tmp/fns/.x/epan.txt);do ../wireshark-notes/one-off/ -w $i 2>/tmp/errs/${i##*/}.txt;done
diff --git a/one-off/ b/one-off/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0024e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/one-off/
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Detects init functions with just reassembly functionality and adds a
+# corresponding cleanup function for it.
+# 1. Load file containing lines with: path/to/file.c:foo_init
+# 2. Find function, extract it.
+# 3. Append cleanup func.
+# 4. Find register_init_routine call and append cleanup call.
+# Detect init function:
+# static void foo_init(void) {
+# // one or more lines. Non-empty lines are processed as shown below.
+# // Note that functions may split over multiple lines and that indent
+# // might differ.
+# }
+# Keep comments in output:
+# /* optional comments,
+# * possibly multiline */
+# Keep reassembly, remember R_NAME:
+# reassembly_table_init(&R_NAME, &functions);
+# Strip hash table destroy and if conditions, remember name:
+# if (HT_NAME) g_hash_table_destroy(HT_NAME);
+# if (HT_NAME != NULL) { /* ... */ }
+# if (HT_NAME) {
+# g_hash_table_destroy(HT_NAME);
+# HT_NAME = NULL; // ignore this as well if any
+# }
+# Keep hash table init:
+# HT_NAME = g_hash_table_new_full(...);
+# HT_NAME = g_hash_table_new(...);
+# Keep, but mark as TODO (or ignore for now?):
+# varname = 0;
+# varname = NULL;
+# After init function:
+# Output g_hash_table_destroy for each HT_NAME
+# Output reassembly_table_destroy for each R_NAME.
+import sys, re, logging
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# For quick sanity checking (funcName)
+RE_FUNCTION_HEADER = re.compile(
+ r'(?:static\s+)?void\s+(?P<funcName>\w+)\s*\(\s*void\s*\)')
+# TODO: maybe detect prototypes?
+# Matches init/cleanup function signature (funcName, body)
+RE_FUNCTION = re.compile(
+ r'''
+ ^(?:static \s+ )?void \s+ # "static void" - prefix
+ (?P<funcName>\w+) \s* # "foo_init" - function name
+ \([^)]*\) \s* \{ # "(void) {" - function params
+ (?P<body>
+ [^\n]+ # everything on one line { ... }
+ |
+ (?: # Handle multiple lines
+ \n[^}][^\n]+ # heh, forget '\n' and you run into a loop...
+ |
+ \n # Handle empty lines
+ )+
+ ) \}[^\n]*\n # "} /* foo_init */" - end of function
+ ''', re.M | re.X)
+RE_IF = re.compile(
+ r'''
+ if\s*\(\s* # "if ("
+ (?P<varName>[.\w]+)\s* # "HT_NAME "
+ (?:!=\s* (?:NULL|0))? # "!= NULL
+ \) # ")"
+ ''', re.X)
+# Matches reassembly lines
+RE_REASS = re.compile('reassembly_table_init\s*\(\s*(?P<name>[^\s,]+)')
+# Matches "g_hash_table_destroy(HT_NAME)"
+RE_HT_DESTROY = re.compile(r'''
+ g_hash_table_destroy\s*\(\s* # "g_hash_table_destroy("
+ (?P<varName>[.\w]+)\s* # "struct.ht_name"
+ \) # ")"
+ ''', re.X)
+RE_ASSIGNMENT = re.compile(r'(?P<varName>[.\w]+)\s*=\s*(?P<value>[^;]*)')
+class Function(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, body, func_match):
+ = name
+ self.body = body
+ self.func_match = func_match
+ self.lines_keep = ''
+ self.reassemble_names = []
+ self.ht_names = []
+ self.unknown_lines = ''
+ def detect_comment(self, text, multiline_comment):
+ if multiline_comment:
+ multiline_comment = not text.endswith('*/')
+ # Assume that there is no code after the end marker
+ return True, multiline_comment
+ else:
+ multiline_comment = text.startswith('/*')
+ if multiline_comment:
+ multiline_comment = not text.endswith('*/')
+ return True, multiline_comment
+ if text.startswith('//'):
+ return True, False
+ # Not a comment, not a multi-line comment
+ return False, False
+ def parse(self):
+ """Call it once to parse the given function body."""
