path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 666 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..40ef5cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Compiles C into assembly for the practicum processor (PP2)
+All rights reserved, you may not redistribute or use this program without prior
+permission from Peter Wu or Xander Houtman. Use of this program is entirely
+your own risk. In no circumstances can the authors of this program be held
+responsible for any damage including, but not limited to, financial damage or
+data loss. Modification of this program is not allowed without prior
+permission. The generated output (assembly and messages) are not subject to
+this license.
+import sys
+from pycparser import c_parser, c_ast
+__author__ = "Peter Wu"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2011, Peter Wu"
+__credits__ = ["Peter Wu", "Xander Houtman"]
+__license__ = "Proprietary"
+__version__ = "1.0"
+__maintainer__ = "Peter Wu"
+__email__ = ""
+parser = c_parser.CParser()
+class Registers(object):
+ """Register related functions
+ Some functions were supposed to optimize things (alloc and free), but it's
+ not implemented
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ # which registers are in use?
+ self.registers = {}
+ for reg in range(0, 8):
+ self.registers[str(reg)] = False
+ def alloc(self):
+ """Retrieves a register which is marked unused and marks it as in use"""
+ for register in range(0, 6):
+ # find a free register
+ if not self.registers[register]:
+ self.registers[register] = True
+ return "R" + register
+ raise RuntimeError("No free registers are available")
+ def free(self, register):
+ """Marks a register as unused
+ Keyword arguments:
+ register -- a register in the format Rn where 0 <= n < 8
+ """
+ # remove leading R
+ register = register[1:]
+ if self.registers[register]:
+ self.registers[register] = False;
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("free() of unused register")
+ def get_register(self, text):
+ """Retrieve the first register from a binary instruction"""
+ text = text.strip()
+ # ignore commented lines
+ if text.startswith(";"):
+ return None
+ # skip labels if any
+ text = text.upper().split(":", 1)[-1]
+ # exclude the first operand, e.g. LOAD
+ text = text.lstrip(" ").split(" ", 1)[-1]
+ # retieve the first element before the next space, e.g. R0
+ text = text.lstrip(" ").split(" ", 1)[0]
+ # is it a register?
+ if len(text) == 2 and text[0] == "R" and text[1] in self.registers:
+ return text
+ # out of luck
+ return None
+ def find_register(self, instructions_list, fatal=False):
+ """Finds the last modified register in a list of instructions"""
+ for line in reversed(instructions_list):
+ reg = self.get_register(line)
+ if reg:
+ return reg
+ if fatal:
+ raise RuntimeError("No register found in instructions list")
+ return None
+class Asm(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.level = 0
+ def format_line(self, line, label="", indent_size=-1):
+ """Returns an indented line optionally prefixed with label"""
+ if indent_size < 0:
+ indent_size = 8 + self.level * 4
+ if label:
+ indent_size -= len(label) + 2
+ if indent_size >= 0:
+ label += ": "
+ else:
+ label += ":"
+ # whitespace is generated if indent_size > 0
+ indent = indent_size * " "
+ return indent + label + line
+ def binary_op(self, binop, reg, operand, label=""):
+ # output format: BBBB RR OO...
+ return self.format_line("{:<4} {:<2} {}".format(binop, reg, operand), label)
+ def unary_op(self, unop, operand, label=""):
+ # output format: UUUU OO...
+ return self.format_line("{:<4} {}".format(unop, operand), label)
+ def branch_op(self, brop, branch_label, label=""):
+ # output format: BBB LL...
