path: root/gen-cipher-test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gen-cipher-test')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gen-cipher-test b/gen-cipher-test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..73593b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gen-cipher-test
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+# Generate nginx config and HTML for testing ciphers
+# Author: Peter Wu <>
+# ssl-enabled ip:port, may occur multiple times space-separated
+# PORT will be replaced for a number that increments for every test
+listen="$address:4433 $address:PORT "
+get_ciphers() {
+ # output: index (n1 << 8 | n2) name version auth line
+ openssl ciphers -V | sort -n |
+ awk -F'[ ,]+' '{ print ++i, $2, $3, $5, $6, substr($8, 4), $0 }'
+htmlescape() {
+ sed 's/&/&amp;/g;s/</\&lt/g;s/>/\&gt;/g'
+#if [ ! -s "$html" ]; then
+if true; then # always generate file
+cat > "$html" <<EOF
+<!doctype html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>Cipher suite test</title>
+iframe {
+ width: 800px;
+ height: 1.5em;
+ display: block;
+label {
+ font-family: monospace;
+#openssl-version {
+ white-space: pre-line;
+ font-family: monospace;
+.cipher-unknown {
+ background-color: #ccc;
+.cipher-ok {
+ background-color: lightgreen;
+.cipher-nok {
+ background-color: pink;
+#hide-unknown:checked ~ #opts .cipher-unknown,
+#hide-nok:checked ~ #opts .cipher-nok,
+#hide-ok:checked ~ #opts .cipher-ok,
+#hide-checks:checked ~ #opts input[type=checkbox],
+#hide-frames:checked ~ #opts iframe {
+ display: none;
+<div id="openssl-version">
+$(openssl version -a | htmlescape)
+<form id="frm" action="javascript:">
+ <label><input type="checkbox" id="toggle-all">Toggle all</label>
+ <button id="delayed_executor">Check boxes (delayed)</button>
+ <input type="checkbox" id="hide-frames">
+ <label for="hide-frames">Hide frames</label>
+ <input type="checkbox" id="hide-checks">
+ <label for="hide-checks">Hide checkboxes</label>
+ <br>
+ Hide cipher suites:
+ <input type="checkbox" id="hide-unknown">
+ <label for="hide-unknown">Hide unknown</label>
+ <input type="checkbox" id="hide-nok">
+ <label for="hide-nok">Hide nok</label>
+ <input type="checkbox" id="hide-ok">
+ <label for="hide-ok">Hide ok</label>
+ <fieldset id="opts">
+ </fieldset>
+"use strict";
+var ciphers = [
+$(get_ciphers | while read i n1 n2 name version auth line; do
+ printf '{number:%s, name:"%s", version:"%s", auth:"%s", port:%i},\n' \
+ $((n1*0x100+n2)) "$name" "$version" "$auth" $((portbase + i))
+var opts = document.getElementById("opts");
+var toggler = document.getElementById("toggle-all");
+var frame_path = "/";
+document.domain = "$domain";
+function frame_handler(ev) {
+ var ifr = document.getElementById("ifr-" + this.value);
+ var port = this.dataset.port;
+ var url = "//" + this.value + ".$domain:" + port + frame_path;
+ ifr.src = this.checked ? url : "";
+function toggle_handler(ev) {
+ var opts = document.getElementsByClassName("cipher-choices");
+ for (var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
+ if (this.checked != opts[i].checked)
+ opts[i].click();
+ }
+(function (trigger) {
+ var delayer = null;
+ var current_index;
+ var opts = document.getElementsByClassName("cipher-choices");
+ function stop_delayer() {
+ clearInterval(delayer);
+ delayer = null;
+ }
+ function delayed_opener() {
+ if (current_index < opts.length) {
+ if (!opts[current_index].checked)
+ opts[current_index].click();
+ current_index++;
+ } else {
+ stop_delayer();
+ toggler.checked = true;
+ }
+ }
+ function start_timer(interval) {
+ if (delayer) {
+ console.log("Timer already active");
+ return;
+ }
+ current_index = 0;
+ delayer = setInterval(delayed_opener, interval);
+ }
+ trigger.addEventListener("click", function (ev) {
+ var interval = parseInt(prompt("Delay (msec). 0 is stop", 300));
+ if (isNaN(interval) || interval < 0) {
+ console.log("Invalid interval - ignoring");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (interval > 0)
