path: root/conntrack-restore
diff options
authorPeter Wu <>2015-12-15 22:21:25 +0100
committerPeter Wu <>2015-12-15 22:22:27 +0100
commit5a90a7d7b3a7d416f1a7ce735456f6796a871e59 (patch)
treed467e5e647603232470dca6a5766a3f7e8b2e08e /conntrack-restore
parenta83e5ab8eefacd69d255ecb35cf7b497aa3cae6d (diff)
conntrack-restore: remember connection state
Useful when a network interface goes down and up again, this keeps connections such as SSH alive. Created 2015-11-02
Diffstat (limited to 'conntrack-restore')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/conntrack-restore b/conntrack-restore
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..14a0401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conntrack-restore
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Restore conntrack entries from XML.
+ sudo conntrack -L -o xml > ct.xml
+ # interface down / up: nmcli c up ConnectionNameHere
+ ~/scripts/conntrack-restore ct.xml | sudo sh -x
+Arch Linux package dependencies:
+ python-lxml conntrack-tools
+import lxml.etree as ET
+import sys
+import shlex
+VERBOSE = False
+options = []
+def O(short_option, long_option, path, attr=None, text=None):
+ prefix, path = path.split("/", 1)
+ directions = {
+ "O": "original",
+ "R": "reply",
+ "I": "independent",
+ }
+ prefix = "meta[%s]" % " or ".join(
+ "@direction='%s'" % directions[d] for d in prefix
+ )
+ path = "%s/%s" % (prefix, path)
+ options.append({
+ "option": long_option if VERBOSE or not short_option else short_option,
+ "path": path,
+ "attr": attr,
+ "text": text,
+ })
+# Filter parameters
+O("-s", "--orig-src", "O/layer3/src")
+O("-d", "--orig-dst", "O/layer3/dst")
+O("-r", "--reply-src", "R/layer3/src")
+O("-q", "--reply-dst", "R/layer3/dst")
+O("-p", "--proto", "OR/layer4", attr="protoname")
+O("-t", "--timeout", "I/timeout")
+O("-m", "--mark", "I/mark")
+# TODO -l --label
+O("-c", "--secmark", "I/secmark")
+O("-u", "--status", "I/assured", text="ASSURED")
+O("-u", "--status", "I/unreplied", text="SEEN_REPLY")
+# Protocol filter parameters
+O(None, "--state", "I/state")
+O(None, "--sport", "O/layer4/sport")
+O(None, "--dport", "O/layer4/dport")
+O(None, "--reply-port-src", "R/layer4/sport")
+O(None, "--reply-port-dst", "R/layer4/dport")
+if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+ ct_root = ET.parse(sys.argv[1]).getroot()
+ # XML has encoding attr, lxml expects bytes.
+ conntrack_xml ='utf8')
+ ct_root = ET.fromstring(conntrack_xml)
+for flow in ct_root.iter("flow"):
+ arguments = []
+ for option in options:
+ option_name, path = option["option"], option["path"]
+ elements = flow.xpath(path)
+ if not elements:
+ #print("El not found: %s", path)
+ continue
+ e = elements[0]
+ if option["text"]:
+ text = option["text"]
+ elif option["attr"]:
+ text = e.attrib[option["attr"]]
+ else:
+ text = e.text
+ arguments += (option_name, text)
+ arguments[0:0] = [
+ "conntrack",
+ "--insert" if VERBOSE else "-I"
+ ]
+ command = " ".join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in arguments)
+ print(command)