+ return self.format_line("{:<4} {}".format(brop, branch_label), label)
+ def push(self, register, label=""):
+ return self.format_line("PUSH " + register, label)
+ def pull(self, register):
+ return self.format_line("PULL " + register)
+ def insert_label(self, instruction, label):
+ new_instruction = instruction.lstrip(" ")
+ indent_size = len(instruction) - len(new_instruction)
+ return self.format_line(new_instruction, label, indent_size)
+ def noop(self, label, register="R0"):
+ """Returns a labelled no operation operator
+ Note that the Zero, Negative and oVerflow flags are modified
+ """
+ return self.binary_op("LOAD", register, register, label)
+class LinkedNode(object):
+ """Stores nodes with a reference to the parent"""
+ def __init__(self, node, parent=None, level_increment=False):
+ self.node = node
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.function = None
+ self.level = 0
+ # inherit level from parent
+ if parent:
+ self.level = parent.level
+ if level_increment:
+ self.incrementLevel()
+ def incrementLevel(self):
+ self.level += 1
+ def getFunctionNode(self):
+ if isinstance(self.node, c_ast.FuncDef):
+ return self
+ if self.parent:
+ assert isinstance(self.parent, LinkedNode), "parent is not a LinkedNode!"
+ return self.parent.getFunctionNode()
+ return None
+ def setFunction(self, function):
+ """Sets the function object containing label information"""
+ self.function = function
+ def getLocation(self):
+ if hasattr(self.node, "coord"):
+ return self.node.coord
+ return "Unknown"
+class Function(object):
+ def __init__(self, node):
+ =
+ self.node = node
+ def labelBegin(self):
+ """Returns a label pointing to the begin of a function"""
+ return "fn_" +
+ def labelEnd(self):
+ """Returns a label pointing to the end of a function"""
+ return "fne_" +
+class Logger(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def warning(self, message, linked_node=None):
+ self.log(message, linked_node=linked_node, type="warning")
+ def log(self, message, linked_node=None, type="log"):
+ source = ""
+ if isinstance(linked_node, LinkedNode):
+ source = str(linked_node.getLocation()) + ": "
+ print type + ":" + source + message
+class Parse(object):
+ def __init__(self, filename, source=''):
+ if source is "":
+ file = open(filename, 'r')
+ source =
+ file.close()
+ self.node = parser.parse(source, filename=filename);
+ self.logger = Logger()
+ # word size in bits
+ self.WORDSIZE = 18
+ # preload operators and their instructions
+ self.binary_ops = {
+ "+": "ADD",
+ "-": "SUB",
+ "*": "MULS",
+ "/": "DIV",
+ "%": "MOD",
+ "&": "AND",
+ "|": "OR",
+ "^": "XOR"
+ }
+ self.comparison_ops = {
+ "<" : "BLT",
+ ">" : "BGT",
+ "<=": "BLE",
+ ">=": "BGE",
+ "==": "BEQ",
+ "!=": "BNE"
+ }
+ self.binary_ops.update(self.comparison_ops)
+ self.globalVars = []
+ self.functions = {}
+ self.codeSegment = []
+ self.labels = set()
+ # helper for asm code generation
+ self.asm = Asm()
+ # watches which registers are used and which are not
+ self.registers = Registers()
+ def show(self):
+ def uniqLbl(self, labelname):
+ """Generates an unique label name, save and return it"""
+ lbl = labelname
+ if labelname in self.labels:
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ lbl = labelname + "_" + str(i)
+ if not lbl in self.labels:
+ break
+ i += 1
+ self.addLabel(lbl)
+ return lbl
+ def addLabel(self, labelname):
+ if labelname in self.labels:
+ raise RuntimeError("Redefinition of label '{}'".format(labelname))
+ self.labels.add(labelname)
+ def compile(self):
+ """Loops through the nodes in an AST syntax tree and generates ASM"""
+ root_node = LinkedNode(self.node)
+ for thing in self.node.ext:
+ linked_node = LinkedNode(thing, root_node)
+ self.asm.level = linked_node.level
+ if isinstance(thing, c_ast.Decl):
+ self.defineGlobalVar(linked_node)
+ elif isinstance(thing, c_ast.FuncDef):