+ multiline_comment = False
+ # Find all functional lines
+ self._lines_iter = iter(self.body.splitlines(True))
+ for line in self._lines_iter:
+ # Track whether the line was understood or not
+ # None = needs check, False = invalid, True = handled
+ handled = None
+ # Ignore empty lines.
+ text = line.strip()
+ if not text:
+ continue
+ # Keep comments, but ignore them for parsing
+ is_comment, multiline_comment = self.detect_comment(text,
+ multiline_comment)
+ if is_comment:
+ # Uncomment to keep comments (might also have to do this for
+ # RE_ASSIGNMENT below).
+ #self.lines_keep += line
+ handled = True
+ # detect reassembly function
+ if handled is None:
+ reass_match = RE_REASS.match(text)
+ if reass_match:
+ handled = self.handle_reasembly(reass_match, line)
+ if handled is None:
+ # Find if/hashtable stuff
+ if_match = RE_IF.match(text)
+ if if_match:
+ _logger.debug('Found if in: %s', text)
+ handled = self.handle_if(if_match, line)
+ if handled is None:
+ # Find assignments such as hash table things
+ assignment_match = RE_ASSIGNMENT.match(text)
+ if assignment_match:
+ _logger.debug('Found assignment in: %s', text)
+ varName ='varName')
+ # Hash table creation
+ line, text = self._read_stmt(line)
+ if 'g_hash_table_new' in text:
+ _logger.debug('Found hash table in: %s', text)
+ if varName not in self.ht_names:
+ _logger.warn('HT %s was not destructed', varName)
+ #self.ht_names.append(varName)
+ self.lines_keep += line
+ handled = True
+ if not handled:
+ self.unknown_lines += line
+ if self.unknown_lines:
+ _logger.error('Unknown lines in %s:\n%s',
+, self.unknown_lines)
+ return False
+'Found function %s',
+'Keep function %s:\n%s',, self.lines_keep)
+ return True
+ def _read_stmt(self, line='', terminator=';'):
+ """
+ Reads lines until a full statement is ready.
+ :param line: current buffer that needs to be finished
+ """
+ text = line.strip()
+ ml_comment = False
+ while terminator not in text:
+ line2 = next(self._lines_iter)
+ text2 = line2.strip()
+ is_comment, ml_comment = self.detect_comment(text2, ml_comment)
+ line += line2
+ if not is_comment:
+ text += '\n' + text2
+ return line, text
+ def handle_reasembly(self, reass_match, line):
+ self.reassemble_names.append('name'))
+ # Handle following lines and jump to next detection.
+ line, _ = self._read_stmt(line)
+ self.lines_keep += line
+ return True
+ def handle_if(self, if_match, line):
+ text = line.strip()
+ # Expected more?
+ if '{' in text:
+ # Look for if (...) { ... }
+ line, text = self._read_stmt(line, '}')
+ else:
+ # Look for if (...) ...;
+ line, text = self._read_stmt(line, ';')
+ # Check for else that is not understood.
