path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines update PDU tags, register DLTHEADmasterPeter Wu1-21/+24
Updated the PDU tags based on Wireshark v4.1.0rc0-197-ge5951765d8 with: grep -Pe '#define EXP_PDU_TAG\S+?(?<!_LEN)\s+\d+' wsutil/exported_pdu_tlvs.h | awk '{print $2, $3}' | column -t Register the Data Link Type (DLT) to fix a warning during wrpcap: WARNING: Inconsistent linktypes detected! The resulting file might contain invalid packets. Remove unusd TagField structure.
2017-11-09Add, a layer for ScapyPeter Wu1-0/+121
Can be imported as Python module or used separately. Created at 2017-04-23 for converting oss-fuzz reproducers into an actual pcap.