+ self.defineFunction(linked_node)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("I don't know a node in the global scope: " + str(thing))
+ def getSource(self):
+ """Retrieves the ASM source. You need to compile it first"""
+ self.addSource("@DATA")
+ for varName in self.globalVars:
+ padding = " " * (16 - len(varName) - 1)
+ self.addSource(varName + padding + " DW 1")
+ self.addSource()
+ self.addSource("@CODE")
+ for line in self.codeSegment:
+ self.addSource(line)
+ self.addSource()
+ self.addSource()
+ self.addSource("@END")
+ def addSource(self, line=''):
+ print line
+ def defineGlobalVar(self, linked_node):
+ varname =
+ self.globalVars.append(varname)
+ def defineFunction(self, linked_node):
+ node = linked_node.node
+ linked_node.incrementLevel()
+ self.asm.level = linked_node.level
+ funcname =
+ if funcname in self.functions:
+ raise RuntimeError("Redefinition of function '{}'".format(funcname))
+ function = self.functions[funcname] = Function(node)
+ lbl_func = function.labelBegin()
+ lbl_end = function.labelEnd()
+ self.addLabel(lbl_func)
+ self.addLabel(lbl_end)
+ linked_node.setFunction(function)
+ self.codeSegment.append(self.asm.noop(lbl_func))
+ stmts = self.parseStatement(node.body, linked_node)
+ self.asm.level = linked_node.level
+ for stmt in stmts:
+ self.codeSegment.append(stmt)
+ # functions other than main() are subroutines
+ #if funcname != "main":
+ # since main should never be left, add the instruction anyway.
+ # Otherwise, it'd crash anyway because it loops into the stack (if it
+ # had not crashed before)
+ self.codeSegment.append(self.asm.format_line("RTS", label=lbl_end))
+ # add an extra newline
+ self.codeSegment.append("")
+ def functionLabel(self, name):
+ if name in self.functions:
+ function = self.functions[name]
+ return function.labelBegin()
+ # name not found :? perhaps an external declaration
+ lbl = "fn_" + name
+ self.logger.warning("call to undefined function, assuming label '{}'".format(lbl))
+ return lbl
+ def parseCompound(self, linked_node):
+ linked_node.incrementLevel()
+ lines = []
+ for cn in linked_node.node.block_items:
+ lines += self.parseStatement(cn, linked_node)
+ return lines
+ def parseBinaryLogicalOp(self, linked_node):
+ """Returns lines of assembly for a logical OR or AND operation
+ ASM for logical OR:
+ operand1
+ BEQ fal ; if operand1 is false
+ operand2
+ BEQ fal ; if operand2 is false
+ tru:LOAD R0 1
+ BRA end
+ fal:LOAD R0 0
+ end:NOOP
+ ASM for logical AND:
+ operand1
+ BNE tru ; if operand1 is true
+ operand2
+ BNE tru ; if operand2 is true
+ fal:LOAD R0 0
+ BRA end
+ tru:LOAD R0 1
+ end:NOOP
+ """
+ node = linked_node.node
+ assert node.op in ("&&", "||"), "Expected a && or || operator, found '{}' instead".format(node.op)
+ isAnd = node.op == "&&"
+ reg_result = "R0"
+ lbl_false = self.uniqLbl("lOp_false")
+ lbl_true = self.uniqLbl("lOp_true")
+ lbl_end = self.uniqLbl("lOp_end")
+ # branch instruction to be inserted if && yields false or if || is true
+ if isAnd:
+ branch_early = self.asm.branch_op("BEQ", lbl_false)
+ else:
+ branch_early = self.asm.branch_op("BNE", lbl_true)
+ result_true = self.asm.binary_op("LOAD", reg_result, 1, label=lbl_true)
+ result_false = self.asm.binary_op("LOAD", reg_result, 0, label=lbl_false)
+ lines = self.parseStatement(node.left, linked_node, level_increment=True)
+ lines.append(branch_early)
+ lines += self.parseStatement(node.right, linked_node, level_increment=True)
+ lines.append(branch_early)
+ # fix indentation
+ self.asm.level = linked_node.level
+ # if 'true && true' or 'false || false'
+ if isAnd:
+ lines.append(result_true)
+ else:
+ lines.append(result_false)
+ lines.append(self.asm.branch_op("BRA", lbl_end))
+ # if 'false && x' or 'true && false' or 'x || true' or 'true || x'
+ if isAnd:
+ lines.append(result_false)
+ else:
+ lines.append(result_true)
+ lines.append(self.asm.noop(lbl_end, reg_result))
+ return lines
+ def parseBinaryOp(self, linked_node):