+ if'\}\s*else\b', text):
+ self.unknown_lines += line
+ return True # Cannot handle else yet! True to avoid double append
+ # Get rid of if condition and brackets
+ if '{' in text:
+ text = text.split('{', 1)[1].split('}')[0]
+ else:
+ text = text.split(')', 1)[1]
+ # The variable that was tested for destruction
+ varName ='varName')
+ # For each statement in the if-body, check validity
+ for stmt in text.split(';'):
+ stmt = stmt.strip()
+ if not stmt:
+ continue
+ ht_destroy_match = RE_HT_DESTROY.match(stmt)
+ if ht_destroy_match:
+ if'varName') != varName:
+ _logger.error('cond %s != destroy %s' %
+ (varName,'varName')))
+ self.unknown_lines += line
+ return True
+ # Remember name for later destruction
+ self.ht_names.append(varName)
+ _logger.debug('Skipping line for ht destroy %s', varName)
+ continue
+ assignment_match = RE_ASSIGNMENT.match(stmt)
+ if assignment_match:
+ if'varName') == varName and \
+'value') in ('NULL', '0') and \
+ self._is_ht_name(varName):
+ # Ignore clearing variable for hash table
+ continue
+ _logger.warn('Unhandled if stmt: %s', stmt)
+ self.unknown_lines += line
+ return True
+ return True
+ def _is_ht_name(self, varName):
+ patt_ht_new = r'^\s*' + re.escape(varName) + r'\s*=\s*g_hash_table_new'
+ return, self.body, re.M) is not None
+ def get_indent(self):
+ indent_match ='^\n*([ \t]+)', self.body, re.M)
+ if not indent_match:
+ _logger.error('Could not detect indent level for %s!', funcName)
+ # XXX can this actually happen?
+ return ''
+ return
+ def _make_function(self, funcName, body, keep_trailer=False):
+ # "static void" funcName "(void) {" body "}\n"
+ begin, end = self.func_match.span()
+ f_begin, f_end = self.func_match.span('funcName')
+ b_begin, b_end = self.func_match.span('body')
+ context = self.func_match.string
+ code = ''
+ code += context[begin:f_begin] + funcName # "static void" funcName
+ code += context[f_end:b_begin] + '\n' # "(void) {\n"
+ code += body
+ # Strip comments in "}\n" unless requested otherwise (for init)
+ code += context[b_end:] if keep_trailer else '}\n'
+ return code
+ def make_cleanup_function(self, cleanupFuncName):
+ body = self._make_cleanup_function_body()
+ if not body:
+ return
+ code = self._make_function(cleanupFuncName, body)
+ _logger.debug('Emitting cleanup routine %s:\n%s', cleanupFuncName, code)
+ return code
+ def _make_cleanup_function_body(self):
+ body = ''
+ indent = self.get_indent()
+ for name in self.reassemble_names:
+ body += '%sreassembly_table_destroy(%s);\n' % (indent, name)
+ for name in self.ht_names:
+ body += '%sg_hash_table_destroy(%s);\n' % (indent, name)
+ return body
+ def make_init_function(self):
+ """Generates the stripped init routine."""
+ code = self._make_function(, self.lines_keep, keep_trailer=True)
+ assert code
+ _logger.debug('Emitting init routine %s:\n%s',, code)
+ # As the block is replaced, remember the context
+ begin, end = self.func_match.span()
+ context = self.func_match.string
+ return context[0:begin] + code + context[end:]
+class Source(object):
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.blocks = []
+ # map from function names to a tuple
+ # (blockIndex:int, func:Function, func_match:re.Match)
+ self.functions = {}
+ def parse_func(self, block, blockIndex):
+ """
+ Parses the code block. The blockIndex parameter is used for indexing the
+ functions.
+ """
+ # Quick sanity check (multiple names may show up as it matches
+ # prototypes and other functions with any number of parameters).
+ funcNames_guessed = RE_FUNCTION_HEADER.findall(block)
+ if not funcNames_guessed:
+ return
+ _logger.debug('Found functions %s', ', '.join(funcNames_guessed))
+ # Try to match the init function
+ func_match =
+ if not func_match:
+'No function body detected for %s',
+ ', '.join(funcNames_guessed))
+ return
+ # Try to parse everything from the function body
+ funcName ='funcName')
+ body ='body')
+ func = Function(funcName, body, func_match)
+ if funcName in self.functions:
+ _logger.error('Function %s is already known, overwriting!', funcName)
+ _logger.debug('Saving function %s', funcName)
+ self.functions[funcName] = (blockIndex, func, func_match)
+ def parse_block(self, block):
+ self.parse_func(block, len(self.blocks))
+ self.blocks.append(block)
+ def parse(self):
+ block = ''
+ # Pass 1: read file contents and extract functions
+ with open(self.filename) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ block += line
+ # Assume end of line / begin of block
+ # use heuristics to match:
+ # static void reset_dissector(void) { ...; }
+ if line.startswith('}') or (
+ line.startswith('static void') and
+ '(void)' in line and
+ line.endswith('}\n')
+ ):
+ self.parse_block(block)
+ block = ''
+ continue
+ # Remainder
+ if block:
+ self.parse_block(block)
+ block = ''
+ # Pass 2: find register_init_routine, append cleanup call and append
+ # cleanup function.