+ start_timer(interval);
+ else
+ stop_delayer();
+ });
+function get_container_for_frame(ifr) {
+ return document.getElementById("ctr-" +"ifr-", ""));
+function frame_loaded() {
+ var ctr = get_container_for_frame(this);
+ var cipher = ctr.dataset.cipher.toLowerCase();
+ var cipherFound = null;
+ if (!this.src) {
+ return;
+ }
+ console.log("Loaded: " + this.src);
+ try {
+ var line = this.contentDocument.body.firstChild.textContent;
+ cipherFound = line.toLowerCase().indexOf(cipher) != -1;
+ console.log("looking for '" + cipher + "' in: " + line);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ console.log(ex);
+ }
+ if (cipherFound === null) {
+ ctr.className = "cipher-unknown";
+ } else if (cipherFound) {
+ ctr.className = "cipher-ok";
+ } else {
+ ctr.className = "cipher-nok";
+ }
+function frame_error() {
+ var ctr = get_container_for_frame(this);
+ console.log("Error while loading: " + this.src);
+ ctr.className = "cipher-nok";
+toggler.addEventListener("change", toggle_handler);
+ciphers.forEach(function (cipher, i) {
+ var container = document.createElement("div");
+ = "ctr-" +;
+ container.dataset.cipher =;
+ container.className = "cipher-unknown";
+ var hexid = "0x" + ("000" + cipher.number.toString(16)).substr(-4).toUpperCase();
+ var lbl = document.createElement("label");
+ = "lbl-" +;
+ lbl.textContent = hexid + " " + + " (" + cipher.version +
+ ", Au=" + cipher.auth + ") #" + i;
+ var opt = document.createElement("input");
+ opt.type = "checkbox";
+ opt.value =;
+ opt.dataset.port = cipher.port;
+ opt.className = "cipher-choices";
+ opt.addEventListener("change", frame_handler);
+ lbl.insertBefore(opt, lbl.firstChild);
+ var ifr = document.createElement("iframe");
+ = "ifr-" +;
+ ifr.onload = frame_loaded;
+ ifr.onerror = frame_error;
+ container.appendChild(ifr);
+ container.appendChild(lbl);
+ opts.appendChild(container);
+# Begin nginx config generator
+get_common() {
+ local auth=$1
+ local port=${2:-$portbase}
+ local crtfile keyfile dhpfile
+ case $auth in
+ RSA)
+ crtfile=$rsa_pub
+ keyfile=$rsa_prv
+ ;;
+ # Note: NSS does not support all cipher suites from OpenSSL, but OpenSSL
+ # cannot work with ECDH-RSA using th below certificates.
+ crtfile=$ecc_pub
+ keyfile=$ecc_prv
+ #dhpfile=$dh_params
+ ;;
+ DSS)
+ crtfile=$dsa_pub
+ keyfile=$dsa_prv
+ ;;
+ crtfile=$ecc_pub
+ keyfile=$ecc_prv
+ #dhpfile=$dh_params
+ ;;
+ PSK)
+ #echo "Unknown Au=$auth - using RSA" >&2
+ crtfile=$rsa_pub
+ keyfile=$rsa_prv
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unknown Au=$auth - using RSA" >&2
+ crtfile=$rsa_pub
+ keyfile=$rsa_prv
+ ;;
+ esac
+ local listens l
+ listens=$(echo ${listen//PORT/$port} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')
+ for l in $listens; do
+ echo " listen $l ssl;"
+ done
+cat <<EOF
+ ssl_certificate $pkdir$crtfile;
+ ssl_certificate_key $pkdir$keyfile;
+ [ -z "$dhpfile" ] || cat <<EOF
+ ssl_dhparam $pkdir$dhpfile;
+cat <<EOF
+ ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
+ expires epoch;
+ keepalive_timeout 0s;
+ root $root;
+cat <<EOF
+server {
+$(get_common RSA)
+ default_type "text/plain";
+ access_log off;
+ return 200 "Invalid host - is SNI enabled?";
+server {
+$(get_common RSA)
+ server_name $domain www.$domain;
+# WARNING: BROKEN CONFIG for server blocks sharing same listen address and port.
+# If SNI is not available, the first server block will be loaded for
+# certificates and ciphers. Once the host (via Host header) is known, it will
+# return the "OK" response.
+get_ciphers |
+while read i n1 n2 name version auth line; do
+ num=$(($n1*0x100 + $n2)) # 49169
+ hex=$n1${n2:2} # 0xC011
+ cat <<EOF
+server { # cipher suite #$i
+$(get_common $auth $((portbase+i)))
+ server_name ${hex,,}.$domain $num.$domain ${name,,}.$domain;
+ ssl_ciphers -ALL:$name;
+ #ssl_protocols $version;
+ default_type "text/html";
+ access_log off;
+ location = / {
+ return 200 "$line<script>document.domain='$domain'</script>";
+ }
+cat <<EOF
+# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4: