path: root/pages/studying.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'pages/studying.html')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/pages/studying.html b/pages/studying.html
index 59a64cd..93f3666 100644
--- a/pages/studying.html
+++ b/pages/studying.html
@@ -1,30 +1,47 @@
-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et mollis lacus.
-Fusce rhoncus magna vel euismod scelerisque. Ut faucibus turpis eu dui mollis
-accumsan. Sed id varius ipsum, a pharetra nisi. Donec porttitor sapien id
-volutpat rutrum. Curabitur tincidunt nisi ut imperdiet varius. Nulla dignissim
-nunc vel sem rhoncus malesuada. Proin in bibendum lectus. Donec porta velit eu
-vulputate faucibus. Donec volutpat tristique sagittis. Proin et facilisis arcu,
-ut viverra neque. Fusce vel aliquam nunc. Vestibulum faucibus eleifend
+The TU/e offers an <a href="#">arrangement</a> with which you will be provided a
+notebook by the university for a big discount. These notebooks are currently
+offered by Hewlett-Packard, a notebook company that always delivers quality
+notebooks. Every year the state of the art machine with strong performance and
+a firm housing will be chosen and offered to the students. You are not obliged
+to get the notebook arrangement from the TU/e, but with this offer all the
+software that you will need in your study will be pre-installed so you can start
+from the go!
+Next to the notebook, there is also an opportunity to buy a clicker which is
+used a lot on the TU/e during the lectures.
+The lectures that you will follow will be distributed over the campus. For
+example, you will be following lectures from a certain course in the auditorium
+and the lectures from another course will be given at the paviljoen.
-In ipsum dolor, malesuada non interdum vitae, accumsan et risus. Aliquam
-eleifend augue in enim gravida rhoncus a vel mi. Sed non ex eros. Morbi dapibus
-condimentum lacus non tempus. Vestibulum eget molestie ex. Pellentesque nunc
-neque, pulvinar eget massa eu, malesuada lacinia purus. Nam a tempor metus.
-Curabitur ornare consectetur dui sed tincidunt. Morbi quis volutpat urna, sed
-hendrerit orci. Sed mauris nisl, laoreet eu ex eget, pellentesque elementum
-elit. Curabitur lobortis metus nec felis condimentum cursus.
+The clicker will be used during several courses. This is a little device that
+can be used to answer multiple questions presented during lectures. It’s
+possible that you will have to make some small quizzes during the lectures that
+will require you to answer with a clicker. So having a clicker is mandatory on
+the TU/e.
+In order to give you an insight in the lectures of the TU/e, we provided you with a demo lecture
-Aliquam dignissim ipsum ac metus hendrerit, a facilisis enim varius. Maecenas
-nisi erat, sodales non mauris et, varius varius justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
-amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur mattis facilisis semper. Morbi
-feugiat sagittis sem a congue. Morbi maximus vehicula faucibus. Suspendisse
-lacinia mattis sagittis. Proin id feugiat ligula. Sed lorem augue, faucibus
-vitae tristique a, congue et nibh. Vestibulum justo erat, dictum in vehicula ac,
-venenatis sit amet ipsum.
+Eindhoven is one of the most bruising cities in the Netherlands and even with
+its high tech profile, a lot of student houses and apartments are relatively
+cheap compared to those the biggest Dutch cities. Searching for a place can be
+done by asking around, subscribing to websites where free rooms are offered by
+other inhabitants or through a large student housing organisation called <a
+The TU/e campus is located within the ring road which means it’s close to the
+center of Eindhoven. It can thus easily be reached from any direction which can
+already be noticed by simply glancing over the available houses and apartments.