path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2013-10-19daemon: Restart upowerd when it crashesBastien Nocera1-0/+1
When UPower crashes, we would never notice the battery going flat because UPower clients aren't polling UPower, so won't autostart it. Instead we rely on systemd to restart us when we crash. libupower-glib also supports the client coming and going.
2012-08-08Add a Documentation tag to the service fileMatthias Clasen1-0/+1
Signed-off-by: Richard Hughes <>
2012-01-17Install a systemd service file if systemd is usedBenedikt Morbach1-0/+14
This makes dbus defer starting upowerd to systemd instead of doing it itself and thus puts the daemon under proper systemd supervision. Signed-off-by: Richard Hughes <>