+ for blockIndex, block in enumerate(self.blocks):
+ if self.try_init_fix(block, blockIndex):
+ # Ok, cleanup routine is fixed.
+ return True
+ return False
+ def make_cleanup_name(self, funcName):
+ newName = funcName.replace('init', 'cleanup')
+ newName = newName.replace('setup', 'cleanup')
+ if funcName == newName:
+ _logger.error('Cannot create unique cleanup function name %s',
+ funcName)
+ return newName
+ def try_init_fix(self, block, blockIndex):
+ # Matches " register_init_routine (&foo_init);"
+ caller_match =
+ r'''
+ ^([ \t]*)register_init_routine\s*
+ \(\s* &? \s*(?P<name>\w+)\s* \);\n
+ ''', block, re.M | re.X)
+ if not caller_match:
+ # Sanity check
+ if'register_init_routine\s*\(', block):
+ _logger.error('Could not detect register_init_routine properly!')
+ return False # Continue searching
+ # Locate init function and generate matching cleanup function
+ funcName ='name')
+ cleanupFuncName = self.make_cleanup_name(funcName)
+ if not self.fix_cleanup_function(funcName, cleanupFuncName):
+ return
+ # Yields " register_cleanup_routine (&foo_cleanup);"
+ extra_line = \
+ .replace('register_init_routine', 'register_cleanup_routine') \
+ .replace(funcName, cleanupFuncName)
+ begin, end = caller_match.span()
+ self.blocks[blockIndex] = block[0:end] + extra_line + block[end:]
+ return True # Done searching
+ def fix_cleanup_function(self, funcName, cleanupFuncName):
+ if not funcName in self.functions:
+ _logger.error('Init routine %s not found!', funcName)
+ return False
+ if cleanupFuncName in self.functions:
+ _logger.error('Cleanup routine %s already exists!', cleanupFuncName)
+ return False
+ blockIndex, func, func_match = self.functions[funcName]
+ if not func.parse():
+ return False
+ initCode = func.make_init_function()
+ cleanupCode = func.make_cleanup_function(cleanupFuncName)
+ if not cleanupCode:
+ return False # Empty function
+ self.blocks[blockIndex] = initCode
+ self.blocks[blockIndex] += '\n' + cleanupCode
+ return True
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ''.join(self.blocks)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,
+ format='%(name)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
+ # Color!
+ for _level, _color in {
+ 'ERROR': 31,
+ 'WARNING': 33,
+ 'INFO': 37,
+ 'DEBUG': 34,
+ }.items():
+ logging.addLevelName(getattr(logging, _level),
+ '\033[%d;1m%s\033[m' % (_color, _level))
+ write_file = lambda f, data: sys.stdout.write(data)
+ args = sys.argv[1:]
+ if not args:
+ _logger.error('Usage: [-w] files..')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if args[0] == '-w':
+ args = args[1:]
+'Will write new files')
+ write_file = lambda f, data: open(f, 'w').write(data)
+ ok = None
+ for filename in args:
+ # Support aliasing files such as /dev/stdin:/dev/stdout
+ if ':' in filename:
+ filename_in, filename = filename.split(':', 1)
+ else:
+ filename_in = filename
+ # Linux-only hack: alias - as stdin or stdout
+ if filename_in == '-':
+ filename_in = '/dev/stdin'
+ if filename == '-':
+ filename = '/dev/stdout'
+ src = Source(filename_in)
+ if src.parse():
+ if ok is None:
+ ok = True
+ write_file(filename, str(src))
+ else:
+ ok = False
+ sys.exit(0 if ok else 1)