+ node = linked_node.node
+ lines = []
+ if node.op in self.binary_ops:
+ op = self.binary_ops[node.op]
+ elif node.op in ("&&", "||"):
+ return self.parseBinaryLogicalOp(linked_node)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Binary op is not implemented yet: " + node.op)
+ # process the first operand, the result is likely in R0 or R1
+ ops_first = self.parseStatement(node.left, linked_node, level_increment=True)
+ assert len(ops_first), "Empty operand for binary operation (first part)"
+ lines += ops_first
+ reg_first = self.registers.find_register(ops_first, fatal=True)
+ # fix indentation after running parseStatement
+ self.asm.level = linked_node.level
+ # optimization, but this should probably be done afterwards
+ if isinstance(node.right, c_ast.Constant):
+ operand = self.convertInteger(node=node.right)
+ else:
+ lines.append(self.asm.push(reg_first))
+ ops_second = self.parseStatement(node.right, linked_node, level_increment=True)
+ assert len(ops_second), "Empty operand for binary operation (second part)"
+ lines += ops_second
+ # the register storing the result of the second operand
+ reg_second = self.registers.find_register(ops_second, fatal=True)
+ operand = reg_second
+ # since we use the stack for calculations, we can use less
+ # registers: R0 and R1
+ if reg_second == "R0":
+ reg_first = "R1"
+ else:
+ reg_first = "R0"
+ # put the data back in the free register
+ lines.append(self.asm.pull(reg_first))
+ # perform binary operation
+ if node.op in self.comparison_ops:
+ bin_end = self.uniqLbl("cmpEnd")
+ bin_true = self.uniqLbl("cmpTrue")
+ lines.append(self.asm.binary_op("CMP", reg_first, operand))
+ # a comparison is more likely to be true, so optimize for that:
+ # true will follow the path CMP - <BOP> - LOAD - NOOP, where false
+ # will follow: CMP - <BOP> - LOAD - BRA - NOOP. This just happened
+ # to be the easiest to implement, so don't blame me for premature
+ # optimization ;)
+ lines.append(self.asm.branch_op(op, bin_true))
+ lines.append(self.asm.binary_op("LOAD", reg_first, 0))
+ lines.append(self.asm.branch_op("BRA", bin_end))
+ lines.append(self.asm.binary_op("LOAD", reg_first, 1, label=bin_true))
+ lines.append(self.asm.noop(bin_end, register=reg_first))
+ else:
+ lines.append(self.asm.binary_op(op, reg_first, operand))
+ return lines
+ def parseUnaryOp(self, linked_node):
+ """Returns lines of assembly for unary operators
+ Supported operators are logical negation, one's complement (bitwise
+ NOT), plus and minus
+ ASM for logical NOT:
+ operand
+ BEQ fal ; if operand is false
+ tru:LOAD R0 1
+ BRA end
+ fal:LOAD R0 0
+ end:NOOP
+ """
+ op = linked_node.node.op
+ # first fetch the operand
+ lines = self.parseStatement(linked_node.node.expr, linked_node)
+ # determine the register in which the result is stored
+ reg = self.registers.find_register(lines, fatal=True)
+ if op == "+":
+ # K&R A7.4.4 "[the unary +] was added for symmetry with unary -"
+ pass
+ elif op == "-":
+ lines.append(self.asm.binary_op("MULS", reg, "-1"))
+ elif op == "~":
+ # XXX unsigned vs signed integers. Assume signed for now
+ mask = "1" * (self.WORDSIZE - 1)
+ lines.append(self.asm.binary_op("XOR", reg, "%0" + mask))
+ elif op == "!":
+ lbl_false = self.uniqLbl("not_false")
+ lbl_true = self.uniqLbl("not_true")
+ lbl_end = self.uniqLbl("not_end")
+ # assume that the status words of the registers describes the value
+ # of the expression
+ lines.append(self.asm.branch_op("BEQ", lbl_false))
+ lines.append(self.asm.binary_op("LOAD", reg, 1, label=lbl_true))
+ lines.append(self.asm.branch_op("BRA", lbl_end))
+ lines.append(self.asm.binary_op("LOAD", reg, 0, label=lbl_false))
+ lines.append(self.asm.noop(lbl_end, register=reg))
+ elif op == "--":
+ lines.append(self.asm.binary_op("SUB", reg, 1))
+ elif op == "++":
+ lines.append(self.asm.binary_op("ADD", reg, 1))
+ elif op == "&":
+ raise RuntimeError("Address operator '&' is not supported.")
+ elif op == "*":
+ # XXX support writing to addresses? (IOAREA)
+ raise RuntimeError("Indirection operator '*' is not supported.")
+ elif op == "sizeof":
+ raise RuntimeError("Sizeof operator 'sizeof' is not supported.")
+ elif op == "p++" or op == "p--":
+ # XXX postfix/prefix
+ raise RuntimeError("Post-inc or post-dec is not supported (yet?).")
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Unknown unary operator '{}'".format(op))
+ return lines
+ def convertInteger(self, value=None, node=None):
+ if value is None:
+ if isinstance(node, c_ast.Constant) and node.type == "int":
+ value = node.value
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Value is not given and node is not a valid integer constant")
+ value = value.upper()
+ if "LL" in value: # long long integer, ignore
+ value = value.replace("LL", "", 1)
+ elif "L" in value: # long integer, ignore
+ value = value.replace("L", "", 1)
+ if "U" in value: # unsigned integer, ignore for now
+ value = value.replace("U", "", 1)
+ if value.startswith("0X"):
+ value = value[2:]
+ if len(value) == 5:
+ # highest possible value is 3FFFF, so adding a zero would not make sense
+ value = "$" + value
+ else:
+ value = "$0" + value
+ elif value.startswith("0"):
+ # octal numbers are not understood by PP2 assembly, therefore convert it
+ value = str(int(value, 8))
+ return value
+ def convertStrToInteger(self, str):
+ """Converts a PP2 assembly integer string to an integer"""
+ str = str.upper()
+ if str.startswith("$"):
+ return int(str[1:], 16)
+ elif str.startswith("%"):
+ return int(str[1:], 8)
+ return int(str, 10)
+ def parseConstant(self, linked_node, register="R0"):
+ node = linked_node.node
+ if node.type == "int":
+ value = self.convertInteger(node.value)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Unsupported constant type: " + node.type)
+ return [self.asm.binary_op("LOAD", register, value)]
+ def parseID(self, linked_node):
+ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented yet: symbolic names")
+ def parseIf(self, linked_node):
+ linked_node.incrementLevel()
+ node = linked_node.node
+ lbl_if = self.uniqLbl("if") # if
+ lbl_th = self.uniqLbl("th") # then
+ if node.iffalse:
+ lbl_end = lbl_el = self.uniqLbl("el") # else
+ else:
+ lbl_end = lbl_fi = self.uniqLbl("fi") # endif
+ lines = self.parseStatement(node.cond, linked_node)
+ # unused label, but insert it for clearness if possible
+ if len(lines) > 0:
+ if not self.asm.has_label(lines[0]):
+ lines[0] = self.asm.insert_label(lines[0], lbl_if)
+ # if cond is zero, go to else (BEQ branches if Z=0). Do not use CMP
+ lines.append(self.asm.branch_op("BEQ", lbl_end))
+ # if true...
+ then_block = self.parseStatement(node.iftrue, linked_node)
+ # required label, so insert a NOOP if necessary
+ if len(then_block) > 0:
+ if self.asm.has_label(then_block[0]):
+ lines.append(self.asm.noop(lbl_th))
+ else:
+ then_block[0] = self.asm.insert_label(then_block, lbl_th)
+ lines += then_block
+ lines.append(self.asm.branch_op("BRA", lbl_end))
+ # else...
+ if node.iffalse:
+ else_block = self.parseStatement(node.iffalse, linked_node)
+ if len(else_block) > 0:
+ if self.asm.has_label(else_block[0]):
+ lines.append(self.asm.noop(lbl_el))
+ else:
+ else_block[0] = self.asm.insert_label(else_block, lbl_el)
+ lines += else_block
+ # why branch if already at the end of the block? hmm
+ #lines.append(self.asm.branch_op("BRA", lbl_end))
+ lines.append(self.asm.noop(lbl_end))
+ return lines
+ def parseReturn(self, linked_node):
+ """Return from a function. For non-void functions the result is in R0"""
+ func_node = linked_node.getFunctionNode()
+ if not func_node:
+ raise RuntimeError("return not in function")
+ return_value = linked_node.node.expr
+ if return_value:
+ lines = self.parseStatement(return_value, linked_node)
+ else:
+ lines = []
+ if return_value:
+ reg = self.registers.find_register(lines, fatal=True)
+ # ensure that the return value is in R0 for consistency
+ if reg != "R0":
+ lines.append(self.asm.binary_op("LOAD", "R0", reg))
+ self.asm.level = linked_node.level - 1
+ lines.append(self.asm.branch_op("BRA", func_node.function.labelEnd()))
+ # don't do the below, it may not cleanup properly
+ #lines.append(self.asm.format_line("RTS"))
+ return lines
+ def parseFuncCall(self, linked_node):
+ # XXX function arguments
+ # is a c_ast.ID, the real function name is in name
+ funcname =
+ return [self.asm.branch_op("BRS", self.functionLabel(funcname))]
+ def parseCast(self, linked_node):
+ self.logger.warning("Found a type cast, but these are unsupported.", linked_node=linked_node)
+ return self.parseStatement(linked_node.node.expr, linked_node)
+ def parseStatement(self, node, parent_linked_node, level_increment=False):
+ linked_node = LinkedNode(node, parent_linked_node, level_increment=level_increment)
+ self.asm.level = linked_node.level
+ lines = []
+ if isinstance(node, c_ast.Assignment):
+ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented for type " + repr(node))
+ elif isinstance(node, c_ast.Decl):
+ self.defineGlobalVar(linked_node, parent_linked_node)
+ elif isinstance(node, c_ast.DoWhile):
+ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented for type " + repr(node))
+ elif isinstance(node, c_ast.ExprList):
+ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented for type " + repr(node))
+ elif isinstance(node, c_ast.For):
+ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented for type " + repr(node))
+ elif isinstance(node, c_ast.FuncDecl):
+ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented for type " + repr(node))
+ elif isinstance(node, c_ast.PtrDecl):
+ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented for type " + repr(node))
+ elif isinstance(node, c_ast.TernaryOp):
+ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented for type " + repr(node))
+ elif isinstance(node, c_ast.While):
+ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented for type " + repr(node))
+ else:
+ for entry in ("Compound", "BinaryOp", "If", "Constant", "ID",
+ "Return", "FuncCall", "UnaryOp", "Cast"):
+ if isinstance(node, getattr(c_ast, entry)):
+ lines += getattr(self, "parse" + entry)(linked_node)
+ break
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented and unknown: " + repr(node))
+ return lines
+ # currently, there is no difference between an expression and statement. This might
+ # change in the future
+ def parseExpression(self, node, parent):
+ pass
+ filename = sys.argv[1]
+ parse = Parse(filename)
+ if len(sys.argv) == 3:
+ #node.ext[0].ext[0].show()
+ else:
+ parse.compile()
+ parse.getSource()
+except c_parser.ParseError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ print "Parse error:" + str(e)